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Unusual christian name.

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wisechild Report 16 Feb 2012 14:34

Paskey (female) Has anyone else come across it? Was it a nickname?
Have Paskey Lamb marr John Palmer 29.1.1808, Stapleford, Nottingham.
Can´t find a birth for her, so wondered if it was a transcription error, but she is on the 1841 & 1851 censuses as Paskey.

Have just found a baptism of an apparently illegitimate son Robert Lamb born 1807. her name is shown as Pascall.
Pascual Lamb!!!!!


DazedConfused Report 16 Feb 2012 16:03

Could be a family name of an older relative. Or she may have been named for a family friend.

Sometime there is llittle rhyme or reason for the odd names of our ancestors. But a little surreptitious digging can often bring results.

My father had a very odd middle name and when I asked him about it, he said he had no idea where it was from, other than his grandfather (maternal) also had this middle name. It turned out to be his grandfathers' grandmothers maiden name. Oh how I wish he was still around for me to tell him, he would have been fascinated.


wisechild Report 16 Feb 2012 16:09

I have several names in my tree which remain a complete mystery.
One that had me fooled for ages was Henzey. It turned out to be a corruption of Henzell ,a company of glassmakers that her father worked for in Stourbridge.
Don´t they lead us a dance???


BeverleyW Report 16 Feb 2012 16:30

I have someone in my tree with the christian name Stamp. :-0 :-0
I dread to think where the parents got the name from, there is no marriage in the family to anyone with Stamp as a surname.
Poor kid.
Mind you, another branch of the same family had a child with christian names Pierce Nimrod. I think they must have had illusions of grandeur or something.


WhiffingSiggs Report 16 Feb 2012 17:48

I found one Called Cracherode in my family. I think Victorians were fond of using first names as surnames.. My girlfriend has a great granduncle who's name was Wingfield Stratford Twisleton Wykeham Fiennes.


MargaretM Report 16 Feb 2012 18:19

1851 England Census
about Paskey Palmer Name: Paskey Palmer
Age: 69
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1782
Relation: Wife
Spouse's Name: John Palmer
Gender: F (Female)
Where born: Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, England

Civil parish: Stapleford
County/Island: Nottinghamshire
Country: England

Registration district: Shardlow
Sub-registration district: Stapleford
ED, institution, or vessel: 6a
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 16
Piece: 2141
Folio: 145
Page Number: 4
Household Members: Name Age
John Palmer 70
Paskey Palmer 69
Ann Thurman 19


Porkie_Pie Report 16 Feb 2012 19:02

the only referance i could find was this but not sure if it relates to the name maria

Paskey (female) Latin form of Mary. It arose as a back-formation from the early Christian female name Mariam, which was taken as a Latin accusative case. In fact, however, it is an indeclinable Aramaic alternative form of the Hebrew name Miriam. In the English-speaking world Maria is a learned revival dating from the 18th century, pronounced both ‘ma-ree-a’ and, more traditionally, ‘ma-rye-a’. This form of the name is also in common use in most European languages, either as the main local form of the name, as in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, and Czech, or as a learned doublet of a vernacular form. In Spain not only is the name María itself enormously common, but a large number of Marian epithets and words associated with the cult of the Virgin are also used as female given names. Maria is also used as a male name in combinations such as Gianmaria (Italian) and José María (Spanish).
Short form: Ria


1. English (Devon): from a pet form of the medieval personal name Pask.

2. Perhaps an altered form of German Paske.

Similar Names and Nicknames
Marie, Mariah, Mari, Mario, Mariya, Mariea, Mary, Mariaa, Mariae, Mariee, Pack, Pascoe, Pascua, Pasco, Pasko, Pesce, Paik, Pasch, Paske, Paek




wisechild Report 17 Feb 2012 07:27

Crikey PP. Maria/Mary are about the last names I would have thought of, but thanks all the same.

And thanks to everyone else who responded.



Cynthia Report 17 Feb 2012 08:25

They may just have been a very religious family Marion.

Christ was known at the 'Pascal Lamb' - the origins are from the Jewish ceremony of the Passover. The sacrificial lamb.

Many churches have a Pascal Candle which represents the light of Christ.

Hope this helps. :-D



Janet Report 17 Feb 2012 10:12

freebmd has one or two more Paskeys- jl


wisechild Report 17 Feb 2012 14:05

Thanks Cynthia.
Yes, I did know that which is why I was a bit surprised.
They may have been a very religious family, although with such an unusual name I wondered if they could have been Quakers.
Not sure that Quakers call Christ the Pascal Lamb though. Don´t know much about Quakerism, but I know that they chose some unusual names for their children.

Thank you too Janet for taking the trouble to look.