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1871 census / marriage why can't I find them?

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~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 12 Jan 2012 13:59

I cannot find a family in 1871 and I cannot find their marriage either. Can anyone help please?

They are:-

Edward Stokes b 1843 Birmingham Brass Dresser
Marion Stokes (maiden name Godfrey) b 1852 London
Lily M Stokes b 1870 Birmingham.

I have searched for their marrion on free bmd with no luck. I have even tried using a variety of spellings for Marion / Mary ann etc and all areas with no luck.

I have Lily's birth certificate which confirms her mother's maiden name of Godfrey, I also have lily's marriage cert which again confirms her father's name.

I have them in 1881 only. I have looked for Edward in 1861 and think I may have found him, although his occupation is Iron bedstead smith (think it's close enough to brass finisher. But as I don't have his marriage cert I do not know his parents names, so can't be sure this is him.

Can anyone help?

Thanks Lou


Penny Report 12 Jan 2012 14:27

May not have been a first marriage for Marion-

Was lilly their first born?

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 12 Jan 2012 14:39

Hi Penny,

I think you mean Edward (may not have been Edwards 1st marriage) yes I did think of that and had been loking for a much later marriage with no luck too. I also tried the Latter Day Saints with no luck.

Lily was their 1st born child, followed by William b 1876 Wolverhampton, I've also tried looking for him.

I did find a close match to Edward with a possible 1st wife, his occupation in 1871 was Brass caster, his wife was Eliza and a daughter named Sarah Ann 1 year old.



Can't be him as I found the above (Edward & Eliza )family in 1881 with more children


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 12 Jan 2012 14:49


STOKES, Edward Head Married M 38 1843 Brass Dresser
Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, Marian Wife Married F 29 1852
Middlesex VIEW
STOKES, Lily M Daughter Single F 9 1872 Scholar
Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, William Son Single M 5 1876 Scholar
Staffordshire VIEW
SENIOR, William Lodger Single M 25 1856 Carriage Trimmer
Yorkshire VIEW
RIVETTE, Mark W Lodger Single M 45 1836 Coach Trimmer (Rcm)
G Yarmouth
Norfolk VIEW
2962 Folio:
89 Page:
41 Registration District:
Kings Norton

Civil Parish:
Harborne (Stafford) Municipal Borough:
Middlemore Rd, Harborne (Stafford) County:


Penny Report 12 Jan 2012 14:49

No, I meant His bride might have married him as something other than Godfrey - that she'd been married before- hence the lack of Stokes/Godfrey marraige


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 12 Jan 2012 15:01

I can only find 2 Edward Stokes on the 1871 census b1843 Warwickshie

STOKES, Edward Jas Head M 28 1843 Warwickshire VIEW [You have previously viewed this record]
STOKES, Maria Wife F 27 1844 Warwickshire VIEW [You have previously viewed this record]
STOKES, Amy Louisa Daughter F 2 1869 Warwickshire VIEW [You have previously viewed this record]
3180 Folio:
123 Page:
31 Registration District:

Civil Parish:
Holy Trinity Municipal Borough:
Coventry Address:
Raglan Street, Holy Trinity, Coventry County:

STOKES, Edward Head M 60 1811 Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, Mary Wife F 60 1811 Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, Frances Daughter F 29 1842 Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, Edward Bradney Son M 28 1843 Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, Joseph Son M 26 1845 Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, Harry Son M 20 1851 Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, Samuel Son M 18 1853 Warwickshire VIEW
STOKES, James Albert Son M 15 1856 Warwickshire VIEW
3154 Folio:
61 Page:
15 Registration District:

Civil Parish:
Aston Municipal Borough:
Villa Street, Aston County:

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 12 Jan 2012 15:36

Hi Lesley,

Sorry for the delay - couldn't get back earlier as had telephone call.

Yes that's them in 1871 with my gt grandmother Lily M Stokes.

I don't think either of those families on 1881 census are them at all, but thanks.

Hi Penny,

I don't think his wife could have been married before as she was born in 1852 and had her 1st child in 1870 making her just 18 when she gave birth. As her husband was 11 yrs older it's more likely him that's been married before. But I still can't find them on any other census or any marriage. :-(

Thanks again though,

Regards, Lou


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 12 Jan 2012 19:18

Hi Lou
Like you I can't find anything other than what you already know
:-S :-S :-S