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Has anyone used FMP 3 month vouchers?

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~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 14 Jan 2012 08:58

Thanks Linda, I've come across those sites before infact the wills online was the same database that they have in Chester Record office :)

They're both very useful sites. However, I like looking at the original documents on my computer hence the need for the subscription,

Thanks again, it's very kind to post the information for me :)


Cheshiremaid Report 14 Jan 2012 02:20

For Cheshire parish records (incase you haven't seen it) there is the free Cheshire Parish Project site which I have found invaluable unfortunately not all areas are covered as yet however they are adding every so often so perhaps worth keeping a look out..

Also Cheshire wills are to search..£4 each copy and £1 p&p for up to 4 wills. Usually posted within the week.


~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 13 Jan 2012 23:19

Thanks Joan :)

I love Scotlandspeople (& Scottish Origins before that). They were well ahead of their time. I just wish they did a subscription as there's so many more records that I'd like to see for real rather than use Ancestry subscription lol

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 13 Jan 2012 23:10

yes, that's right Joan. I was a bit lazy in my writing.

i knew they didn't own the records as I used to use Scottish origins when they hosted the bmd for Scotland. Scotlandspeople then hosted the website and I know the Scotland will not release the original images to sites like FMP and Ancestry.


Joy Report 13 Jan 2012 23:02
As well as, brightsolid owns these other companies:

Findmypast Ireland

Findmypast Australia

Genes Reunited

Friends Reunited

Friends Reunited Dating

brightsolid also hosts

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 13 Jan 2012 21:55

Sorry i got distracted before I posted the reply.

Thanks Amanda :) That sounds promising.

Alas Joy, i think it doesn't cover the parish collections which is the only part I'm interested in.

I had thought of pay per view but thought that I'd end up spending as much as the 3 month subscription. I think the 3 month subscription is pretty reasonable for what I need.

I've been going a little mad today re genealogical buys - I'm sending off for 2 wills. (It could have easily been the whole set of siblings as wills are very rare in my family lol. The Cheshire find was the only find for a long time)

I've also sent off for some Scottish newspaper prints (it's cheaper than the rail fare up to Scotland & when I do visit there- I'd rather spend more time seeing the place than being stuck in a records office even though I do love record offices!!! lol)

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 13 Jan 2012 21:48

oooh I'd forgotten they owned the Beano. I can now mention Minnie the Minx without worrying that I'd be zapped....although I must remember not to mention Desperate dan as surely they must be competitors. ;-)

Thanks Joy :) I just can't justify spending all that money on a year's subscription at the moment when I've got access to Ancestry and have seemed to have come to a dead end there (apart from contacts) I thought the London electoral rolls may have given me a lead on my distant relations but unfortunately not a bean or should I say beano lol

I may be wrong but I can just imagine spending a few hours on FMP and then probably not using it for the rest of the time.

They still haven't got the wills & probate for Chester online either :( I have the will for my Cheshire ancestor - (there's only the 1 will) but I had hoped that I could copy it onto my computer as the paper copy I got from Chester is too big too scan!


Amanda, Report 13 Jan 2012 21:42


I purchased two for presents recently, both arrived very quick, they are sent 1st Class Post and no problems with them.

Kind regards


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 13 Jan 2012 21:38

Have you thought about a 14 day free trial
:-) :-) :-)


Joy Report 13 Jan 2012 21:34

Yes, all owned by Bright Solid; and Beano etc :-)

No, I haven't, and our find my past subscription ran out recently and we didn't renew; but during our year in the site I gained so much valuable information

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 13 Jan 2012 21:29

I was thinking of purchasing some vouchers for a 3 month subscription to FMP.

(purely for the Cheshire & Manchester collections on FMP as I've got a subscription with Ancestry which I've pretty much exhausted all my leads (apart from connections on other trees))

A full subscription or even a 6 month subscription with FMP seems pretty steep for what I want from the collection. (I'm not saying that it's pretty steep in general - if I was new and needed the records that they hold- I'd say it was pretty good value)

I was wondering whether anyone had purchased them before and whether there is anything I need to be aware of?

Apparently sell the vouchers and they are sent out (wish that i could buy a 3 month subscription straight from the FMP website)

Many thanks,

I believe that FMP, GR and Scotlandspeople are all owned by the same company so i don't think there's any issue with mentioning FMP on this website. I wish Scotlandspeople did a subscription service lol