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The Plough - Edwin Osgood - please find

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Andrea Report 6 Jan 2005 19:14

I don't know if this is any help. If you go on to Google, and click on images, then put " The Plough Inn ". There are 667 of them, maybe one is yours !! Good Luck Andrea :o)


Carolyn Report 31 Dec 2004 18:00

Heidi I was at the Society of Genealogists library yesterday and looking through some old directories. Your Edwin Osgood was still at The Ship in Poplar in 1905. I did have a look in the 1920 version (next one available) but no sign of him at any of The Ploughs in London/Middlesex. I don't know if this will help you much but good luck with the search - I'm sure you'll find the right one eventually. Carolyn

♫ Penny €

♫ Penny € Report 31 Dec 2004 16:33

Hi Heidi Why don't you put a copy of your photo on this sites photos & then ask if anyone recognises it on the boards? Penny


Heidi Report 28 Dec 2004 23:43

Glitter Babe - Ok, no problem. I'll keep searching for an image of it on line. Thanks for your help


Heidi Report 28 Dec 2004 23:35

Glitter Babe - thanks for the suggestion. I "googled" it and found plenty of references to the pub but unable to find a photograph of it - not surprisingly if it's been demolished. Did you know it? Was it a long, low building rather than a tall square one? Heidi


Heidi Report 28 Dec 2004 22:43

Christa - Yep - that's my Edwin Osgood alright. I knew he ran The Ship in 1901 but want to find him at The Plough (location unknown) at a later date. I only have a photograph of Edwin outside The Plough with Edwin's name at the bottom of the pub sign. It's frustrating not being able to find the pub (probably in SE England as he was a Londoner) Thank you everyone for trying to help also. Regards, Heidi

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 28 Dec 2004 10:11

Pamela I love the spelling of Licensed "Vitchular" - a very clear phonetic rendition of Licensed "Victualler": presumably the man knew what his job was called but neither he nor the enumerator knew how to spell it? I thought I'd remark on it on the thread, just in case anyone was using the terms to search for a job description - although maybe there are other places where the word has been spelled this way. Christine

♥♪ˇ Karen

♥♪ˇ Karen Report 28 Dec 2004 08:40

and another Plough Inn, 3 St. Mary's Street, BS35 2AB, 2AT The Plough Inn had an annual rateable value of £16.0s.0d. in 1891 and £20.0s.0d. in 1903. (11 p.m. closing). The Plough Inn is still trading. It is now tied to Ushers of Trowbridge. 1861 Ephraim Nelson 1881 George Hughes 1891 George Hughes. Beerhouse. Daniel Sykes & Co., Redcliffe Brewery and another TRESHAM Plough Inn, GL12 7RW One reference in 1939. Tresham is an isolated hamlet about two and a half miles to the south east of Wotton under Edge. There is a public house (PH) marked on the old One Inch Map of Bristol and Stroud. (Ordnance Survey Sheet 156, Seventh Series) Map reference ST 793913. 1939 William John Shellar 1903 Arthur Cripps. Beerhouse. Georges & Co., Bristol Brewery 1939 Ernest Howe

♥♪ˇ Karen

♥♪ˇ Karen Report 28 Dec 2004 08:39

heres another Plough Inn Plough Inn, 85 Barton Street (was Faust & Firkin, then Hoolahans), GL20 5PY The Plough must have been a prestigious pub one hundred years ago. In 1891 it had a substantial rateable value of £26.0s.0d. per year which had increased to a staggering £112 by 1903. Timber framed building which must be several centuries old. In the 1919 Kellys directory it is listed as the Plough Hotel. The tradition and architectural heritage of the pub has been conveniently forgotten in modern times. It traded as the Faust and Firkin in the late 1990's, part of the Firkin Brewery chain (but no brewery at the pub). The Plough went through yet another transformation to appease its trendy young clientele and was called Hooligans... sorry Hoolahan's, but, thankfully, it has recently reverted back to its proper identity. Map reference SO 894327 1830 Kinmill Wheeler 1885 James Turner 1891 James Turner (owner). Alehouse. Free from brewery tie 1902 Robert William Fourance 1903 William George Foster. Alehouse. Showell & Co., Oldbury, Staffordshire 1906,1919 Philip Pembridge 1927 Helena Jepson (Mrs)

♥♪ˇ Karen

♥♪ˇ Karen Report 28 Dec 2004 08:37

Is Leek in London ??? LEEK CYCLISTS CLUB- The annual invitation tea given by the Club’s president T.S. Myatt Esq., took place at the Plough Hotel, Endon, on Thursday when some fifty members and friends enjoyed a first-class repast. After tea Mr. Myatt took the chair and in the course of some interesting remarks, spoke of the usefulness of the Club, and its past history, naming several of the ex-captains, and he also mentioned that the club had one of its members on the Leek Urban Council. Speaking of the benefits of the week-end camps, he pointed out the invigorating effects of this form of simple life. Songs, duets, and recitations were contributed by a number of members, friends and visitors, and a most enjoyable evening was spent, concluding with a hearty voice of thanks to the generous hosts. Leek Post, May 1910

♥♪ˇ Karen

♥♪ˇ Karen Report 28 Dec 2004 08:34

try these pages I googled plough hotel 1915 http://www.rotherhampubs.f9.* http://www.camulos.*com/inns/7ref.htm


Crista Report 28 Dec 2004 05:01

That pub was called The Ship. Crista


Heidi Report 28 Dec 2004 02:25

My gg grandfather, Edwin Osgood, ran a pub called The Plough somewhere in the UK around 1915-ish. It was a Whitbread pub but Whitbread distributed their archives about 3 years ago. I can't find out where The Plough was. He was a Londoner, so I am guessing The Plough was in the SE of England. I've used Kelly's Directories on line to no avail. Is anyone prepared to use whatever they have available to them to find the pub and Edwin as Landlord? I would be over the moon to be helped on this. Heidi