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(flat) - Hold your breath...UPDATE Pg4 -more
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~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 29 Feb 2008 00:16 |
There's only one other HA in the area and she's already in touch with them. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 29 Feb 2008 00:20 |
Have you tried talking with your local MP? Could be worth while - my son when he was constantly turned down as not eligible cos he was in a shared house, and just 18, was in the housing office which he called at most days, and a drunken scruffy chap carrying a can of cider, was there asking for housing as he had been thrown out of the night shelter for fighting. He was offered a flat. |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 29 Feb 2008 00:25 |
Liz, the problem isn't that I'm turned down or low priority, unfortunately the problem is that there are just no available flats. They've knocked some down and built new 2/3 bed bungalows. Also with council accomm being home for life, some people got ground floor flats when they needed them but now they no longer do and have no comeback to move them to a higher up property. Add to that the right to buy scheme and there just aren't any properties. I'm at the top of the list as far as she's concerned but in 6 months none have come up in an area that I'd like to live. |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 29 Feb 2008 00:30 |
Should add, our council are incompetent buffoons and since our MP got cabinet post he doesn't give a stuff about locals... they've just forced through local academy plans, closing 3 secondary schools for one big one (with not enough places for everyone) despite hardly anyone wanting it. Doesn't matter that it removes the parents right to choose, or that it will cause traffic chaos not to mention transport for all those children from across the town. The housing situation is bad, they're on a 'rejeneration' kick, which involves knocking down some adequate houses (instead of modernising them) and building less than their were. They don't give a damn where the people who are displaced go to. And these are people who OWN their homes. The money they're paying for compulsory purchasing properties isn't enough to buy a new house. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 29 Feb 2008 00:56 |
Oh that's a bad set up then Liz. We have the Academy argument going on about one of our schools in Norwich! |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 29 Feb 2008 01:02 |
I suppose part of the problem is that we're on a peninsula, surrounded on three sides by water. So space for new developments is sparse. They're just starting to convert old buildings into apartments but they won't have ground floor accomm. Also the new 'marina' development *snorts* which will see them knocking down a bunch of homes and building 'posh pads' that they seem to think will go for as much as those in london's docklands. They're blinking deluded. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 29 Feb 2008 01:31 |
Isn't that discrimination then Liz, we have had lots of new developments in Norwich, including a second shopping mall on the old chocolate factory site but they had to agree to a certain amount of affordable housing too. |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 29 Feb 2008 01:35 |
They find ways round it. They're a law to themselves. |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:22 |
More on the flat situation. *sighs* |
AnninGlos | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:32 |
Do you by any chance have a social worker that could advise you Liz? |
Researching: |
Jax in Wales | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:32 |
Aww SS hope you get something soon |
♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:37 |
I would certainly ask the doctor or consultant to write a letter for you, this will add weight to your need for a home. |
Kay???? | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:39 |
SS, |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:44 |
I know I did ask the doctor to write a letter when I first applied, I assumed that she did as she's pretty good, but if another letter would help then I would definitely ask her to do that for me again and I'm sure she'd oblige. |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:50 |
Kay, it's not that I'm making myself homeless, I actually 'will' be homeless. Thanks to my wonderful brother insisting on only getting my parents a two bed house and knowing full well they need separate rooms now (due to dad's health). I wish like anything that I could be moving with them but the best I'd be able to do is sleep on their couch...which still classes you as homeless as you don't have your own room. |
Kay???? | Report | 4 Mar 2008 17:58 |
SC, |
Deanna | Report | 4 Mar 2008 18:02 |
Summer, all our MP's are the same. The minute they get themselves a nice cushy number in the cabinet.... we are on our own. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 4 Mar 2008 18:03 |
Liz, make sure they have letter and info from your doctor including an update on your medical problems if appropriate, ie. last letter sent months ago! Everything will help you up the list. Just explain too that once your parents move and the house is sold you will be homeless and the stress and worry is exacerbating your ill health, as it already is and will. |
Cumbrian Caz~**~ | Report | 4 Mar 2008 18:13 |
Liz, sweetie, Im so sorry you are in this situation. We have been on the verge of being homeless before and I fully sympathise about the massive stress it puts on you. |
Lorraine | Report | 4 Mar 2008 18:20 |
I was living in a one bedroom flat with my husband and son till he was 7. |
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