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Famous Ancestors

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Guinevere Report 13 Oct 2003 20:28

Hi, My 5 x gt grandmother's first cousin was hanged for the murder of his wife. His name was John Walford and it was quite a famous case as many people spoke up for him in court. The case was written about by Wordsworth, Coleridge and Thomas Poole and an opera "The Charcoal Burner" was also written about him. On the way to the gibbet he called in at his local and had a last drink with his friends. His body was gibbeted for a year after he was hanged. I haven't dared tell my aunts about him. Gwynne


Maxine Report 13 Oct 2003 20:19

Sadly no -they are all fairly dull!

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 13 Oct 2003 17:33

My grandads cousins son is Jimmy Greaves. never met him though... e x


Patricia Report 13 Oct 2003 17:09

While tracing my friends family tree on her mothers line she has several famous rellies from the lock smith trade that created some of the greatest lock of the time, and on the father side they are related to the Arkwrights who invented the spinning Jenny. Have you been pleasantly suprised with famous rellies.