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missing person on 1911 census

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Veronica Report 7 Feb 2012 04:14

Hi, please would it be possible for someone to give me some advice? I have found my Nan's birth records on here, Margaret Edith E Newman 4th aug 1909 in Elham, Kent and also her marriage record for the same town but I am unable to find her anywhere on the 1911 census. Is it normal for people to be missing from the census?? How could I go about finding out who her family members were?

many thanks


PriscillaEmilywasMoonbeam Report 7 Feb 2012 04:53

This looks like her. I found this record on Genes. I can 't look at the image as I do not have a sub.

Newman Margaret 1910 Folkestone Kent Elham

This record is not on Ancestry as they have not transcribed that area yet.


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Feb 2012 04:59

sometimes the reason for not finding someone is due to putting in too much information

I usually use only the first forename and surname, birth year +/- 2, and county.

One can never guess what will be actually written on the census!



Lindsey* Report 7 Feb 2012 05:24

NEWMAN, John Head Married M 33 1878 Bath Chairman Woolwich Kent VIEW
NEWMAN, Emma Wife Married
7 years F 35 1876 Brabourne Kent VIEW
NEWMAN, John Son M 7 1904 Folkestone Kent VIEW
NEWMAN, William Son M 3 1908 Folkestone Kent VIEW
NEWMAN, Margaret Daughter F 1 1910 Folkestone Kent VIEW
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
4628 Reference:
RG14PN4628 RG78PN195 RD66 SD1 ED5 SN81

Registration District:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Elham Sub District:
Folkestone Enumeration District:
5 Parish:

67 Bradstone Road Folkestone


Kay???? Report 7 Feb 2012 07:14

some of the Kent area 1911 are missing altogether they got destroyed and only the Summary books are left.


Veronica Report 7 Feb 2012 23:58

Hi, Thank you so much everyone for your help! Have sent some messages now so hopefully will hear something back.

I see what people mean about the census and the search not always acurate but at least now I know for future searches.

Thankyou all again :-D