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ww1 service records

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Rowena Report 25 Feb 2012 13:27

Can anyone with access to any WW1 service records please look up John William Braithwaite born 1892 in Ulverston. Thank you

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 25 Feb 2012 13:29

Will look now


Rowena Report 25 Feb 2012 13:29

thank you

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 25 Feb 2012 13:38

I haven't found him, but computer keeps 'freezing' so maybe someone else will look too., just to be sure.



SylviaInCanada Report 26 Feb 2012 04:37

to help with the search, is this your man with his parents in 1901??

1901 Census

Name: John Braithwaite
Age: 9
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1892
Relation: Son
Father's Name: Benjamin Braithwaite
Mother's name: Mary Agnes Braithwaite
Gender: Male
Where born: Ulverston, Lancashire, England

Civil parish: Ulverston
Ecclesiastical parish: Ulverston St Mary
Town: Ulverston
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England

Registration district: Ulverston
Sub-registration district: Ulverston

Benjamin Braithwaite 50 Slag Lifter at Iron Ore Furnace
Mary Agnes Braithwaite 44
James Braithwaite 32
John Braithwaite 9
Walter Braithwaite 7
Mary Ann Braithwaite 16
Eleanor J Braithwaite 12
Lilian Braithwaite 3

Address:- 3 Quebec Street

and in 1911

1911 Census

Name Age
Agnes Braithwaite 52
Eleanor Jane Braithwaite 22
John William Braithwaite 19 General Labourer
Walter Braithwaite 17
Lilian Braithwaite 13
Mary Ann Dowham 25
Eleanor Jane Dowham 2

Address:- 37 Quebec Street



SylviaInCanada Report 26 Feb 2012 04:45

There do not seem to be any records for a John or John William Braithwaite that link with this one

There are several John Braithwaite's and even a couple of John William .......... but ages, places and other information do not link up.

Of course, only about 30% of WW1 records have survived to the present day.

Did you know that you can search the Military Records on ancestry, without being a member?? Then you can see if a relative is listed on there yourself.



jax Report 26 Feb 2012 05:15

I have never been able to find any ww1 records for my grandfather and his surname began with a "B"

I am sure I was told it was mainly the first half of the alphabet that perished? or just unlucky?



Rowena Report 26 Feb 2012 09:13

Thankyou to everyone, Sylvia, yes that was the right family.
I've struggled with him from the beginning!
Because his birth cert and christening records have John William 1892 and his death cert is John Peter born 1895. And they are the same person.