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Lancaster Lunatic Assylum

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was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 13 Jan 2012 15:20

If you search this site, it will tell you what patient records, if any, are available for the Asylum for the period you're interested in.


Iain Report 13 Jan 2012 13:21

great info maddie, many thanks


Maddie Report 13 Jan 2012 12:31

is this it
Lancashire County Asylum (Lancaster)

Administrative records go back to 1810

Opened 28.7.1816 - 4th County Asylum built in England. Accommodation for about 160 patients
Architect: Thomas Standen
Peter Cracknell classifies it as Corridor form, although the logic of his analysis might suggest Early form, later adapted to corridor.
Simon Cornwall: says 1840 Architect unknown: which suggests some re-building or new building.
Superintendent 1844: Samuel Gaskell. Surgeon (Be

came a Lunacy Commissioner).
1.1.1844: 611 patients. All pauper. 1844? 10.3% of patients epileptic
Weekly charge for paupers:: 6/- including clothes. Sometimes received Welsh paupers. The charge for them was 10/6 a week (1844 Welsh Report pp 5-6).
House Surgeon from about 1850: John Davies Cleaton
1858 Report 181 patients had been refused for want of room
1881 Census: County Lunatic Asylum Lancaster, Lancaster Moor, Lancaster, Lancashire. Assistant medical officers (both physicians): James Cunningham Russell, aged 37, and Alexander Hanbrison, aged 32. Matron: Charlotte Stacey, aged 37 and Assistant Matron: Ann Smith, aged 48 (all unmarried).
Picture of County Asylum Lancaster (no date) on Rossbret site (archive)
Peter Cracknell: Extended 1882 by A.V. Kershaw (architect). Peter Cracknell:
1889 D. M. Cassidy, M.D., Lancaster, Superintendent of the County Lunatic Asylum.
Peter Dutton, Lancaster, Clerk and Steward of the County Lunatic Asylum.
25.10.1904 Postcard from Lancaster of the County Asylum Annexe Lancaster
Ridge Lea annexe opened in the 1920s.
Lancaster County Mental Hospital by 1929. Then (from 1948?):
Lancaster Moor Hospital, Quernmore Road, Lancaster, LA1 3JR
(map, showing closeness to prison)
Autumn 2002: reported closed and due for development in spring 2003. "A very well preserved site. Neo Gothic style architecture" (Nigel Roberts 1.12.2002) [Nigel Roberts' photograph see "Northern Asylums" on Gordon Tozer's site].

"half the site is now executive housing/flats, although the large neo-gothic buildings across the road remain standing, and are in good condition. Ridge Lea Hospital, which is just across a road behind the main buildings of Lancaster Moor... is essentially a small asylum as it was built around 1920's as an annexe for the Moor Hospital." (Nigel Roberts 28.11.2002)

Moor Hospital site in Gregson's Photo Gallery of Lancaster has pictures of what is going and what is staying dated Summer 2000
See British Academy aerial photograph with part demolition Lucy says this is "of the buildings which were adapted the main building is still there in the top right corner of the picture"
Lancaster Moor Hospital, UK, 17 June, 2004 "The hospital closed in about 2000. Whilst the premises to the south-west of Quernmore Road have been partially demolished and redeveloped as a housing estate, the main building, built as a psychiatric hospital in 1882, remains"
2.1.2005 email from Louise Wade in Rootsweb archives

"I was wondering whether you were aware that Lancaster had two asylums, though of rather different types. The Moor Hospital was the county asylum for the mentally ill, but on the other side of town, the Royal Albert Hospital opened in 1870 as the 'Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties'".

Index of Lunatic Asylums and Mental Hospitals
6/- Lancashire paupers at Lancaster County Asylum ... 1841 The Fifty-ninth Report of the Visiting Justices of the Lunatic Asylum of .... 1850-1851 W Barlow ...


Kucinta Report 13 Jan 2012 12:29

census 1851:

Name: Ann Thornley
Age: 57
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1794
Relation: Patient
Gender: F (Female)
Where born: Darley Dale, Derbyshire, England

Civil parish: Lancaster
Ecclesiastical parish: St Mary
Town: Lancaster
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England

Registration district: Lancaster
Sub-registration district: Lancaster
>>>>>>>ED, institution, or vessel: County Lunatic Asylum Lancaster <<<<<<<<<
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 1


Iain Report 13 Jan 2012 11:56

Hi all

I have a relative Ann Thornley b circa 1793 Darley Dale Derbyshire (nee Holehouse) who was 'resident' at the Lancaster Lunatic Assylum in 1841.

Where was this institution exactly? Any sites with pictures or a history?

in 1851 she's back in Darley Dale as a patient in another unknown institution (cant get the census image up)

Any help ref the Lancaster Institution, history etc appreciated

