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9mm Cine Films

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Natalie Report 23 Jan 2005 22:42

How much would it cost......?


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2005 22:46

Natalie To do what exactly? Lou


Natalie Report 23 Jan 2005 22:47

When my Dad died I found some old 9mm cine films (fairly poor condition) of him and the family. Has anyone got any ideas how best I can view these films without spending a lot of money (he didn't leave money........just the films!!!). Is it possible to get a projector to view them on.....or do I need to have them professionally transferred. If so, how much does this cost? They were probably taken around 1945, so not exactly 'national treasures', but I would dearly love to see what's on them! Any suggestions welcome! Many thanks. Natalie


Natalie Report 23 Jan 2005 22:48

Lancashire Lou You're very quick off the mark tonight!!!! Sorry, I was a bit slow typing the next bit of my message! Natalie


Unknown Report 23 Jan 2005 22:51

Sorry babe! My Dad located lots of something similar when my grampie died and he cleared out their house (along with old photos, certs etc that he didn't bother to tell me he'd got till I'd re-bought them but that's a whole other moan!). I can't remember where he went but he had them turned into slides and photos and I doubt it cost a fortune cos Dad doesn't like parting with it! If no-one else comes up with the answer, I'll call him in the morning and ask! Lou


Peter Report 23 Jan 2005 23:09

You could try charity shops or E-bay to see if you can bye an old projector. or try your local church or school, both uses to use them a lot and there might be a chance they still have one. But have you done any priceing to have it copyed on to video. or if you have a film archive nere you they might help as they might not be national tresuers but they are historic ones as they show life as it was then.


KathleenBell Report 23 Jan 2005 23:15

Have a look at this website. Don't know anything about them, but got it from Google. Hope this helps. Kath. x


Margaret Report 23 Jan 2005 23:23

My parents had reels of 9mm film the projector could not be repaired i decided to have them transfered to vedio tape brilliant job done of them. Margaret

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 24 Jan 2005 05:17

You might want to see if there's an amateur cine club in your area - I'm sure that they would screen it for you if they have the right projector. You will find that a 9.5mm projector will be much harder to track down than the more common 8mm and 16mm, but you might get lucky! My dad is a keen amateur cine buff, and is still active in a club in Sussex. Since the advent of video the interest in cine film has died off a lot, but there are still a few "hard-core" enthusiasts around! This website has a list of amateur clubs: Richard


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2005 14:32

My sister had my Dad's put on video, don't think it was that expensive. Ann Glos


Louise Report 24 Jan 2005 15:27

We also had some cine films copied on video. It was done quite a few years ago so the price comparison won't help but it wasn't very expensive. One thing to note though, my friends also had this done and got some terrible backing music added - definitely avoid this unless you get to choose the music. We had a great laugh watching her family holiday in the early 1960s which was set to a wildly inappropriate collection of covers of 80s pop songs but I think she would have preferred it without! Louise


Jorvikmik Report 24 Jan 2005 22:21

Don't know much about cine films but would a 8mm cine projector alter to play the 9mm? - Just that I have one like new in original box. If it helped anyone then it would just cost the postage. It came along as an extra at an auction and is no use to me. Japanese Model P-124 automatic with zoom lens

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 24 Jan 2005 23:24

Michael - there are two types of 8mm projector - standard-8 and super-8. However, neither will play 9.5mm film, and a standard-8 projector won't play super-8 film. It's a bit like trying to put an old beta-max video into a VHS!! I'm sure that your projector would be useful to someone though, as 8mm was the most popular gauge at the time. Richard


Peter Report 24 Jan 2005 23:35

I just noted you and me are Hogs.( Hampshire Hogs that is) Winchester has a film archives. its right next to the railway station. go to this site it will tellyou how to get there exctra www.winchester.*gov.*uk remove*


Natalie Report 25 Jan 2005 18:57

Thanks to everyone for your advice, especially Peter (for your email). I've just taken my pile of films to a local place who can send them off to be converted to DVD. They said it would cost me £150. I don't think that's too bad (as I had about six reels of film) but it's more than I can afford right now! I'm also a bit worried that they might lose the films or something! So, shall try and get down to the Winchester Film Archive and see if they have any suggestions! Thanks again! Natalie