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Finding a persons exact birth date

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jax Report 19 Dec 2011 22:40

Do you know if this person had any siblings and what their names were? or what the parents names were?



Flick Report 19 Dec 2011 22:15

Anyone still alive is likely to have been born AFTER the date when the mother's maiden name appeared on the index (1912) , so there should be no problem in identifying the correct birth


Kevin Report 19 Dec 2011 19:57

Thanks very much for the advice folks. I'm new to this and thought I would be able to find birth dates, marriage certificates, death certificates and anything else I needed. It's obviously not going to be that easy! I guess perseverance is the name of the game!

I believe the relative I am searching for is still alive. Can I still access their records?


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Dec 2011 05:17

be aware though that you have to spell names exactly as they are on the birth certificate, or GRO will tell you there is no match

eg, Julia instead of Julie is not a match.

similarly, Frances instead of Francis



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Dec 2011 18:06

Thank for clarifying IGP. I knew 3 years came into it somewhere :-)


InspectorGreenPen Report 17 Dec 2011 15:40

I have ordered without a ref and it is very straight forward, but be aware of the following:-

1. The search is for three years in total, not three either side. So they will search all of the yyyy you quote together with yyyy-1 and yyyy+1

2. It takes 28 days for certs to be posted out

3. In addition to the name of the person concerned, only specify additional info that you are reasonably certain of. Give alternative spellings if appropriate

4. If no match is found you get a full refund


Alan Report 17 Dec 2011 13:02

Hello Kevin, welcome to the Site. There are dozens of very experienced researchers here (tho not me) only too willing to help. If you 'post' some detail you'll be surprised what they can find. Good luck.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Dec 2011 11:35

You could look for a baptism record - as well as giving the parents Christian names (and Father's surname, but not mother's maiden name) some registers will also record the child's d.o.b

Edit - to get GRO to identify the correct record, I *think* you don't give the ref as advised. Instead you give a birth year, or if it wants birth date put 01/01/yyyy and specify a parents name. They will then search 3 years either side until they find one which matches. You may be able to specify reg district. If the names don't exactly match on the cert, there is a possibility that they won't send it.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 17 Dec 2011 11:22

You can order the cert from the GRO without the GRO ref .it will cost a little more but yo can specify details that if matched they will send the cert. If you arent sure of the dob then it may be better to quote one of the of the parents names .

I havent ordered this way but have read it can be done .

Or you may find it better to get the cert from the local register office where they will look at the details and send the right one


Kevin Report 17 Dec 2011 11:11

I am trying to find an ancestors exact birth date. I have found a match in the birth records section but this only gives the year and quarter of registration. How can I find the exact date of birth? Do I have to apply for and buy a birth certificate? the problem I have is, there are two people with teh same name born in the same town, registered in teh same quarter and I can't tell which may be my ancestor and which isn't. I think I know the exact birth date so could use this to know which is my ancestor.