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Seeking Relative's Birthdate

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Sharon Report 10 Mar 2012 19:23

Hi - I have a relative who I can find very little info about.

I have a copy of his marriage certificate, so I know when and where he married (Buckinghamshire, 1945), and his age at marriage (21), and where he lived at marriage (Birmingham) but I can't find his exact birthdate to track him any further.

I have 13 possibilities from the records but I'm stuck. Is there anywhere else I can look to establish which is the right one?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


GlitterBaby Report 10 Mar 2012 19:41

If the marriage cert has the name of his father could you not use that info to find a possible marriage for parents and then narrow which is the right birth


brummiejan Report 10 Mar 2012 20:41

You do not need his exact birthdate to continue your quest. As Glitterbaby says, you can use all the info you have from the marriage cert to start you off.


ErikaH Report 11 Mar 2012 13:13

Do you know when he died?

If it was after 1969, his exact DOB will be on the cert - plus his birthplace, which may not be where he married, or where he was living at the time of the marriage

You can also get a better idea of when he was born, by using the date of the marriage as a guide