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Help with a challenge, storms

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Sandra Report 6 Feb 2005 09:34

Hi is anyone able to help me find some info, i have googled but had no specific luck. My sister is convinced she died in 1923 in a tidal wave or bad storm in Brighton in 1923. But she doesn't remember what her name was then, i just want to find out if their was a storm that killed in 1923 in that area. sandra


Joan Report 6 Feb 2005 09:55

Sandra, the local papers for that year would surely have it. Phone the Brighton records Office and see what they have .Then maybe plan a day out to Brighton to search? Good hunting. Joan


Sandra Report 6 Feb 2005 10:31

Thankyou, i'll have a look at the records office, Dee, no your not going mad we are talking reincarnation, the female line on my maternal side are very psychic, i was apparently a clairvoyant in a previous life, and i still have premonitions now, my sister still sees 'ghosts' as do her kids and mine, can't explain it, i just look on it as being lucky to have something that is different and interesting and i don't find it scary. lol sandra


Alan Report 6 Feb 2005 10:35

I find it a fascinating topic. Any more info would be great.


Sandra Report 6 Feb 2005 11:07

I'm going to delve into this one, as i would like to find an insight to why we have premonitions and memories of things we wouldn't know about, and to see if it ties in with ancestors on my tree with a death date around that time. My sister hasn't seen the amount of work i have done on mine as i haven't seen her for over 2 years, but it would be interesting to have a theory if we stay in the same ancestral lines in reincarnation. I can remember my first trip to cornwall aged about 4 and i said theirs a pink cottage round the bend, i lived their and sure enough it appeared, but it never scared me. sandra


Unknown Report 6 Feb 2005 11:11

Sandra Keep us posted on this one cos the subject fascinates me. We'd been trying for a baby for years and I discovered I was pregnant 9 weeks after my Nana died. From the minute Morgan was born (named after my Nana's maiden name!) my mum has been convinced she is a reincarnation of Nana Hilda. Baby photos of them both at a similar age could be the same child and now she's 3 years old, Mum says all her mannerisms and the way she says certain things is just her mum. Who knows but I've always been a believer that it isn't over when you die so maybe there's something in it! Lou


Sandra Report 6 Feb 2005 11:14

Lou My exs cousin was dieing, and her sister had been trying for a baby for 10 years, Wendy said to her on her death bed you are pregnant and she was, it was her gift to her, very unexplainable. sandra


Unknown Report 6 Feb 2005 11:16

Hi Sandra It's funny cos whenever I tell people that, they automcatically say 'Well of course she looks the image of your nana. Your mum was probably the image of your nana when she was a baby too. And the mannerisms are genetic' But I'm adopted so technically my children should bear no resemblence at all to my Mum and my Nana! Lou


Sandra Report 6 Feb 2005 11:36

Just found a weather report for 1923 on the 10th 11th july their were bad storms on the south coast, seaford was mentioned which is a couple of miles from Brighton, now i'll have to go to Collingdale and look at the newspaper records. Might be something in this. sandra


Diane Report 6 Feb 2005 12:16

My Mum always used to say if ever she came back she would come back as a man, as she was fed up of looking after them. (Had a dad and 4 brothers) Well she died on the 24/7/1990 and my son was born on the 24/7/1991 she was the only one in the family to have green eyes so as he, she was left deaf in one ear after a road accident when she was a child, he was born deaf in the same ear. This is more then coincidence. Regards Diane.


Unknown Report 6 Feb 2005 13:00

9-10 July 1923 In a massive thunderstorm, 6,924 flashes of lightning were recorded in 6 hours over London.


Peter Report 6 Feb 2005 13:20

The Met office will be able to give you more details of the weather for that date I have got a report from them for 1945. for some thing I needed to find out about. Sorry I can not remember the address just Googal it, thats how I got ti the first time.


Molly Report 6 Feb 2005 20:59

I live 20 mins away from Brighton so if I can help look up anything for just let me know..the local regional paper for Brighton is the Evening Argus, they may well be able to help.Angie