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stumped about finding a relatively recent birth ce

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Unknown Report 10 Aug 2004 22:34

Craig Yes parish records are C of E. The Catholic church would keep its own records and you may need to apply to the relevant church to find out where they are now and if you can see them. Helen


Craig Report 10 Aug 2004 20:26

thanks again everyone. I've tried the yorkshire BMD and had no luck. I also gave the Hull registry office a call this morning. They did a search a couple of years either side of the date of birth but I still had no luck. Searching the parish records for Sculcoates sounds like a good plan but I suspect that Mary Durkin was Catholic - am I right in thinking that parish records are just for C of E (I haven't ventured into parish records as yet because I'm pretty new to genealogy). Are there equivalent records for the Catholic faith?


BobClayton Report 9 Aug 2004 22:30

Just another point Craig, if you have the marriage cert it was a very strong tradition ( right up to well into the 20 century) that weddings took place in the parish where the bride was born, so you might find her baptism on those parish records. Many were baptised but not registered. Bob


BobClayton Report 9 Aug 2004 22:14

Craig the best site to keep an eye on for anything in yorkshire is These are taken from original records held locally and they are doing well with Leeds and Hull. Can't find her on there yet but if she was registered ( you have to accept that she might not have been in 1866) it should be on there eventually. Bob


Crista Report 9 Aug 2004 21:34

Craig, You won't find much on FreeBMD for those years. http://freebmd.rootsweb*com/progress.shtml Crista

Sue in Sx

Sue in Sx Report 9 Aug 2004 19:04

Have you tried with just a surname search on Free BMD, try more than 2 years either side - also try Female and Durkin. My Grandpa was registered as Male so does not appear under his christian name. Sue


Craig Report 9 Aug 2004 18:10

Wow! I'm pretty new to this message board lark and I'm stunned by the response! Thanks to everyone for your tips, I'll certainly follow up on them. For info, if anyone fancied the challenge, the person I'm looking for is Mary DURKIN, married in September 1885 aged 19 so I estimate she was born around 1866. The 1881 and 1891 census say she was born in Hull. I have the same problem with her husband Patrick BROGAN (born around 1862) in either Ireland or Warrington (the 1881 and 1891 census don't tally for him but I'm pretty confident I have the right household). Thanks again.


Geoff Report 8 Aug 2004 13:09

Many of the places close to Hull were part of Sculcoates District Sculcoates Created 1st July 1837. Sub-districts : Cottingham; Drypool; East Sculcoates; Ferriby; Hedon; Hessle; Southcoates; Sutton; West Sculcoates. GRO volumes : XXIII (1837-51); 9d (1852-1930). Anlaby, Cottingham, Drypool, Garrison Side, Haltemprice, Hedon, Hessle, Kirk Ella, Marfleet, Melton, Newington (from 1878), North Ferriby, Preston, Sculcoates, Southcoates, Sutton and Stoneferry, Swanland, Wauldby, Welton, West Ella, Willerby.


Phoenix Report 8 Aug 2004 13:08

Hi Craig. Before 1875, parents would be fined for registering a birth late, but not for failing to register the birth at all. It may be that your grandmother's birth was not registered at all. If you know the names of her siblings, try looking looking for their births. Brenda


Maggie Report 8 Aug 2004 12:38

Hi Craig, I had the same problem with my Great Grandad I had all his details even his birth date but could not find his birth registration so that I could obtain his birth certificate. His name was James Ellis born in Rye, sussex. Eventually I phoned the local BMD Records office and asked them, they found him registered as James Elliss ( 2 s's) I wish I'd phoned them to start as I had been searching for this certificate for ages and ages :-( and spent hours looking through the 1837 - did'nt think to look under Elliss!!! Give them a ring. Maggie


Unknown Report 8 Aug 2004 12:07

Craig Sometimes the info didn't get sent to the GRO, so you might be better off asking if the local register office can find the birth. Hull Municipal Offices, 181-191 George Street, Kingston on Hull, HU1 3BY. Tel: 01482 615400. Fax: 01482 615411. Cheques payable to Hull City Council. Credit cards accepted. On-line indexes - YorkshireBMD Alternatively, it may be that despite the census she wasn't born in Hull and you have missed her in the index - have you found other births with the same name in the right period? Helen


Karen Report 8 Aug 2004 11:35

Hi Craig,What was your g.grandmothers name etc ? I have been stuck like you and some very kind people on here have helped me. Karen : )


Craig Report 8 Aug 2004 11:20

Hi all, Hope someone can give me some creative advice with a problem. I cannot find my great grandmother's birth certificate. I have her wedding certificate so from that I know she was born in approximately 1866. I have found 1881 and 1891 census returns where I have a matching name and spouse and the ages and family members match up with info I have. Both census returns say this person was born in Hull. I have search the births indexes a couple of years either side of 1866 (on more than one occasion) and cannot find a matching birth in Hull. Can anyone suggest some alternative approaches?