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Tree permissions help please

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Christine2 Report 26 Feb 2012 12:52

I have checked the help page but I can't find what I want to know.
If I want to remove ALL or MOST of the tree permissions that I have given to people over the years is there a way I can do it en block please?
If I go to contacts I have hundreds of pages on there as I have been a member for many years. So to find and delete each one individually would take months.
Some of the people who have access only got it accidentally from the days when anyone you sent a message to could see your tree unless you remembered to click 'do not give access'.

Thank you


lostmeboardname Report 26 Feb 2012 12:59

think you will have to do them one at a time :-(

wish there was an easier way to delete replies to threads, it takes ages to go through the pages to find where you left info.........

Jan x


lostmeboardname Report 26 Feb 2012 13:00

ooh think I have found a solution to your problem.

go to my contacts you can delete more than one at a time !


Flick Report 26 Feb 2012 13:03

You will still have to trawl the pages to find the contacts to whom permission has been given


DazedConfused Report 26 Feb 2012 13:15

Just do a few at a time.

I did this about a year ago. Looked at the trees I had access to and that I had given access to my tree and deciced that I had not heard from these people for absolutely years and just removed their access and contacted others to let them know I no longer required access to their trees.

Worked like a dream. I no longer update my tree on here as I have had no new contacts for about 2 years now. Much better on other nAmeless site ;-)


Christine2 Report 28 Feb 2012 10:56

I am so sorry and must apologise to you all for not coming back intil now.
After I had posted I suddenly had to go and have only just managed to come on again. So a big thank you to Jan, Flick and PP for your replies.

Yes Jan, I realised that I would have to do it through 'contacts' but when you have been a member for years and hardly ever bothered to remove anything it's an awful lot of pages to go through. Very many of my contacts aren't family history either, so pages and pages before I get to a tree access sometimes. In the early days I used to assume that the site would delete them eveantuall but they never have. They must have an awfully big server. So as Flick says - a long job.

I will have to do as you suggest PP and do a few pages whenever I can. I'm afraid I don't know which nameless site you mean :-S


Flick Report 28 Feb 2012 14:58

Presumably Ancestry.............


InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Feb 2012 18:40

Could I ask why? If the members are not causing any problem I just leave them as they are.

I have access to around 600 trees and around 400 have access to mine since I became a member in 2003. All have a connection of some sort, even if it is remote.

Non-connection contacts get deleted every so often I simply have a clear out every six months or so and delete them in bulk.This takes a few minutes as it only means I have to go back a couple of pages or so to tick the box then hit the delete button.


Christine2 Report 28 Feb 2012 19:43

Thanks Flick :)

Yes IGP, I have always felt that was too until I discovered the other day that someone had put a tree on a very public site which comes up easily on Google and it included the birth names, birth dates and marriages of all my immediate family and I didn't even need to click on the link to see some of them. I decided it was a security issue and I wanted to try and prevent it happening again. I have tried several means of contacting the person concerned to ask if they would mind removing anyone that didn't die over 100 years ago but I haven't heard anything yet.
