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Janice Report 17 Nov 2006 00:17

Hi Annie, The nudged thread won't appear on this page. If you go back to the list of threads on Tips Board you will see one by Joy Kentish Maid. That's the one that has been nudged. When I post this on the board, it will go to the top of the list again. That's what people do to nudge - just add another message. It keeps it on Page 1 so you don't have to search for it. Take care, Janice


Annie Report 17 Nov 2006 00:12

Thank you for the nudge, but I've been to the bottom of this page and I can't see anything... now you know what you're dealing with!


Annie Report 17 Nov 2006 00:08

Oh and I've just cracked open another 380ml of Lucozade (orange flavour!).... 1. to keep me awake. can't think of 2.!


Annie Report 17 Nov 2006 00:03

I'm just making an idiot of myself... I don't think I ought to tell you anymore.. Another lovely lady (Janice) who has helped me so much, found so much information that I had a big big pile of paper all over the place - decided to go and eat.. because it depressed me looking at it - then went and bought some pens and things, that made me feel better - then today I've put it all in folders and at least I printed off some forms and got myself organised a bit more... but I can't get to grips with the finding of people very well... II'll learn) Great site for AA's... (and I'm not!) but I can't wait 'til I've cracked it and I can sit with a glass of wine and enjoy what I'm doing.... Oh and by the way, Janice found out lots of goodies for me, but I'm making myself go back and try and find what she found.... am I stupid? I just want to learn how to get the results and I am so grateful to It's up to me I suppose.. Annie x thanks


Sam Report 16 Nov 2006 23:51

Annie, FTM uses Ancestry so when you do a search, the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Census info is all from the same site - Ancestry. As someone has said, it costs £70 per year but is well worth it! 'Nudge' just means to add something to a thread so that it gets 'nudged' back up to the top - you won't get anything in your inbox. Sam x


Annie Report 16 Nov 2006 23:47

Thank you What does 'nudge' mean - am I going to get something in my mailbox ? I can't even have a drink of wine because that would be disasterous! I have to keep a really clear head and even then I'm confused... no hope really... FTM has it's own agenda... you use the web search and it takes you all over the place.... I only wanted to find something on the census and it brough up births and marriages! I hope in a few years I'll be better at this... sorry sorry sorry.. Annie


ErikaH Report 16 Nov 2006 23:18

The only site with all censuses is Ancestry.......but it costs approx £70.00 per year. It does, however, have all bmd's from 1837 free of only need to register with the site to be able to access them. The 1881 census is completely free on Reg


Annie Report 16 Nov 2006 23:14

Hi, Can someone just tell me .... to look up records where is the best place - there are so many... all I want to do is look up the Census - are they all the same on all the web sites? I'm just so confused.... What's the best site for searches please and WHEN do you decide you have to look elsewhere from that site? desperate Annie