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Carter Report 10 Nov 2006 21:12

hello i would like us to remember my grandmothers half brother who we all knew nothing about till we started tracing the family tree EDWARD NUGENT born 1889 in LEIGH LANCASHIRE at the age of 12 he was in the workhouse and then joined the ROYAL DUBLIN FUSILIERS as a drummer boy, he fought in gallipoli and over in beligium where he died 28TH SEPTEMBER 1918 just two months before the end of the war. He is buried at HOOGE CEMETERY IN BELGIUM GODBLESS HIS SOUL I just wished our family had known about him Love LInda x


Wendy Report 10 Nov 2006 17:24

Remembering with great respect my Uncle who i never met and all other P O W,s who died that day. Serjeant Cedric Clarkson 9th Coast Regiment Royal Artillery Cedric died along with 1159 other P O W,s who perished when the ship they were being transported on the RAKUYO MARU was torpedoed on 12th September 1944


sandbach99 Report 10 Nov 2006 15:58

Husbands cousin x1 Frederick Platt Royal Welsh Fusiliers died and buried in Iraq 16/2/1917 age 17 and his brother John who is on the war memorial but not yet traced. Grans brother Willie Kisby KIngs Royal Rifle Corps died of wounds in France 3/5/1917 age 29 buried Etaples cemetary. Aunts husband [she is still alive] died in England within 24 hours of returning home very ill after nearly 5 years abroad with the army. Although married for 5 years they only spent 8 weeks together due to the 2nd World War.


Hilary Report 10 Nov 2006 09:23

A Great Uncle Douglas Wolfe died in the Somme 1917 buried in France My father Maurice Michael Francombe who survived Sicily,North Africa and Palestine in WW2 and just after - succumbed to Cancer in 1990. And all who have fought and died around the world in ANY conflict. Hilary


moe Report 9 Nov 2006 21:30

to all the poor young boys called cowards and executed, we all know you were to young to see what you did, and didn't deserve the treatment you got, you were hero's for signing up for war in the beginning GOD BLESS


June Report 9 Nov 2006 21:16

In Memory of My Great Uncle Pte Frederick Harold Wightman MM of the 6th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment Died 23 April 1917 aged 22 yrs in Arrass He left his son, 1yr old Harold, whose mother had already died shortly after his birth R I P


Wendy Report 9 Nov 2006 17:47

I'd like to remember my Grandfather Arthur Richard Horne who gave the ultimate sacrifice in WWI leaving a widow with a 4year old (my mother) and a baby of a few months old. We will never forget you Grandad. Wendy


Carole Report 9 Nov 2006 17:15

my mum Margery Lee served in the ATS during the war my dad Edward Henry Scott was in India during the war and my uncle Ernest William Lee was at Dunkirk and wounded all gone now rest in peace


dahani Report 9 Nov 2006 17:08

Remembering my Great Uncles Albert Edward Warrey age 21 1914 Stoker HMS Monmouth and his Brother Thomas Alfred Warrey age 24 1916 Stoker HMS Indefatigable RIP


Brit Report 9 Nov 2006 16:46

Remembering my uncle who served in the Merchant Navy during WW2. Eric Rudling aged 21, who died 26/1/1942 when the S.S. Traveller, carrying ammunition supplies, was torpedoed in the Atlantic.


Ellen Report 9 Nov 2006 15:47

Frank Buckland Wheeler, my Grandfather, who fought in W W 1, survived with injuries and who's life was shattered. George Charnock who fought in W W 1 and died of injuries in 1919, aged 21yrs. John ( Jack ) Marsh aged 20 yrs, Pilot in W W 2, his plane was shot down, his body washed up on the coast of Scotland. Remembering all Relatives and Friends that fought in both World Wars and Campaigns Always Remembered. Ellen.

☺Carol in Dulwich☺

☺Carol in Dulwich☺ Report 9 Nov 2006 15:05

When 13-year-old Rebecca Sullivan penned a war poem for a homework assignment she thought only her teacher would see it. But the piece entitled There Lie Forgotten Men is now to be heard by thousands when she reads it out at the country's biggest Armistice Day service. Rebecca Sullivan learned about Remembrance Day at school Her teacher was so moved by the poem - which describes a world in which war dead are all but forgotten - she sent it to the Royal British Legion. Officials decided to include it in a service at Trafalgar Square after deciding that it stood out from the hundreds of poems the Legion receives each year. Rebecca wrote her piece after being moved by the poems of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon which she read as part of a school project. 'The way they wrote about war and the needless death of soldiers really moved me,' the pupil at Highlands School, in Enfield, north London, said. 'It was the feeling that nothing would happen for these soldiers after they died, they would get no proper burial or funeral and would be remembered only by their loved ones. I wanted to express how important it is that the people who have died in wars are remembered 'I really liked Wilfred Owen's Anthem for a Doomed Youth. It really brought out some powerful feelings. 'I wanted to do the same thing with my poem. I wanted to express how important it is that the people who have died in wars are remembered.'

☺Carol in Dulwich☺

☺Carol in Dulwich☺ Report 9 Nov 2006 15:03

There Lie Forgotten Men They lie there in their thousands The last rays of sunlight Catching the white of the gravestones Lending a poignancy to the moment Numbering in their thousands they lay Deserving remembrance And yet the scarred green fields are empty Nothing remains here The processions of people vanished with the years Their sacrifice all but forgotten She stands there alone At the edge of the silent place And she is shocked New wars brew and these forgotten men Will play no part in them The dead silence warn no ears but hers In great halls in moments of great decision What they fought for is forsaken And by days end new gravestones Appear on the blood red ground She finds what she seeks 'Sgt John Malley Age 27' His life brutally ended And she stands by his grave But he can give no answers And she weeps for him For the empty hole he left behind And for the new emptiness Soon to join the black chasm And her tears join the flood Rebecca Sullivan

☺Carol in Dulwich☺

☺Carol in Dulwich☺ Report 9 Nov 2006 14:58



Richard Report 9 Nov 2006 14:25

I'd like to add my gt-grandfather, Alfred Hayden, who was killed in action on the second day of the Battle of the Somme, 02 July 1916 age 36.


Cheryl Report 9 Nov 2006 14:23

Hi Carole Thanks for then nudge Cheryl

☺Carol in Dulwich☺

☺Carol in Dulwich☺ Report 9 Nov 2006 14:17



Jenny Report 9 Nov 2006 11:39

510689 Frederick Maynard Canadian Army Services Corps 1st Div Unit of Supply, Age 28 Died 17/12/1917 buried at les Baraques Military Cemetrey Sangatte France de Calais.


Lancsliz Report 9 Nov 2006 11:30

Written by Philip Harod Clucas, Flight Sergeant 1520775, RAF 50 Squadron 69 Clive St, Burnley. Killed in action aged 22 on 13.8.44. Buried at Bas-Oha Communal Cemetery, Belgium. If I should never see the moon again rising red-gold across the harvest fields, or feel the stinging of the soft April rain when the brown earth her hidden treasure yields, If I should never taste the salt sea spray as the ship beats her way 'gainst the breeze, or smell the dog rose or the new mown hay or moss or primrose beneath the trees, If I should never hear the thrushes wake long before the sunrise in the glimmering dawn, or watch the huge Atlantic rollers break against gray rugged cliffs in baffled scorn, If I have said goodbye to stream and wood to the wide ocean and the green clad hill I know He who made the world so good has somewhere made a heaven better still. Thus I bear witness with my latest breath Knowing the love of God, I fear not death. Wish I had that simple faith...this was read at my father's funeral in 1971 in London. Lived up North a long time and then in 2005 saw this displayed at a Burnley Church. Sent it to the Imperial War Museum, London for their collection. Liz


Bernie Report 9 Nov 2006 07:36

My Godfather Lieutenant Marcel Georges Florent Fox, (Special Operations Executive) at Flossenburg Camp on 29th March 1945. Legion D'Honneur, Croix de Guerre avec Palme. Bernadette