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Royal Navy Benevolent Fund

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Chrystine Report 10 Feb 2012 10:05

I will give that a try, many thanks.


Nannylicious Report 9 Feb 2012 23:04

Try posting your query on
I have found the people there very helpful for general navy questions


Chrystine Report 9 Feb 2012 08:41

Thanks for your help this is exactly what I found when I googled. This service record definetly says RNBT on it , its harder to read what it says alongside that, oh well just have to hope something turns up. this chap married my grandfathers 1st wife in Malta but seems to have left her behind when he left. I wonder what happened to women who married someone in the forces, in grandads case she seems to have gone with him, perhaps it wasnt the same with the navy regards Chrys.


Nannylicious Report 8 Feb 2012 22:44

Here are two separate references. Both state that the fund was first initiated around 1916. No mention of anything existing before then.

Reference No. 1

During World War One Admiral John Jellicoe proposed the raising of a fund for sailors to be run by sailors. He held a meeting with representatives from the lower decks of each of his Fleet's ships and created the 'Grand Fleet Fund'.

The Grand Fleet Fund was so successful that in 1922 the Admiralty, appreciating the importance of such a resource, formed the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust (RNBT) for all ratings to be able to benefit from.

The RNBT undertakes the administration of various funds formed to help the dependents of sailors who have given their lives for their country, and to assist former sailors and their families that have fallen on hard times.

This charity is still in existence today.

Reference No. 2

Admiral Jellicoe and the Grand Fleet Fund
The story starts in 1916 with Admiral Sir John Jellicoe (later to become Admiral of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe of Scapa), the Commander in Chief of the Grand Fleet. He proposed that a charitable fund should be set up to help Royal Naval and Royal Marine personnel and their dependants who might be in need.

A unique feature of Admiral Jellicoe's proposed fund was that the men of the Fleet should be directly involved in running it. He held a meeting in his flagship, HMS IRON DUKE, to discuss his plan with lower deck representatives from each ship under his command. The outcome was the birth of the Grand Fleet Fund, the forerunner of the RNBT.


Chrystine Report 8 Feb 2012 18:58

So sorry where i have put traced pen1998 i should have put traced pen 19/9/98. :-S


Chrystine Report 8 Feb 2012 18:34

Hi, could anyone enlighten me as to whether this organisation was in exsistence in 1898, I have a record of a able seaman Richard Flood giving ships served on and find in 1898 it says invalided, what looks like traced pen, 1998, sc3486/38 parties of service to RNBF. I have tried googling but can only find ref to this starting 1916. Needless to say this chap vanishes at this point and I wondered if there might be records held by this organization. many thanks.