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Re Lack of info

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Karen Report 21 Feb 2005 23:36

you made me laugh peter.........i forgot to add im illegitimate (spelling) myself with an illegitimate half brother somewhere, dont know my natural father, been married twice,divorced twice......was born a stevens, 2nd marriage was to a full circle back to stevens!! (1st hubbies the one thats now a woman!!) and happily now live in sin! kaz


Peter Report 21 Feb 2005 23:06

Looking at whats been put on here so far My lifes nothing. I thought having had 11+ jobs run two buinesses and done training in 3 other kinds of work only losely conected with any of the said jobs, served 6 years in the army and been marrid twice had 6 children and been all over the world (well half of it) plus a lot more,They were going to find it hard to trace me. but becoming some one eles as a woman, changing name twice and all the rest. Blimy I'm simple to find.


Debby Report 21 Feb 2005 21:53

Well God help my future rellies! I had a son before I married - his birth cert has no mention of his father and he had my maiden name. Then I married and changed my sons name by deed poll to my husbands name. Then! I divorced and have now remarried - my marriage won't be registered over here as I married in Mauritius! My son is now considering whether to change his surname back to my maiden name. But wouldn't you be proud of them if they sussed it???!!! Debby


Karen Report 21 Feb 2005 21:21

do i really need to tell my future rellies.... my 1st husband remarried had four kids and is now living somewhere as a woman??? (im not joking) kaz


AnninGlos Report 21 Feb 2005 17:09

I am writing as much of my life history as I can possibly remember, where I lived, went to school, what I wore, who I played with, what I read, what my family were like. i hope it will be of some interest to someone but anyway I am enjoying the self indulgence of writing it. ann Glos


Elaine Report 21 Feb 2005 15:50

Hi Peter, That's a brilliant idea,I was thinking about the problems we often encounter with our ancestors changing around their names and using nicknames etc,and I suddenly thought of my ex husband(something I definitly don't often do) and the problems that he'll cause in future years because he changed his name by deed poll.Anyone not knowing that information surely will think they have a vanishing ancestor.....maybe that's what some of mine did beats the alien abduction line of thought ..... Elaine


R.B. Report 21 Feb 2005 14:35

For Christmas my cousin gave a beautiful book and inside she wrote' please write your all memories down whether they be happy ones or sad because when gone someone will want to know the real you'

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 21 Feb 2005 14:33

Thinking about it more, why should we make it easy for them? Our ancestors didn't so why should we? Half the fun is the thrill of the chase!

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 21 Feb 2005 14:31

Vivienne, don't worry, my partner is a Jedi and I'm pagan!


Linen Report 21 Feb 2005 14:22

Hi All Maybe this is a good thread for me to add a confession & an appology to any descendants who may try to look back. I'm ashamed to admit that as a young married couple my first husband & I didn't understand census. Thought it was just the government being nosey. They wanted to know who was in the household so we told them including the pets. Buddy, Snubby & Jenny all with our surname. That will cause some headaches! Sorry All Vivienne


Kriso Report 21 Feb 2005 14:05

Ditto, I am trying to organise all my photos with Creative Memories, which involves journalling who, what, where, when and why. I've got about 12 pages done and 30,000 to go! :o) Kristeen


Unknown Report 21 Feb 2005 13:23

What a good idea, I've often thought the same!


Peter Report 21 Feb 2005 12:07

This is not so much a tip as a plea for the future. I like evrey one eles on this site gets frustrated over the lack of info on our relles. But we are doing the same for our relles to come. Apart from our own BDMs what are we leveing them to trace us by. I have over the last few weeks had time to think of lots of things I have done (jobs exctra) whene helping out on the boards. But My wife saw one thing the other day and asked WHEN DID YOU DO THAT. And that got me thinking. If she who has been with me 21 years dose not know I once worked in a job how are my graet grand kid going to know. So what we should do is uses our computer, Diaries,joursals and any other form of recording to get at least a basic out line of our lives for thous to come. Let save there sanatiy unlike our relles failed to save ours.