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Misspelled Names

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Peter Report 10 Nov 2004 13:10

I have spent weeks searching the 1881 census for a family that exists in 1871 and 1901. I have from 1871 Charlotte DRAKE 64 Wife, Henry DRAKE 64 Lodger, Julia C KINCAID 3 Daughter, Sarah Ann KINCAID 20 Daughter and William H Kincaid 13 months Son. (RG10-642 Page 21). Some of this info is wrong, as Henry DRAKE is Charlotte's husband, and Sarah Ann KINKAID's husband Thomas is missing., although he is still alive in 1901! Sarah is Henry and Charlotte's daughter, and the other 2 are Sarah and Thomas's children. On the 1881, Charlotte DRAKE is shown as a widow living with a family of EXOLL (I think this should be EXALL), but there is no trace whatsoever of the KINCAIDS. I have tried every spelling I can think of, and even tried searching for every Sarah married to a Thomas (returned 5000 records!), but none of them fit the bill. Sarah died in 1897, and Thomas shows as re-married in 1901, and William shows in the 1901 also. I hope this all makes sense! This is the first time I have totally failed to find a family, despite coming from a family with loads of German names in it, which get chronically misspelled! Peter


Anne Report 10 Nov 2004 13:14

Not sure if you have tried Scottish records? Kincaid sounds like a Scottish name to me. I have no experience of looking for ancestors north of the border so this is just a suggestion Anne


Karen Report 10 Nov 2004 13:21

Peter In what county did you find them in 1871 and do you have the locations of the births for Sarah, Julia and William? With kind regards Karen


Peter Report 10 Nov 2004 13:22

Hi Anne, I am trying to trace the family back to Scotland, however, this particular family all come from the Kent/Surrey areas of London, I think it is 2 or 3 generations back from Thomas that my Scottisch roots lie. Pete


Peter Report 10 Nov 2004 13:27

Hi Karen, They were all born, and were living in Rotherhithe, London (or Surrey, depending on which database you look at!) Pete


NicolaDunbyNocula Report 10 Nov 2004 13:28

It's just a thought, but could it be possible that he was in the Army at that time or possibly working away. Or another possibility is that they forgot to mention him so that is why he is not on that census. Nicola


NicolaDunbyNocula Report 10 Nov 2004 13:52

Peter I have just found this information on the 1881 census, not sure whether it would be the correct one but here goes. Birth 1847 Born Greenwich, Kent Age 34 Occupation Bugler Royal Marines Marrital status Married Head of family Dwellling Forton Road No 5 Union Place, Alverstoke Hampshire It could be a possibility that if this is the correct one, then his wife could have stayed with her parents while he was away in the army. Which would explain why he would not be registered as living with her. Nicola


Peter Report 10 Nov 2004 14:13

Thanks for trying Nicola, but i'm afraid this is not my Thomas Kincaid. My Thomas's middle name is William (from his son, William's marriage cert), and the one you found is N. L and is living with a wife, Mary. Sarah is no longer with her parents in 1881, as her father had died, and her mother was living with another family. However, I can't find her on her own either! In fact, there are only 96 Kincaids on the 1881 census, and that is with exact spelling off. I have looked at every single one of them, and there is not even a close match. I assume that the name has been misspelled somehow, as none of the children show up either. Thanks for your help, Pete


NicolaDunbyNocula Report 10 Nov 2004 14:15

Peter When you put the name in search, did you click on soundex? That will bring up different variations of the name. Nicola


Peter Report 10 Nov 2004 14:34

Nicola Which website are you using for your search? I use the LDS for 1881, and there is no 'soundex' box, only a 'use exact spelling' box. Pete


Unknown Report 10 Nov 2004 16:12

Unless you click on the Exact Name box, LDS will return Soundex results. I was wondering whether the capital K could be misread as a capital R - Rincaid instead of Kincaid? nell

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 10 Nov 2004 17:11

What about Kinane? I knew some at school and it vaguely sounds like Kincaid.


Peter Report 10 Nov 2004 17:38

Hi Helen, Tried that! In fact, I have tried with every letter of the alphabet at the start! Hi Janet, I hadn't thought of that one, but I have just tried it, and no good! Thanks for your input Pete