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Uploading Gedcom

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Colin Report 13 Apr 2012 10:53

@ Danita.

I agree. It's actually beyond "a little distressing". I'm afraid GR is quite behind the times with their IT and website design. The clunky Family Tree is another example. Having said that, I do commend Admin (Rachel) for readily accepting my .ged file and uploading it successfully. I'm afraid that if GR doesn't advance in the IT areas, it will lose subscriptions, and ultimately go dark.


Danita Report 13 Apr 2012 03:46

I also have a Mac and ended up having to upload my GEDCOM through Windows. It's a little distressing in this day and age to need to use Internet Explorer for anything!



Colin Report 6 Apr 2012 16:09

Wow !! Thanks, Rachel @ Admin. You did it ! My tree uploaded.

SO I wonder if it was that I had an Apple Mac and the 'system' only accepts Explorer uploads of .ged files?

Anyway, whatever, MANY thanks.



Colin Report 4 Apr 2012 18:03

Thanks, Rollo.

Funny, y'know, that when the GR MD touted the revised GR at last years ISOGG, the bugs weren't mentioned. :-)

Got the hint, BTW.



RolloTheRed Report 4 Apr 2012 17:59

In case you had not picked up on this the default family tree aka "new tree" is full of bugs and is best left alone until it is fixed. The developer responsible is said to be on holiday so don't hold yr breath.

To get to the "old tree" hover (don't click) over family tree and then click on "use old tree". Both the old and new choices use the same database so anything you do with the old tree will show up in the new tree. Usually whatever gets broken when updating using the new tree can be fixed using the old tree. As I said best not to use the default (new) tree.

I agree with the earlier post, the hot matches are a waste of time. You can roll yr own just by using "search trees". However don't count on getting a reply from any messages you may send, there is a lot of dark matter.

Oh yes, before you ask, print does not work.


Colin Report 4 Apr 2012 17:50

Thanks for the tip. Lukewarm, huh?

At present, I've entered just a skeleton tree (pun intended) and when the individual box shows X matches, I can see the matches in records, but they are not visible in Tree, even if it says there are X tree matches. If I do a search in Trees, and get some likely candidate, clicking on the match just reverts me back to my tree.

I think they have a bug or two to sort out.

I'll do some more searching here though, and use the hints to find what I want at Ancestry or FamilySearch. So much for the Platinum subscription fees. (Going the long way around). Hope it improves. Many thanks for being so helpful.



Jonesey Report 4 Apr 2012 16:40


I would not pin your hopes too highly on Hot matches. Unfortunately they are not usually that hot or indeed that accurate.

Whilst you are waiting for the Gedcom problem to be sorted out why not use the "Search trees" facility to see whether you can find any possible tree matches yourself.

Good luck.


Colin Report 4 Apr 2012 15:45

Thanks, Jonesey.

I didn't see that thread when I searched. I hope this is not long term issue - it is vital to have my Tree uploaded to get hot matches and to share...



Jonesey Report 4 Apr 2012 15:36

You are not alone. See:


Colin Report 4 Apr 2012 15:17


I'm a newbie subscriber and having trouble uploading my Gedcom. Does anyone have a thought about what could be the problem. Admin auto reply?? says more or less "sorry ...IT is working on a fix ..."

my .ged file is 312kb. I 'find' the file OK. I 'send' the file. It uploads OK. Then, nothing !

The message I get (time after time) is "Error; HTTP Error, 302 occurred".

As far as I know, .ged is the right format. This file uploads elsewhere.

Any thoughts, please. I don't see here that anyone else has a gedcom problem, and I am very keen to get my tree on the site.
