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Ancestor with more than one family ?

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 28 Apr 2012 02:01

What was his name? Have you looked for his will?



Rosemary Report 28 Apr 2012 01:34

I have discovered a close family member that left home in Ireland mid 30's, was believed by family in Ireland to have died in WWII in England . (Possibly Coventry.)
However during war he was living around the south coast of England and "boarded " with a lady who had 2 children around the same time. They parted at end of WWII and lady plus children moved mid /North England.
Relative then entered into a marriage with another lady in early 1950's and went on to have four children. When relative dying, late 1960's the 2 children of the lady with which he boarded travelled to see him and also attended funeral. (These 2 people would have been in thier 20's )

Does anyone know of a way I can possibly try and trace these unknown people, whom I believe are living relatives, given there seems to have been no legal ties between the mother and my relative, it is all based on hear say!