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Does this sound plausible?

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Karen Report 11 Jan 2004 13:46

Jenny, having read you post I think I will have to take another trip to the library and check the GRO index just to make sure that my family did not do the same as yours. In any event, I think it might be wise to get Walter's death certificate, see what that says and then give it another go. Walter always was a funny b***er. Found the coroners report on his suicide in the newspaper and he had a restraining order against him taken out by his wife. Nasty piece of work by all accounts. Still you can't choose your rellies, more the pity. Thanks for all your input Karen


Jenny Report 11 Jan 2004 13:00

Hi Karen Don't know if this fits in with your scenario but I had a slightly similar problem. I could find my gg grandfather Henry Cramp Angliss but on the 1901 Census he was living with a load of children called King and a woman called Emma King. I couldn't work it out at all as I knew he had children with Emma all called Angliss. Then I discovered that Emma and Henry had lived for years as an unmarried couple and only married when the eldest child (my g grandfather) was an adult and only a year before his marriage. My g grandfather is called Angliss on his marriage certificate but it would appear that he only assumed his father's name after his parents married (officially anyway). Interestingly many relatives (according to elderly sources) never realised Henry and Emma were not married. So perhaps this is what has happened to you too. My family are from Warwickshire too by the way.


Karen Report 11 Jan 2004 12:28

I know when, where and how Walter Daniel died and have even found his grave and they are all in the Skelcher surname. I have posted recently as to what a 1932 death certificate would list and the replies I got indicated that it would not give me anything that I did not already know. I asked incase it would give me Walter's exact date of birth but this did not happen until much later. Karen

Linda & Tim

Linda & Tim Report 11 Jan 2004 11:21

Karen, have you been able to obtain any death certificates for them? Surely these would have to have correct rather than assumed names? Maybe?!


Karen Report 11 Jan 2004 11:07

Thank you for your comments, I think I will get the certificate. Karen


AnninGlos Report 11 Jan 2004 10:56

Your idea does sound plausible. If you can afford it it would probably pay you to send for the birth certificate. Ann Glos


maggiewinchester Report 11 Jan 2004 10:50

No idea Karen! Anyone else any ideas????


Karen Report 11 Jan 2004 10:12

Hi Maggie What you have said sounds OK but why did Walter Daniel then use the Skelcher name when he got married and through the rest of his life if he was really a Dumbleton? Karen


maggiewinchester Report 11 Jan 2004 09:51

Hi Karen, William & John were definitely Skelchers so would use that name when they married, but if George Skelcher had either died or walked off and Mary had either married or lived with a George Dumbleton, her offspring by George Skelcher would probably have used the Dumbleton surname as children to avoid scandal, and any children by George Dumbleton, whether he and Mary were married or not, would have his surname. Just an idea - clear as mud isn't it!


Karen Report 11 Jan 2004 09:31

Hi Maggie I don't think so as in 1901 there is a George Dumbleton still alive with wife Mary and all the info is the same as what is on the 1881 census. I have searched the GRO records and can't find any such marriage, also on Walter's marriage certificate it gives the fathers name as George which tallies with the info on 1881 census too. Karen


maggiewinchester Report 11 Jan 2004 09:23

Karen, Is it possible that George Skelcher died and Mary married one of his cousins?


Karen Report 11 Jan 2004 09:02

I have been searching unsuccessfuly for my g grandad for nearly 12 months now and after posting several requests for help and info which has been gratefully received, I think I have an explaination as to why I can't find any record of him before his marriage in 1897. This is what I think happened. John Skelcher married Mary Dumbleton in 1832 at Broughton, Oxford. They had several children including George Skelcher. George Skelcher married Mary Pritchard in 1861. They have 2 children, William George and John Henry who were christened in Kineton, Warwick using the name Skelcher. For what ever reason, only known to George and family he leaves Kineton under a cloud and moves to Droitwich, Worcester and assumes his mothers maiden name of Dumbleton. He and Mary then go on to have 4 more children including Walter Daniel (g grandad) who are all registed on freebmd under the name of Dumbleton. When the children are old enough to marry they do so using their correct name of Skelcher and live out the rest of their days with that surname. This would seem the only way to explain why I can't find the said Skelcher family on 1881 census but can find a Dumbleton family with all the correct info except the surname. On 1891 Walter is still keeping the Dumbleton surname but his brothers William G and John H are married and using the Skelcher surname. Am I trying too hard to make the info I have fit my family, does this sound like it could have happened this way and would it be a good idea to get Walter Daniel's birth certificate eventhough it is in the Dumbleton surname? Any thoughts would be appreciated as I am at my wits end with this family now. Best wishes Karen


Karen Report 11 Jan 2004 08:44

Please see below