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David_Vickers Report 18 Feb 2004 21:28

A Victorian/Edwardian photograph of a man bears the inscription "Marie with love from Mim". It seems reasonable to assume that Mim is the subject of the photograph, but is this a pet name or a short form of another male name? All suggestions welcome!


maggiewinchester Report 18 Feb 2004 22:15

This is of no use to you, David, but I knew a female 'Mim'. she would never reveal her real name!!! Maggie


Kim Report 18 Feb 2004 22:17

I always thought it was short for Miriam ,so perhaps could be Malcolm??? Pure guesswork KIM

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 18 Feb 2004 22:26

Never heard of it being a man's name. Could be Grandmother I seem to think. Or short for Jemima or Mimi - or maybe just Mim in itself. If you put just 'first name Mim all events' into Free BMD you get LOADS of alternatives ! Have fun ... Maz. XX


Moira Report 18 Feb 2004 22:36

Hi: Mim is often short for Miriam.


Lynn Report 18 Feb 2004 23:31

I know its not the same name but.... I had a aunt that I always from a child up until a short while ago knew a aunt queenie(over 50 yrs) imagine my surprise..but it fell into place that her real name was Victoria Lynn


Sheila Report 19 Feb 2004 00:22

not that unusual miriam my mother was called Quennie all her life her real name was Julie it was because her dad called her his little queen, and then it became her pet name but a lot are used instead of the name of royalty .eg. victoria, elizabeth etc. have you seen the thread on beware of living relatives how true it is....... just a thought but could mim be his intials it must be a he as the enscription is to a woman..or maybe not


David_Vickers Report 19 Feb 2004 06:05

Thanks for your thoughts everybody. Maybe it isn't so reasonable to assume that the subject of the photo sent it to Marie. Am now wondering whether this is a case of a mother sending her daughter a piccie of her father or something similar. More research obviously needed to identify this stranger who is totally unrelated to my family. Thanks again for your tips.


Jane Report 19 Feb 2004 13:34

David, I think this might be a complex one ... have a look at Marie's siblings and cousins. Is there a suitable 'Mim'? Maybe it's a photo of the sender's fiance - sent whilst the girls were apart? Like other responses, my only knowledge of a 'Mim' was actually a Victoria May - perhaps it was short for May? Please do let us know the outcome - I for one am really interested! Regs Jane


David_Vickers Report 19 Feb 2004 16:55

Hi Jane Thanks for your thoughts. Unfortunately, this is more complex than you imagine. I collect Victorian and Edwardian photos as a spin-off from my family history research as it seems such a shame to see them lying around at antique and collectors fairs. I live in hope that someday I might just be able to restore the items to their rightful families. If you have a moment, take a quick look at my website at http://uk(.)geocities(.)com/ancestralpast (remove brackets as always) and you'll see what I'm up against. In this particular case I know nothing of the subject of the photograph and only the Christian names of who sent it and to whom. The only other clue is that the photo was taken at a studio in Newgate Street, London EC. This particular photo is in excellent condition given its age. I'd never heard the name Mim, hence my question. If I ever get to the bottom of this, rest assured that I'll let you and fellow GC members know. David


Mary Report 19 Feb 2004 18:18

David Mimi is an italian name. I found it on a site for baby names. www.babynetwork(.)com/index.cfm Mary


Jane Report 19 Feb 2004 18:33

David, Had a look at your site - it's delightful! I just cannot believe that so many old photos and documents are just allowed to turn up like that. I would urge other GC members to have a look at your site - you never know, they might recognise a name or maybe even a face. Happy hunting, Jane


David_Vickers Report 20 Feb 2004 05:58

Mary Thanks for your suggestion. Despite the handlebar moustache, I hadn't thought of the subject being Italian (he actually reminds me of a Russian!). But you could be right - Mim could be a short form of Mimi. Jane Thanks for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed the visit! David