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valinkent Report 10 Nov 2004 18:58

My son is going mad with pop-ups i have gone though Judy,s Message "Emptying Cookies" which is supposed to stop alot of them,but can anyone suggest any other option to try . Val


Heather Report 10 Nov 2004 19:07

You may have "spies" on your system. Google Free download of Spybot. If you download this program, you can run it thru the pc to find and destroy any spyware.


valinkent Report 10 Nov 2004 19:09

Thanks Heather i will let him now Val


Peter Report 10 Nov 2004 19:17

You could also install the Google Toolbar. This blocks most popups and is completely free. Just look for it on the Google homepage. Pete


valinkent Report 10 Nov 2004 19:19

Thanks Peter Val

Eagles 4

Eagles 4 Report 10 Nov 2004 21:03

I'd agree with that. The Google toolbar is brilliant. Since I installed it I've not had a single pop up.


Unknown Report 10 Nov 2004 21:09

Sometimes you do want a pop-up if it gives you access to further info. In that case you can use control and click. nell


Judy Report 10 Nov 2004 22:13

Val.....there are several things that need to be done. One is to install ADAWARE SE PERSONAL VERSION to remove spyware/adware that is already on your PC. This program has to scan your PC to work. Also install SPYWAREBLASTER which will prevent programs from downloading themselves in the future. This program runs in :real time: so it's always on protecting your PC. Both programs are free. Although ADAWARE removes the things that spyware/adware programs generate on your PC, you may have to manually UNINSTALL the programs causing the pop-ups by using your PC's ADD/REMOVE PROGRAM feature. (The new version of ADAWARE is out.....any ADAWARE program that has not been put on your PC in the last month or so is probably no longer need to download and install the newest version. No need to remove the old version as the new version will do this task for you.) Rather than hunt and peck through sites looking for the suggested downloads I have downloaded them myself and sent them to an e-mail account that anyone who is interested can go to the e-mail account, access it and retrieve the programs: 1. Go to www.Y* ahoo(.)com - Remember to remove the * and ( ) from the address 2. Click on the mail icon in the upper right hand corner of your screen. 3. User ID: genesreunited Password: genealogy and click on SIGNIN. (type the information in using all lower case letters - no capitals._ 4. You should now be in the mail account. Simply click on the IN BOX on the left and you will have access to several programs.....each one is labeled as to what it is. As for downloading toolbars from the internet.....most usually cause more harm than good as they are loaded with spyware/adware. GOOGLE, however, would be my choose if I were to download one though as it is far safer to use than many of the other ones out there. (Yes, I know, some swear by the toolbars they use.....I only know what I remove in our repair shop from peoples PC's.....and toolbars are usually a good part of the problem.) Judy


Robert Report 10 Nov 2004 22:26

If you use Internet Explorer v6 then select Tool Internet Options Privacy and click the block pop-ups. If you are not at version 6 I recommend you upgrade. This can be done free of charge from the Microsoft website where there is advice on keeping all your software up to date.


Sam Report 10 Nov 2004 23:51

Hi Val I agree with Judy. i have both Adaware and the Google toolbar on my PC and I never have any problems with popups. I'm not sure exactly what Ad-aware does to them but I can see now that the Google toolbar has blocked 184 pop ups since I installed it. Both worth having in my opinion! Sam


John Report 11 Nov 2004 01:38

Download this - Pop-Up Stopper Free Edition from www(.)panicware(.)com **** - delete brackets as the word says its free!

Wayne the boy from OZ

Wayne the boy from OZ Report 11 Nov 2004 03:00

This is for Win XP you will need to check for other Windows platforms. You are probably familiar with Windows MSN Messenger which is used for Instant Messaging. Well there is another program called Messenger that is used in networks to transmit and send Alerter service messages between clients and servers. Even though you'll never use it (unless you are on a network) by default it is turned on, causing an open hole in your XP firewall for pop-up advertising to get through. Here's what to do if you want to stop these annoying Popup Messages.......... Go to Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services. This will bring up a long list of Windows services that are running or available on your system. Find "Messenger" and right click and then open the Properties Box. In the "Startup Type" field, change the setting to "Manual". You could choose "Disable", but if any services depend on Messenger they will fail to start, so you're better off playing it safe. Wayne


BobClayton Report 11 Nov 2004 09:03

Wayne, SP2 now disables messenger service as default. Anyone using SP2 should use inbuilt stopper (tools) and run Adaware etc before using toolbars. Bob


valinkent Report 11 Nov 2004 10:36

Thanks to every one of you for the advice ,i will pass it on to my son . Val