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Olde Crone - oh dear!

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Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 01:07

So, IF I'm not the first slut in my entire family to have a child out of wedlock, then I have some means of prooving it (hopefully) :D Well, thats put a smile on my otherwise well smacked face ! I'll do some digging then ! Cheers Nell - I thought you would know - in fact I think it was you that I first saw mention them some time back !! Which one's Bill and which one Ben then ??? Elainepennellshawcross :D

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 18 Feb 2006 01:07

jess bow bag go bed bow byes now night night you crazy crowd jess


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 01:02

Jess You've got it wrong. It's flobberdubberdub! You haven't been smoking enough weeeeeeeeeeeeed. nell


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 01:01

Bastardy bonds or custard creams? Elaine seriously, bastardy bonds were the forerunner of today's Child Support Agency, except more effective. When a poor misled girl/immoral slut got pregnant, the parish elders/noseyparker busybodies would try to find out the name of the father to get him to accept his parental responsibilities/shove the maintenance of his brat onto him to avoid incurring parish expenditure/being seen to support filth and vice. Apparently the midwife would sometimes be recruited to ask the poor girl in between contractions 'Who've you had it away with then?' Bastardy bonds would be drawn up with the amount payable and they are in county records offices - EXCEPT the ones relevant to my illegitimate gt grandmother, which haven't survived, so I have a blank space for one of my gt gt grandfathers which may never be filled:-( I know that in 1862 a woman in Gloucestershire received 1s. 6d a week, which the local police superintendant collected for her. nell

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 18 Feb 2006 00:57

jessbowbagbobbindog, flibber libber libber lob, Icckle wee'd ** scratches head and wonders what word she means? think i must have a stunted vocabulary


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:53

No chance Jess - the heatings gone off and I ain't sitting here freezing ! Good job I didn't mistranscribe THAT word ! Elaine ;-)

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 18 Feb 2006 00:52

read your Mind ?- i can see you've got your PJ's on!


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:50

Jess - you READ MY MIND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG ! Nell ........... is this OK ElainePennellShawcross Well - it is pulled together !


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:49

Olde Crone ... Is it you that can advice on Bastardy Bonds ? Need some advice ...!! Meant to ask you as well Nell ! Tried goggling - googliung even !!!!!!!! (Lambrini gets the blame !) oh blinkin 'eck Googling !!!!!!!!!! Bastardy Bonds at Jess's advice but got a Leicestershire site - I want Lancashire !


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:49

Found them they were mistranscribed as TITCHY (must be their wee brother) She also hyphenated to avoid confusion with m i l who has same first name and lived next door (but how anyone could mistake a wee question mark of a Yorkshire woman for a buxom Scot - I dont know lol)

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 18 Feb 2006 00:48

maybe you could ask her the difference between bastardy bonds and Bastardly bonds she knows lots about one of them , cant remember which now my faux pas for the week- all time probably!


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:48

Elaine! Pull yourself together! Phoenix I don't think chromosomes are mentioned in parish registers, are they? I'm sure that wasn't my query... It was to do with women anyway. Oh £$%£*& I bet I remember in the middle of the night and forget again tomorrow. Just my luck if Olde Crone says she has no idea if I do remember. Who am I?


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:45

Not fair .... I want to go back to Pennell-Shawcross but I daren't now ... cos you will get my name wrong and I'll get VERY upset and I'll cry and cry and cry - and I CAN you know ....... ;D


Phoenix Report 18 Feb 2006 00:44

Um I can blag the answers, Nell, but blagging the questions? You could ask her why most men called Jones have identical Y chromosones? It may not be THE question you were thinking of, but she probably knows the answer.

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 18 Feb 2006 00:43

I have to come back though and say something else, despite saying i am going to s*d off. What innane insults can i throw now? I know... YOU ARE ALL HOWWIBLE!!


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:36

Phoenix I have not been touchy or tetchy or rude tonight as far as I am aware and therefore do not need to come up with an excuse. (we are discussing a now-deleted thread which if you missed it, you can be glad about) I don't think Jess or Olde Crone have been rude either, I think they deserve to be congratulated on their restraint. But if you have any idea what i was going to ask Olde Crone, please let me know, before she gets too daft to reply and I get too daft to understand the reply. nell


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:34

Jess I bet Feely is really Feeny, which as you know is Irish, so if you are going to s*d off, you need to head towards an Irish bog. Tee hee, you made me laugh! Sleep well. nell

Jess Bow Bag

Jess Bow Bag Report 18 Feb 2006 00:31

dont be so silly! whatever made you think Esmerelda Touchy-Feely was the name? Its Esmerelda Feely, hypenated to 'Touchy' for no reason known to man, woman or dog. anyway I am going to sod off now...........


Phoenix Report 18 Feb 2006 00:30

Honestly I go out for the evening, and come back to discover all of you getting touchy. Now if you'd discovered, like me, that the small print on the latest medication says Avoid Alchohol, then I'd consider you had grounds for getting touchy. Jess I forgive as trying to sell a house must be one of the most stressful things there is. What excuses have the rest of you got???


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 00:27

Jess I'm confused. Is Silly Billy Thingy-Whatsit related to Tetchy and Touchy, and are Tetchy and Touchy friends? Where exactly have you found them? On a census? Maybe you need to try a different spelling - Te Chi and Tuh Chi for example. Oh dear, I am definitely going senile I need to go to bed. nell