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London Ancestors

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Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 15:05

My great great grandmother Matilda Lucas was born c1847 in Rotherhithe and have her details from census from 1861 - 1901, but I have'nt been able to find any information on her parents' births or marriage or Matilda's birth. Can anyone help? This is what I have already(see below):


Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 15:09

Parents:- Richard Lucas, born c1811 in Rotherhithe, Sail Maker Mary Ann, born c1811 in Rotherhithe Siblings:- Emma Lucas, born c1842 in Bermondsey/Rotherhithe William Lucas, born c1848 in Rotherhithe Emma married Benjamin Boyer in 1873 and I haven't been able to find her on later censuses. I would really appreciate any help, Thank you, Lucia :-)


Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 15:22



Unknown Report 30 Dec 2004 15:24

Lucia Where have you looked so far? You're definitely into the realms of before civil reg with the parents' births, possibly the same with the marriage depending on how long they'd been married before having the 1st child. Lou


Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 15:34

Hi Lou, I have looked on IGI but don't know how accurate the data is. Is it complete? I don't really want to try 1837 because there are a lot of results and I feel I would waste a lot of money on it. If I could find a baptism record then I could pinpoint the year(s) in which she was born and then I could try and find her birth certificate. I was hoping to find a christening record for Matilda or her siblings but there is nothing on the IGI. Thank you so much for your help, Lucia :-)


McDitzy Report 30 Dec 2004 15:36

IGI isn't complete. It should really just be used as a secondary source and parish records should always be checked. Have you found anything on FreeBMD? You've probably looked. Trawling through 1837 seems like the only way. It can be lessened now. If you type in Matilda Lucas, it will take you to the page she should be on if she was registered then. Matilda Lucas doesn't seem like a common name at all. You shouldn't have to spend too much.


Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 15:41

Hi Chloe, Thank you for your reply, I have tried FreeBMD but I haven't been able to find her parents' marriage. However I think I have found William's birth but one of the page numbers is missing so I can't order the certificate. According to census records William was born in Rotherhithe and Emma was born in either Rotherhithe or Bermondsey. Thank you for your help, Lucia


Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 15:49

Hi Chloe, I had a look at 1837 and there are 17 images in the results and it doesn't seem to cost that much so I will try looking on 1837. Thank you so much for your help Lucia


McDitzy Report 30 Dec 2004 15:51

Emma is living with her parents on 1881: Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability Richard LUCAS Head M Male 69 Rotherthe, Surrey, England Sail Maker Mary A. LUCAS Wife M Female 68 Rotherthe, Surrey, England Emma BOYER Daughter M Female 38 Rotherthe, Surrey, England Husband At Sea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Dwelling 108 Evelyn Street Census Place Deptford St Paul, Kent, England Family History Library Film 1341165 Public Records Office Reference RG11 Piece / Folio 0706 / 90 Page Number 1 The fact that her husband is noted down as 'at sea' could suggest that they were in a different country in later censuses.


Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 15:55

Thanks Chloe, I really appreciate the lookup. I know that Emma married Benjamin Boyer in 1873. How do you think I could find where she is in later censuses? Thank you, Lucia :-)


McDitzy Report 30 Dec 2004 16:02

I have no idea I'm afraid. I thought that maybe Benjamin died, and she remarried. There's a marriage in Chelsea in 1885 for an Emma BOYER to either a William Deacon or Henry Thomas Marlow, but I can't find anything on later censuses that matches. Perhaps she died, and Benjamin remarried. There's a Benjamin Boyer who married in St Olave in 1890. But am having problems with find him on the 1891.


Luciacw Report 30 Dec 2004 16:20

Hi Chloe, Thank you so much for looking them up, I never thought of that, I'll see what I can find from the information you have given me, Lucia :-)


McDitzy Report 30 Dec 2004 16:29

Lucia Might be something to keep in mind (from IGI - if you haven't already seen it) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICHARD LUCAS Male Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marriages: Spouse: MARY ANN YOUNG Family Marriage: 23 NOV 1834 Saint James, Bermondsey, Surrey, England