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Birth Certificate

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Carol Report 19 Feb 2012 19:12

Can anyone help? I have the original birth certificate of someone who was adopted, I was told that a new birth certificate would be issued with the adopted parents details on it. But the date/place of birth would always remain the same.

So would both births be registered? Would I be allowed to apply for adopted persons birth certificate?



KathleenBell Report 19 Feb 2012 19:18

Do you mean that you have the original adoption certificate?

I'm not certain but I think that only the adopted person themselves would be allowed to see the original birth certificate when they reached the age of 18.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge of adoption matters will reply and give you more help.

Kath. x


Carol Report 19 Feb 2012 19:32

Thanks Kath for your reply. I have the original birth certificate, but another one would of been issued with adopted parents info etc. Will that birth be registered? and if so could I get a copy of it?

I have birth certificate of someone in my tree who was adopted, I know the new christain name but not the surname of who adopted them. But I have found another birth same date, same place and same christain name, could this be the person who was adopted? Dont want to mention names!


KathleenBell Report 19 Feb 2012 19:36

No, I don't think you will be able to get a copy of the adoption certificate. If the adopted person is a relative of yours I think you can register with the adoption service and leave a message in case the adopted person decides to look for their birth family.

Kath. x

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 19 Feb 2012 19:59

Maybe you found another entry for the same birth.
If Mary JONES had a baby with John BROWN, but they were not married, they may both go to register the baby and then the registration would show on the GRO index under JONES and BROWN.but would be for one actual birth.

Until more recent years a surname of child was not recorded as such, it was just assumed from the details on the cert.

What year was the birth?

The child's new name would not be recorded as a new birth on the GRO index.
It would be on a special adoption list register.



Carol Report 19 Feb 2012 21:07

Thank you Gwyn thats what I needed to know about the special adoption list register.

Thank you all for your advice


Geraldine Report 23 Feb 2012 00:48

A child is registered in their original birth name and a birth certificate is issued. A full original birth cert gives the usual details. Certificates issued after adoption have to be amended by Law and show the word 'Adopted'

After an adoption has been granted in the court an Adoption Certificate is issued (often referred to as a 'birth' cert though technically it's not) A full adoption cert is in the child's adoptive name and gives date of birth. The names and address and occupation of the adopters. The name of the Court and the date the adoption was granted. Older adoption certs only give the the child's Country of birth but more recent a/certs now give place of birth.

A short adoption cert is also issued... this cert looks like a regular birth cert, however, the words on the bottom are slightly different to that of a regular short birth cert. this cert gives minimal details and only shows name, date of birth, Sex of child, Country of birth (depending on the year of adoption) There is no mention of either birth or adoptive parents names.

The adopted child is then placed on the Adopted Children Register in their adoptive names. The Adopted Children register is not available for public view, however, the INDEX of the ACR is available for view at some main libraries in England and Wales. In order to make a successful search you need to know the name of the adopted person.

Anyone can purchase an adoption certificate from GRO if you have enough details to fill in the form.

Hope this helps.


Carol Report 26 Feb 2012 19:11

Thank you Geraldine, that is very imformative.
