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war records

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RutlandBelle Report 9 Mar 2012 10:22

Ann, just to clarify are these the 2 David Pinchams?

The first is a marriage and the second a birth

Name: David Pincham
Spouse Surname: Hazlehurst
Date of registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1914
Registration district: Worksop
Inferred County: Nottinghamshire
Volume Number: 7b
Page Number: 93

Name: David C Pincham
Mother's Maiden Surname: Hazlehurst
Date of registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1920
Registration district: Worksop
Inferred County: Derbyshire
Volume Number: 7b
Page Number: 53


ErikaH Report 8 Mar 2012 22:49

Surely Ann knows who she is asking about - they are her relations.


Martyn Report 8 Mar 2012 21:17

Hi Ann

I have been doing a bit of detective work. i believe that your grandfather was in WW11 and your GGrandfather was in WWI. I have found a record of a David Pincham who served in France in 1915 and was in the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment R, Army Service Corps. I can send you this if you want.

Hope this hasn't caused any confusion.

All the best

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 8 Mar 2012 20:49

UK, Silver War Badge Records, 1914-1920
about David Pincham
Name: David Pincham (Date of Discharge 4/4/19. Sickness)
Discharge Unit: R.A.S.C.
Regiment Number: T/383818
Rank: Pte.
Badge Number: B318072
Unit: Royal Army Service Corps (Woolwich)
Piece: 3226
List Number: RASC 4351-4600
Record Group: WO
Record Class: 329

The British Empire lost more than 700,000 service personnel killed in World War 1. An even greater number were discharged because of wounds or illness. In September 1916, King George V authorized the Silver War Badge (SWB) to honor all military personnel who had served at home or overseas since 4 August 1914 and who had been discharged because of wounds or illness. The SWB was a small, circular badge made of sterling silver, bearing the king’s initials, a crown, and the inscriptions ‘For King and Empire’ and ‘Services Rendered’.
The SWB was not simply an honor; it also served a practical purpose. At the time, men of military age who were not obviously in the service were sometimes accosted or insulted by civilians presenting them with white feathers — a symbol of cowardice — for shirking their patriotic duty. The badge served as an outward symbol that the wearer’s duty to country had been honorably fulfilled.

(matches up with Medal Card above, in case it ties in with family!)

Chris :)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Mar 2012 20:37

May be he was the father, not the grandfather?

There is
David Pincham
Birth: abt 1895
Death: Mar 1959 - Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England

British Army WWI Medal Rolls Index Cards, 1914-1920
David Pincham
Regiment or Corps: Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment R, Army Service Corps
Regimental Number: 4242, T/383818
Awarded British, Victory and Star medals.
First entered service 27/10/15 and served in France.

However, the service no. doesn't tie in with Ann's data.


Martyn Report 8 Mar 2012 20:25

Hi Ann,
Can I through a spanner in the works I have searched BMD records and found a David Clayton Pincham born 1920. If this the case he was born after WW1

All the best



DazedConfused Report 8 Mar 2012 19:50

Regarding WW2 records, last year they were taking around 10 months.

Now I got my dads WW2 records and although there was lots of information about him in there I learned nothing new. I knew about his length of service and his medical problems (dysentry & varicose veins!). I did find out that his record was impeccable and he was well liked by all who knew him.

If you want to know exactly what your father & his regiment did in the war, you really need to read the Regimental Diaries. These are kept in 1 of three places

1: Kew (this is the main repository where most people find them)

2: Imperial War Museum (this is a secondary source if not in above)

3: Regimental Archives (if in neither of above it is possible they have been retained by regiment)

Hope this little insight helps.



ann Report 8 Mar 2012 18:24

dear jennifer(also name of one of my daughters) my grandfathers name was david clayton pincham number306370 and we believe he was in the 8th sherwood foresters anything you may find will be a bonus but i do realise it may be a lost cause
many thanks------ann


RutlandBelle Report 8 Mar 2012 15:55

for WW2 records;

I can have a look for WW1 record for you if you like



RutlandBelle Report 8 Mar 2012 15:52

There are some WW1 records on Ancestry, but be aware that unfortunately. many of these records were destroyed during the blitz in WW2

It is just luck which have survived.

For WW2 records you have to apply for them, only next of kin can usually apply cost about £30 but I think free to a spouse. If the person is deceased you will need a copy death certificate. They take about 6 mths


ann Report 8 Mar 2012 15:34

i wonder if anyone knows if i can access war records my grandfather in the first and my father in the secondneither spoke very much about what they did but i know they both served in france i have their service numbers and would love to know where they went any suggestions would be welcome thank you -----ann