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Anyone from Austrailia sent to U.K. for certificat

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Oz Mozz

Oz Mozz Report 3 Mar 2004 06:15

June; That is exactly what happened to my message! ... numerous times!


Tracey Report 3 Mar 2004 00:11

All my family still lives in the UK so when I order a certificate I use my Mum's address and she forwards it to me. That also means she gets to see and hopefully she'll become interested enough to pitch in and help, if it wasn't for the internet I don't know what I would do because I live in the States.

Oz Mozz

Oz Mozz Report 2 Mar 2004 21:08

Hi Violet; I live in Queensland and there are a couple of researchers I use in the UK to get my certs. It works out at roughly A$28 per cert. One that is really handy as I can pay in Aussie dollars into a bank account here in an Aussie bank! He is very good to deal with and very responsive to any questions you may have. Work well for me! The guys name is Peter Smith and his email address is genfind730 at symbol six (with an c instead of an s) dot compulink dot co dot uk Sorry but GC kept leaving just the genfind730 and removing the rest, even AFTER I bracketed the @ and the dot AND wouldnet let me write ANYTHING after the word after the at!! What is wrong with this site today!! Never mind, have sent it to you privately!! <sigh>


Marlene Report 2 Mar 2004 11:06

Hi from NZ I sympathise! The certs are roughly $21 NZ and I have to pay the bank $25 for the cheque making a total of $46 for every cert.!! Try your bank for English pounds and post to a friend in the UK and beg them to write and send the cheque! Try the Genealogical Society but if it's anything like NZ you have to pay an incredible fee to become a member! Get yourself a credit card and be very disciplined and use it just for certs!! (Know what I would do!!) Some people here have asked a friend going to the UK to set up a bank account over there which they top up occasionally with a bank transfer from down under. (Watch the bank fees though) Considering the amount of money they must be making from family searches it amazes me that it hasn't made it easier for the Colonials to participate through associated banks etc! Cheers Marlene


Christina Report 2 Mar 2004 09:45

Have you tried Western Union money order from the Post Office or agencies? They may accept this its universal and they have them in England. Regards christina


Annabel Report 2 Mar 2004 09:38

Hi Violet what state are you in, in WA the western australian genealogical society will send away for you , they also do sterling cheques and uk stamps give your local one a visit as they keep all uk records ann


Seasons Report 2 Mar 2004 08:52

You could try Julian at: genfindit at optusnet company australia - hope you can work that out Strange but I contacted them about a certificate from Ireland but didn't have enough info which am still trying to get.


Chris Report 2 Mar 2004 08:46

Violet, I have ordered a certificate but did it through NZ Society of Genealogists which I joined - sent the cheque with request to them and they ordered it. It seems a long way round but it worked. It's strange as you can use your credit card for 1837 online - I guess it's just the postage that must be a problem. Christine


Margaret Report 2 Mar 2004 06:38

Violet Do you have a debit card? They do take payment by this as well. Otherwise, perhaps you should ring the GRO at Southport and ask what they advise. Tel numbers are on the Office of National Statistics website. I think you would have to telephone or fax your order anyway. As Christine says, they only take card payments online from the UK Margaret


Violet Report 2 Mar 2004 05:55

Thanks Peter Do not have a credit card. Must be some way of getting the money to them.


Chris Report 2 Mar 2004 05:27

Hi Peter, I'd like to know where that is - what site? I thought you could only order on-line with your credit card if you lived in the United Kingdom. I just tried but couldn't. Christine


Eddie Report 2 Mar 2004 05:03

I've ordered from the GRO and used my credit card.They have a section to fill out with your info.Pete


Violet Report 2 Mar 2004 04:41

If anyone from Australia has sent to U.K. for certificates, could you please advise how you managed it. I have the application form filled in for the Office for National Statistics. As I do not use a credit card, I was going to send a cheque, but have been told by my bank that they do not know the name and address of the clearing bank in England. Then decided I would send an International Money Order, but apparently Australia Post do not issue them. If I can get this birth certificate, I might be able to progress a little further.