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Ok, I know I'm being thick but......

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Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:06

I'm trying to find someone on the 1841 London census based on an address given on a marriage cert. The marriage took place in Paddington. The address is given as York Row. I've now been told that the only reference to York Row on the 1841 London is Lambeth and is that what I mean. Is it?? I don't know! My London geog is terrible and I've just checked out all the reg districts on Genuki but couldn't find anywhere that told me what district is next to which and so on! HELP!!!! Thank you!


Louise Report 13 Mar 2005 00:11

Hi Lou, I'm afraid that Paddington is not in or near Lambeth! Louise PS. Sorry if my first post was a bit abrupt. I was a bit trigger happy!


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:13

Thank you both! I suppose there's always the hope that they got married in HER parish so his address was actually for Lambeth. But I think that's also what's known as clutching at straws! Lou


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:14

Lou You aren't thick. Let's clarify some things. You are trying to find someone at an address on the 1841 census and the address you have is York Row on a marriage cert. When did the marriage take place and was it by banns or licence? I'm asking because it is possible the person moved before/after the marriage/census. It is also possible that if married by licence he/she was living in Lambeth but chose to marry in Paddington for an unknown reason. If they married by banns they should theoretically have been living at the address(es) given on the cert, although lots of people had convenience addresses for the benefit of calling banns. nell


Heather Report 13 Mar 2005 00:15

Lou, if you google GENDOC Victorian London streets you bring up all old streets. But, as a Londoner, sorry to tell you, Paddington is north of the river and Lambeth south of the river. However, the only York ROW on the gendoc site is for Battersea, Wandsworth. http://www(.)gendocs(.)demon(.)co(.)uk/england(.)html Actually Id forgotten what a briliant site GENDOCS is - well worth checking for lots of different info.


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:18

I'm even more confused now.... Ok, let me grab the register entry! William Bibb married Maria Lumley Dec 27th 1841 by Banns at St John's Church Paddington. His address at time of marriage 9 York Row Hers 122 Praed Street Neither actually says where! Does that help me or not?????

Joan Palmer

Joan Palmer Report 13 Mar 2005 00:21

Hi Lou York Row and Praed Street were both in the same piece number on the 1851 cd, registration district of Kensington, sub district of Paddington. The 1841 states that part of Kensington is missing and as neither of these streets appear in the index on the 1841 cd I think they may be in the missing part. Joan x


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:23

Thanks Joan I knew I was clutching at straws hoping that they might have NOT been living in Paddington and the addies referred to somewhere else! We're still back to the drawing board then....better put the kettle on! Lou


Heather Report 13 Mar 2005 00:24

Sods Law, eh Lou!!!


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:29

That's how it goes with my lot! Got a baptism entry today for my Essex 5 x grandfather. Was really pleased till I realised the father on it isn't the person it should be. Ah well....!


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:43

Praed street is still there, you should be able to find it on a London A-Z or on www*streetmap*uk*co replace * with . St John's church is in Hyde Park Crescent, Paddington, easy walking distance from Praed street. Co-incidentally I have a great-aunt who was working as a domestic servant in Hyde Park Square, Paddington in 1891. nell


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 00:48

Thanks Nell Lou x


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 01:05

Hey Lou you're not moaning any more are you? :-) I have just realised how late/or alternatively how early it is. I'm off for some well-earned kip. Night night, sleep well. nell


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2005 01:32

Goodnight hon Thanks for everything Lou x