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help with gedcom files

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vanessa Report 14 Mar 2012 02:12

hi everyone
i am not very good with computers.. may I have some help please.
i have a legacy tree.
yesterday I uploaded it to ancestry (with only a little hlep from OH).

Now i have made some changes on my leagcy tree and also on my tree on ancestry (added citations etc when the little leaves pop up).
if I upload my tree from legacy again (as I have found a whole new branch), will it override the ancestry tree or will I get 2 trees with essentially the same informtaion.

do most poeple only keep one tree going? ie should I ditch my Legacy tree and just use ancestry? but then I have to maintin a subscription...

vanessa :-)


InspectorGreenPen Report 14 Mar 2012 06:34

It depends on the site.

If you upload to Ancestry you create a new tree. Personally when I do this I delete my old one after verifying that the new one has loaded correctly, but it is entirely up to you.

However, if you upload a new tree to GR, then your old one is automatically replaced / overwritten as currently, GR only allows one tree per membership.

My 'master' tree is maintained by me on my PC using a commercial tree program. (I use FTM, but there are others too) Periodically I then upload to various websites but all these are merely copies that I don't rely on as necessarily being bang up to date.


vanessa Report 14 Mar 2012 09:40

thanks inspector,

i think I will keep my master copy on Legacy as it is easeir to navigate than the ancestry system.

do you get new "leaves" on ancestry every time you upload though??? if so, I have wasted time by adding the leaves on this upload haven't I?



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Mar 2012 10:24

Probably -

I'd 'split' my tree offline and uploaded it as a new tree to Ancestry (you can have numerous trees on your account).

Even though many of the events had ‘proper’ citations such as (edited version)

Census 1900 Bainbridge Village, Chenago, NY 1900; Census Place: Bainbridge, Chenango, New York; Roll T623_1017; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 55. (name )

because the actual census image wasn’t attached to the Ancestry profile, the little leaf appeared.