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william cartwright marriage

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mgnv Report 5 Apr 2012 19:51

I had a look at:

The genealogy link leads to a couple of interesting statements, viz:

Where ever possible for family tree research, we will provide a digital scan of the original register entry. This means that you get an exact copy of the original registration and your ancestors signature or mark.
[This is the only office in England that routinely does this to my knowledge - elsewhere in the UK, ScotlandsPeople routinely images the local copy of the regos. The rego office holds the original marr rego when it's recorded in the registrar's own rego, as it would be for rego office marrs, but for C of E marrs, the church rego would have the original signatures, and this rego will be deposited in the local records office.]

If you provide the year, quarter and reference details from the General Register Office Index, we will search for that specific entry.
[So there's no online local index. If I were offering this service, I'ld make up a cheat-sheet for each quarter and each type of cert, showing Aston was pp 101-110, Birmingham pp 111-133, Edgbaston 134-144, etc., so I'ld know which subdistrict rego to look in. Similarly for marrs, the cheat sheet would show All Saints 75-79, Ste Beryl's 80-81, Christ Church 82-88 etc. If that be the case, it's a pity we don't get to see these sheets online. The site does have some interesting links to the local library holdings, Birmingham Registration Districts, etc.]


lancashireAnn Report 5 Apr 2012 14:58

I have searched every which way up! the only one I can find is the one in 1846. I guess I will just have to get that certificate.

The baptisms for this family were also strange. The 1st child (b 1842) was baptised with the 3rd child in 1845, the 2nd was baptised in her yr of birth (1843)


Thelma Report 5 Apr 2012 11:58

They original question,which I misunderstood, was :-

Does anyone know of any site that would tell me who William Cartwright married in Sep qtr 1846 reg district West Bromwich

Ann already knows who his wife was so she is looking for a free source.
Such as IGI.FHS.other researchers etc.


mgnv Report 5 Apr 2012 11:50

The old West Brom RD was split between the modern RDs of Sandwell and Birmingham. The Sandwell part is covered to some extent on
but there's no hits for this marr, so presumably it's one of the churchs whose regos got transferred to Brum.


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Apr 2012 06:42

Have you considered the fact that William was 24 in 1841 ............. and may well already have been married, and thus unable to marry Ann Ward?

Have you looked for a marriage years and years later????



lancashireAnn Report 2 Apr 2012 16:46

thank you everybody

I have all of William's life from the children to his death, burial and will. I even have what I am fairly certain is his baptism in Birmingham. Just can't find his marriage, I have Martha West Cartwright's (my ancestor) birth certificate

He was living in the same tenement as Ann Ward in 1841 and up to the birth of his 1st 3 children on whose baptism's he describes himself as a policeman. On the birth of his 4th child and thereafter he is living round the corner in Old Church Yard up until his death and describes himself as porter then office keeper.

I have not yet found the significance of the middle names of West and Rimmer but they run through the family in later generations. Ann Ward also had a sister who describes herself on her marriage as Mary Rimmer ward.

I have not found him in Lancashire police records so did wonder if he was just a dock's policeman (Tempest Hey is close to the docks)

thanks Jonesey for the probate, yes I have got it. John Edmonds was Wm's b-i-l, married to wm's sister Sarah Jane.


Thelma Report 2 Apr 2012 16:06

1841 England Census
about Ann Ward Name: Ann Ward
Age: 18
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1823
Gender: Female
Where born: Lancashire, England

Civil parish: Liverpool
Hundred: Liverpool
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England

Street Address:

Occupation: View image

Registration district: Liverpool
Sub-registration district: Dale Street
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 556
Book: 27
Folio: 13
Page Number: 19
Household Members: Name Age
Mary Ward 45
Ann Ward 18 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,,
William Ward 16
Mary Ward 13
Wm Cartwright 24 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,,
James Kelly 35
James McNally 40
Julia McNally 29
Catherine McNally 9
Margaret McNally 1
Henry Hancock 35


Thelma Report 2 Apr 2012 16:03

The marriage should be before this;-

Liverpool, Lancashire, England, Baptisms, 1813-1906
about Hannah Cartwright Name: Hannah Cartwright
Birth Date: 10 May 1842
Baptism Date: 17 Aug 1845
Parish: Liverpool St Peter
Father's Name: William Cartwright
Mother's Name: Ann Cartwright


Jonesey Report 2 Apr 2012 15:51

Something is not quite adding up here. A lot of the children appear to have been given a forename which might also have been construed as a surname.

Name: Eve Ward Cartwright
>>Birth Date: 23 Oct 1837
Baptism Date: 3 Dec 1851
Parish: Liverpool St Peter
Father's Name: William Cartwright
Mother's Name: Ann Cartwright

Name: Martha West Cartwright
Birth Date: abt 1853
Baptism Date: 4 Sep 1853
Parish: Liverpool St Peter
Father's Name: William Cartwright
Mother's Name: Ann Cartwright

Name: Louisa Jane Rimmer Cartwright
Birth Date: abt 1857
Baptism Date: 6 Dec 1857
Parish: Liverpool St Peter
Father's Name: William Cartwright
Mother's Name: Ann Cartwright

Name: John Rimmer Cartwright
Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1862
Registration district: Liverpool
Inferred County: Lancashire
Volume: 8b
Page: 133

Name: John Rimmer Cartwright
Birth Year: abt 1862
Age: 33
Marriage Date: 20 Jan 1895
Parish: Liverpool St George
Spouse's Name: Ellen Owens
Father's Name: William Cartwright
Spouse Father's Name: Thomas Wilson

I think that I would be tempted to send for John's birth certificate which should give you his mothers maiden name.

Lancashire Ann, You probably already know this but just in case. William Cartwright died on 5/3/1890. He left a will, probate was granted to a John Edmonds (Secretary) and Adam Cartwright (River Pilot) Effects £184/3/9d


Thelma Report 2 Apr 2012 15:37

1861 England Census
about William Cartwright Name: William Cartwright
Age: 50
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1811
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Ann Cartwright
Gender: Male
Where born: Birmingham

Civil parish: Liverpool
Ecclesiastical parish: St Nicholas
Town: Liverpool
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England

Street Address:


Condition as to marriage: View image

Registration district: Liverpool
Sub-registration district: Dale Street
ED, institution, or vessel: 11f
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 99
Piece: 2668
Folio: 12
Page Number: 17
Household Members: Name Age
William Cartwright 50
Ann Cartwright 39
Hannah Cartwright 18
Elizabeth Cartwright 17
Adam Cartwright 13
Eve Ward Cartwright 9 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Martha West Cartwright 7
Angelina Cartwright 5
Louisa Cartwright 3


Thelma Report 2 Apr 2012 15:37

I would guess thet he married Ann Ward
why do you think that this is his marriage?


lancashireAnn Report 2 Apr 2012 15:27

Does anyone know of any site that would tell me who William Cartwright married in Sep qtr 1846 reg district West Bromwich

I am reluctant to send for the certificate as although William came from Birmingham, he lived in Liverpool at least from 1841

it is not on familysearch