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Sending a certificate in an email

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Debbie Report 7 Jun 2004 20:36

Hi I was wondering if anybody could help me please? I have scanned a couple of Cerificates, and I am trying to send them as an attachement in a email. But it keeps saying it is too big so tried just the one but still too big. I am not a computer expert and partner is watching telly, I know if I ask him he will start moaning and groaning and make out as though I am stupid. So I thought I would ask someone first to see if I can do it on my own without interupting his stupid Star Trek. Thankyou. And I am not being rude but if anybody that answers is a computer genius please could you try and explain simply. As I do not understand these silly computers. Debbie


Helen Report 7 Jun 2004 21:04

If you resave them as jpeg files they should be a lot smaller. When I scan files they are tif files but if I resave them as jpeg they are about a tenth of the size. Hope this makes sense


Debbie Report 7 Jun 2004 21:16

Hi Angela Thankyou for that, I just went into properties and they are already jpegs. I must have scanned them like that already. thanks Debbie

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ*

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ* Report 7 Jun 2004 21:22

Try downloading this little tool useful for converting images to JPEG etc. http://bluefive.pair.*com/pixresizer.htm (remove the asterisk) Dee X


Debbie Report 7 Jun 2004 21:25

Thanks Dee It is already a jpeg, I was just about to ask the other half but he is so tired he is going to bed, so I will wait till tomorrow night now. Debbie


Helen Report 7 Jun 2004 21:32

Hello again Is it possible that your internet provider limits the size of e-mails you send? Have you sent attachments like that before without any trouble?


Mary Report 7 Jun 2004 21:33

Glad someone brought this up - I've been send a lot of certificates as attachments and I can view them ok but can't print them out as my computers not playing as it should. If I send them to my brother in law one certificate seems to be the equivalent of about 11 e mails - is there an easier way of doing it ? I've quite a lot of these. Oh, and please explain in simple terms - I'm only very basic with this machine, hubby knows even less. Thanks Mary


Debbie Report 7 Jun 2004 21:38

I am on Hotmail, I sent a photo once which was quite big, but I think I had trouble with that one. So perhaps it is Hotmail. Thanks Debbie

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ*

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ* Report 7 Jun 2004 21:39

Think it resizes too.... or could you try sending your scanned certs in a compressed file? This makes them smaller..right click on the saved document and you should get the compress (or zip) file option. Dee x


Debbie Report 7 Jun 2004 22:00

Thanks Dee I thought I had it then I managed to get it smaller somehow. But it went back to it's original size when I tried to send. So I am going to give up and try again tomorrow. Thankyou very much for your suggestions. Debbie


Judy Report 8 Jun 2004 07:31

Debbie: Do you have on your computer MICROSOFT OFFICE PICTURE MANAGER? (It's part of Microsoft Office.) Microsoft Office Picture Manager will allow you to resize the document. You can check and resize by doing the following: 1. Find the document or .jpg you wish to resize, place your mouse over the it and RIGHT click on it. 2. From the box that appears choose OPEN WITH. 3. Another box will appear and you may note that there are several programs listed as well as CHOOSE PROGRAM at the bottom of the box. If Microsoft Office Picture Manager is not showing in the list, click on CHOOSE PROGRAM. 4. Another box appears. Scroll the list of programs that appears......If Microsoft Office Picture Manager is there, you have the program. Click on it and look to the top of screen and you will see EDIT. This will allow you to resize the document or .jpg. Judy


Mary Report 8 Jun 2004 13:40

Tried sending certificates to my brother in law and they were returned as being too big - how come when I received them ok ? I thought of sending them to him on floppy disk but two certificates take up a whole disk.and thats as jpg. Is that right ? I'm not used to all this so its a bit baffling. I also saved some (I thought) but when I checked they just weren't there. Where had I gone wrong? I so wantt my partners Mum to see the stuff I've got when he goes up to see her next week and with my printer playing up, and about ten or so certs. to put on floppy I'm starting to get a headache ! Advice please ! Mary


Karen Report 8 Jun 2004 14:30

Hi Not sure if this will work fother everyone but this is how I send my pictures. Firstly if you are on Hotmail then you can only send a limited amount of megabits as the storage gets full up. The storage limit INCLUDES stuff in the sent box so clear this out before you start sending pics. Get the picture that you want to send up on screen then using the right button on the mouse click and you should see a list of options. One of this is "send via email" or "send to mail recipient" The wording depends on what appication you are running. Scroll down and select via email or mail recipient and then if your picture is too large it will usually say "do you want to resize" Select yes or OK and it should automatically resize and set up the email for you to send. All you have to do then is add who you want it to go to. Do remember to clear out the sent box on a regular basis and anything important save elsewhere. Hope this helps Karen