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Divorce records

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Julie Report 6 Nov 2004 16:23

Hm, what about if i go back to 1861 when mary ann was around 16, I'm trying to find who Mary Ann parents are but is this impossible. Daniel second wife is Sarah Ann and her age in the 1881 census is twenty years old so Daniel likes the younger women. Thanks julie


Unknown Report 6 Nov 2004 16:15

You may of course be unable to find any records of Mary ann's death, or of Daniel's marriage to Sarah because he might have deserted Mary (or she may have deserted him) and taken up with Sarah as his wife without benefit of legality. It happened quite a lot, especially when divorce was really only an option for very rich people who could cope with the scandal. nell


Julie Report 6 Nov 2004 16:15

Well i do not know about another child but i wouldn't know is she died under 1 so who knows. Mary Ann is from silverdale, so the links are here. I been checking the Ancestry for marraiges for Daniel second marriage between 1872 and 1881 and have come across a few but not sure if it the silverdale area. Wheeler Marriage 1974 Dudley. Wheeler Marriage 1877 Stafford 6b Julie


Unknown Report 6 Nov 2004 16:14

Looking for Daniel's possible re-marriage, to Sarah: Name Year Quarter District County Volume Page James, Daniel 1874 March Dudley Staffordshire Worcestershire 6c 39 MUNN, Mary Ann 1874 March Dudley Staffordshire Worcestershire 6c 39 Wheeler, Daniel 1874 March Dudley Staffordshire Worcestershire 6c 39 Of course, this Daniel could have married Mary Ann Munn, or she could have married Daniel James, and Daniel could have married Sarah, whose name has not yet been transcribed. If she was 20 in 1881 she would be 13 at the time of marriage, which would be young, but still legal. nell


Unknown Report 6 Nov 2004 16:03

Julie I was looking for the death of the 1st Mrs Wheeler and found this on ancestry civil reg. Name: Wheeler, Mary Ann Record Type: Deaths Age at death: 0 Quarter: March Year: 1872 District: Wolstanton County: Staffordshire Volume: 6b Page: 76 Is it possible this is one of Daniel's children - the reg district covers Silverdale and Oldcott. Age at death 0 means the child was under one year. Perhaps what killed her also killed her mother. Haven't found a Mary ann Wheeler the right age to be the mother though, so perhaps its not yet transcribed. nell


Julie Report 6 Nov 2004 15:40

Well the son Daniel is 3 in 1871 In 1881,the son now is 13. The ages and names are spot on, i recken it could be the same son.


Unknown Report 6 Nov 2004 15:35

Julie Are you sure that this father and son are the same ones? Wheeler and Daniel aren't uncommon names. If you are, then you need to find out what happened to the first Mrs Wheeler. Before you decide she is dead/divorced, see if you can trace a 2nd marriage. The cert should state on it whether Daniel Wheeler senior is a widower or a divorced man and it should give brief details about the first marriage if he was divorced, which would help you find the relevant papers. nell


Julie Report 6 Nov 2004 15:28

Not sure what happened to her, just that she was married in 1871 and in 1881, i can find her husband married a new young wife and the son is living with him. Do the children usually go with the father in them days?


Maud Report 6 Nov 2004 15:14

I should think that if there was a divorce, copies of the records should be available at Kew. I was able to obtain full copies of everything for a divorce which took place in 1921. If you are unable to get there yourself, have a look in the family history magazines, there are people advertising in these who would obtain the papers for you, if you give them the full details, name dates etc if you live some distance away from Kew, then the fee charged would balance out with the saving of fares to get there. As mentioned previously however, it was very rare for ordinary people in the 19th century to obtain a divorce, so are you sure they were divorced?


Unknown Report 6 Nov 2004 14:49

Julie The National Archives has a page on this here: I think it rather unlikely that your Mr & Mrs Wheeler got divorced in 18whatever - it was still comparatively rare, although people did desert their spouses and sometimes remarried bigamously. Does it say "divorced" on Mr wheeler's marriage cert to his 2nd wife? nell


Katwin Report 6 Nov 2004 14:46

Julie, I believe these are kept by the Principal Registry of the Family Division in High Holborn, London and are not accessible to the public. However, an official will do a paid search and provide a certified copy of the Decree Nisi/Absolute. Got this information from 1837online. Kathy


Julie Report 6 Nov 2004 11:13



Julie Report 6 Nov 2004 09:55

between 1872 and 1881 in staffs can these be found?