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Ann Report 25 Mar 2005 17:42

Hi Nell I think you need more than coffee William in 1871 age 17 living as nephew with Elizabeth Cummins age 67 and John B Cummins age 43 who is listed as son George must have died now as not listed I thought William could not be nephew of George as his name would be Cummins not Blaylock?? Cannot find marriage of George and Elizabeth to determine whether William may be nephew of Elizabeth as relationship to Head of household is nephew and Elizabeth is now head He also lived with them in 61 but then George was head and William was a visitor !! Ann xx


Unknown Report 25 Mar 2005 12:22

Just for my own clarification William Blaylock is listed as nephew to George & Elizabeth Cummins. So he could be the son of George's brother (with a different surname, maybe half-brothers) or George's sister, or Elizabeth's brother (half/step) or sister (ditto). I need another cup of coffee before I can do anything else! nell


Ann Report 25 Mar 2005 11:15

Morning Ken and Nell and anybody else that could give advice Found this marriage and when checked our george actually married jane elliott wrong one again William born nichol forest not sure how far that is from Hedworth South Shields but still no father Ann xx


Ken Report 25 Mar 2005 00:51

found these marriages for 1839 Sept. CUMMINS George Durham &c. 24 48 Eisbit Jane Farrow Durham &c. 24 48 Elliott Edward Durham &c. 24 48 Elliott Jane Durham &c. 24 48 Fleming Elizabeth Durham &c. 24 48 Pickering William Durham &c. 24 48 Richardson Thomas Durham &c. 24 48 Spooner Susannah Durham &c. 24 48 1. WILLIAM BLAYLOCK - International Genealogical Index Gender: Male Christening: 08 JUN 1856 Nichol Forest, Cumberland, England mother Catherine BLAYLOCK no father listed


Ann Report 25 Mar 2005 00:26

Not found marriage george and elizabeth yet!! still looking Hadnt thought about her being georges sister just connected nephew with male side would be william cummins - silly me!! Back to drawing board - getting late now - will have another go at these tomorrow Annxx


Ken Report 25 Mar 2005 00:18

Try finding marriage of George and Elizabeth this will give another possible surname for mother, don't forget she could also have been George's sister.


Ann Report 24 Mar 2005 23:57

Sad to think he was abandoned as the same thing happened to his two grandaughters - my mum and her sister after their mother died - will be trawling the census for william senior tomorrow - are you about tomorrow Watson!! cos Sherlocks getting a bit sleepy now and hubby says I have to go to bed soon LOL Ann xx


Unknown Report 24 Mar 2005 23:51

Since he is living with the Cummins, he was either abandoned by his parent(s), which adds to my gut feeling about his illegitimacy, or they died, or they just liked leaving him with them on census night! I take it you can't find a William senior on the census anywhere? nell


Ann Report 24 Mar 2005 23:26

Hi Yes this is them When I asked the lady at Tyneside she said that they used the same records as I had alreday looked at on 1837 so if I could not find it she would not be able to either In 1861 age 7 he was listed as a visitor with George and Elizabeth Cummins in 1871 age 17 he was still with Elizabeth and son John B Cummins but this time as a nephew Sherlock Holmes springs into action and decides that Elizabeth could be sister of his mother so trots off to find marriage of Elizabeth and George presumably george now decd but surprise cant find that either What now watson?? Ann xx


Unknown Report 24 Mar 2005 23:06

Is this William and first wife on 1881 census? 1881 British Census Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability Willm. BLAYLOCK Head M Male 27 Hedworth, Durham, England Signalman (O/S Rly) Janet M. BLAYLOCK Wife M Female 26 Jarrow, Durham, England Agnes T. BLAYLOCK Daur Female 3 Jarrow, Durham, England Robert C. BLAYLOCK Son Male 1 Boldon, Durham, England Source Information: Dwelling Lodge Census Place Boldon, Durham, England Family History Library Film 1342209 Public Records Office Reference RG11 Piece / Folio 5018 / 78 Page Number 25 This would indicate William was born 1854 in Hedworth. You could try asking the relevant local register office if they can find a birth. If its possible that he was illegitimate, then he may not have been registered, or he may have been registered under his mother's surname and began using his father's surname later on. nell


Ann Report 24 Mar 2005 22:58

Hiya Marriage 1 1876 marriage 2 1888 Marriage 1 William Blaylock - Janet Crookston Marriage 2 William Blaylock - Susan Crummey Ann xx


Unknown Report 24 Mar 2005 22:39

Ann Genealogy is all about feeling happy/sad often at the same time! To clarify. You have a great grandfather called William Blaylock, who married twice. You have both his marriage certs. The first one has no father at all [this usually means illegitimacy]. The second one has William Blaylock [who could be made up for respectability's sake, if William jnr is illegitimate]. What dates are the two marriage certs? nell


Ann Report 24 Mar 2005 22:33

Evening everybody Recd my first two certs today from South Tyneside,very quick and helpful people, problem is sent for the two marriage certs for my g grandfather to try and discover his father as can find no record of his birth on 1837 or bmd ,too early for family relatives, to discover on marriage one no father mentioned marriage two father now same name as his william blaylock, hotel keeper, and on first round of lookups cant find a marriage for him or birth - opinions please whereto next? - should I feel happy with certs or sad that I am no further forward?? Ann XX