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***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 27 Jun 2004 15:40

i was just about to ask you how much it costs to search, had visions of it topping up and not finding out a thing.


Kim Report 27 Jun 2004 15:21

Julie Anne,I have to go on the website and spend those pennies, would love to do look ups if I could but all in the same boat aren't we! I just find as many as I can to look up in one weekend and take the plunge.... Don't go for the fiver because it's never enough and I find I get to 4.75 and waste the 25p! so I always write down who I'm looking for first and go for the original image first , rather than the transcript which can have errors.Remember to save your images on disc, even if wrong ones, you never know could save you money later, when you find out they were relatives after all. You can do an address search or place search if it's easier and you know the address, that may save you pennies!! Kim

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 27 Jun 2004 14:49

kim can you do look ups or are you going on the website to find your info, im trying to trace an Elizabeth ann Thomas at 22 pearl street, cardiff around 1901. im reluctant to go further on the 1901 website in case i get the brick wall syndrome. i can only get a list of women with that name. no specific details.


Kim Report 27 Jun 2004 13:00

have now found a married Walter kent who could well be the likely candiddate on a ship as a mariner..... will investigae further. KIM


Kim Report 27 Jun 2004 09:53

Thanks Ann, I think if family stories are to be believed he was a mariner..... but it would have been nice to know his name!! Can't really trace the marriage if I don't know who he's is .Still progress made.Must have been there somewhere as she had 2 more kids !! Wonder where the parents both were in 1901 no sign of either! Kim


Annie Report 26 Jun 2004 23:15

In 1891 Kent, Lena 1 Plymouth, Devon Daughter St Mary Glamorgan Kent, Lina 31 Thornbury, Devon Wife St Mary Glamorgan Kent, Vera 4 Plymouth, Devon Daughter St Mary Glamorgan says she's married - no husband to be seen xxxxx


Kim Report 26 Jun 2004 22:37

Just looked at him, hopeful only he's a widow and boarding at someone else's house so i don't think he's a good candidate if he's left all his children !! KIM


Jan Report 26 Jun 2004 22:24

there's a Sidney age 31 born in Newton Abbot, house painter...


Kim Report 26 Jun 2004 22:10

Thankyou have already got Joanna and John they are on the same side but different family and they had no children!! I've been peering over the original image and can only assume either the parents are travelling and out or the enumeratior forgot to write them down as completed not there. There is the Turner family next door and a different family the other side....Kim


Jan Report 26 Jun 2004 22:04

These two are on another page Joanna 55 Plymouth Jno 59 Channel Island Gerlyn are these the parents? jan


Kim Report 26 Jun 2004 21:58

Well the entry is in the middle of the page, with different household's either sides. Ann I'm still saving for my Tiara, love, and red carpet! There were loads of younger kids but no adults . Have you got a father for these Kent's so I can tally them up on the 1901, is the Mum Selina or Lena? Lots of them and all mixed up. Kent's on both side of husband's Cardiff lot, so need to match these up asap ...could be worse could be the joneses or Thomas's Thankyou for your help! Kim


Annie Report 26 Jun 2004 21:41

Hi Kim How's the tiara? Was there anyone else in the house? I have her on 1891 if that's any good - 20 Lower Cathedral Road, Mum Lina and sister Lena -born various places in Devon Annie


Kim Report 26 Jun 2004 21:39

I HAVE looked up Vera kent age 14 b plymouth on the census , she is in Canton, glamorgan at 31 hanover Street, but there does not appear to be any parents, even though she is listed as daughter.... does this just mean they were out and she was babysitting?? or have they missed a bit of the page off , this is the original image I'm talking about Help please Kim