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~Summer Scribe~
4 Mar 2008 20:02 |
Puss, we did the drive around thing too at the weekend lol. I also have a friend who is a spy and has his friends spying in their various areas lol.
~Summer Scribe~
4 Mar 2008 20:01 |
Deana, yes it is a council flat.
Caz, I told her to put me down for everywhere except the noted dodgy areas lol. I agree, John Hutton got on the cabinet and now doesn't give a stuff about the people here, he just wants to keep his seat there now (hence his backing the academy).
I agree, the selling off of properties has caused a major issue, along with the way our local council regenerate an area by demolishing it and rebuilding less properties than were originally there. Another problem is people who aren't disabled being allocated ground floor properties.
She'd originally said to me that it would probably be only a couple of months, that was in September. There were two flats meant to be due in Dec but they changed their minds. Also, no one has popped off either.
Ladylol Pusser Cat
4 Mar 2008 19:50 |
i have a young friend of 22 she phoned up oswestry ouncil and asked how long she would have to wait for a flat etc, the girl/woman she spoke to said your best off getting pregnant bring in proof, she was furio us she teaches and is a beautician but not on a brilliant wage , what a thing to say. ring every day i agree, and me and specky used to drive round and then ring up council and say so and so is empty good luck, when my kids leave home i will be quite happy in my caravan i will come and visit ya all on ya drive lol.
4 Mar 2008 18:20 |
I was living in a one bedroom flat with my husband and son till he was 7.
I gave up with the council and we both worked 2 jobs to get a mortage , the problem is that social housing was sold off in the 80's so there is now a huge shortage of houses for people like yourself who need social housing.
My sister has a brain tumor which she has had since she was born it is very slow growing , but although she works she is limited in what she can do.
Her doctor wrote to the council to have her rehoused as she was living in a 2nd floor flat and she got a house pretty quickly.
Go back to your doctor and ask him/her to write again saying you are in urgent need of housing and have to have a ground floor due to illness.
If you are entitled to housing benefit you may be able to find a private flat that is suitable , countact your local council and enquire about housing benefit, and your local letting agents to see if they have anything private that would be suitable for you.
Phone the council everyday your friend is right you need to make them realise how urgent your situation is
good luck i hope you get good news soon
Cumbrian Caz~**~
4 Mar 2008 18:13 |
Liz, sweetie, Im so sorry you are in this situation. We have been on the verge of being homeless before and I fully sympathise about the massive stress it puts on you.
Have you looked at Dalton yet? I just wondered if the situation is better than Barrow.
Btw, I FULLY agree with you about the idiots that run our council. As for John Hutton, we are out of sight, out of mind, Eh? If we were SLDC, now that would be different.
Good luck, hun,
Caz xxx
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
4 Mar 2008 18:03 |
Liz, make sure they have letter and info from your doctor including an update on your medical problems if appropriate, ie. last letter sent months ago! Everything will help you up the list. Just explain too that once your parents move and the house is sold you will be homeless and the stress and worry is exacerbating your ill health, as it already is and will. And as my story about my son showed, hassling them does work sometimes. Your needs might take priority over someone who is fairly adequately housed but needing ground floor for the long term future, your need is imminent. Good luck, Lizxx
4 Mar 2008 18:02 |
Summer, all our MP's are the same. The minute they get themselves a nice cushy number in the cabinet.... we are on our own.
I have read through this a couple of times and still not sure... is it a COUNCIL flat?
If it is, then often they take time to sort themselves out I'm afraid.
My doctor asked for me to have a bungalow, and I got a wonderful one in a nice area, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven...... BUT... I waited 6 weeks after they interviewed me...and found out later from the neighbours... that the place had been empty for about 3 months!! I know they are busy... but you are homeless... try nagging them ! ;-0)
Good luck and I hope you have somewhere nice soon.
Deanna X
4 Mar 2008 17:58 |
Put it in writing of your parents moving dates,,,,with explination, like---as from this date. I will ?????...and health issues,&preferable housing needs.........,,,,,,,,,,,,,name of doctor....
........,,,send to Chief Housing Officer,,,,,,,,,asp,,
dont leave to chance you will get a call back,,,from anyone,,,be one step ahead,,,,,,,,
~Summer Scribe~
4 Mar 2008 17:50 |
Kay, it's not that I'm making myself homeless, I actually 'will' be homeless. Thanks to my wonderful brother insisting on only getting my parents a two bed house and knowing full well they need separate rooms now (due to dad's health). I wish like anything that I could be moving with them but the best I'd be able to do is sleep on their couch...which still classes you as homeless as you don't have your own room.
As I've said, I don't want to end up being homeless for the simple fact they can then dump me anywhere and I either have to accept it or take a running jump. This is why things are getting so desperate now.
I'm not sure about case meetings, which is why I want to speak to her again and let her know exactly how stressed I am. I understand that she can't make promises and she's been very good at making sure that I know that, the people moving out could well change their mind and stay.
My friend informed me that these people were leaving on the 9th, but the council have it as the 14th I think.
~Summer Scribe~
4 Mar 2008 17:44 |
I know I did ask the doctor to write a letter when I first applied, I assumed that she did as she's pretty good, but if another letter would help then I would definitely ask her to do that for me again and I'm sure she'd oblige.
I don't have a social worker, Ann, it was part of my gripe that I'd been ill for 13 years and not had one and dad fell ill and immediately got one, all because he was over 60.
They are indeed obliged to offer a property if you're homeless (and 'only' one) but it could be anywhere and there are several places that really aren't suitable for me. Part of the problem is needing a ground floor flat, but then I suppose if I didn't then I wouldn't stand a chance. It would all be irrelevant as then I would be able to work, get a mortgage and buy my own house.
Jax, this is the council housing, hun, I'm also on with the housing association called Accent.
Two weeks is a long time to wait to find out if this flat will be mine, I think I might get an ulcer from the stress before then. A friend of mine told me not to just be quiet and leave them to it, but I don't like to be a nuisance and if it was me I'd be less inclined to help someone who called every few days. Although she did tell me to keep her informed lol.
If I could give her an exact date for parents moving that would help a lot, I'm sure as I could say on "such a date" I'll be homeless.
4 Mar 2008 17:39 |
If they housing know of your situation,,I would just t sit tight and see what happens,,,,,,,,because the other tennants have yet 2 more weeks to go...the council? cant make any rash promises, to you,,,
just hold on in there for day or so.. thats all you can do for now,,,,you could hear in next couple of days,,,,,,,,,,with luck.....
dont they usually let you know in writing and put cases forward at weekly housing meetings?
dont make yourself homeless as unless you are in need of supervision or have special health issues they could jsut put you in any old place and you will have hard job to get out,,,,,,,,,,,
♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥
4 Mar 2008 17:37 |
I would certainly ask the doctor or consultant to write a letter for you, this will add weight to your need for a home.
I am so sorry the stress is making you feel more ill..........................a real shame.
((((hug))))) for you.
Stay positive.
Jax in Wales
4 Mar 2008 17:32 |
Aww SS hope you get something soon
I suppose you have already contacted your council.
Jax xx
4 Mar 2008 17:32 |
Do you by any chance have a social worker that could advise you Liz?
Once you are homeless I think the council are obliged to re home you, but I am not sure if they have to offer you ground floor so yu need advice. is there a CAB in your town?
Ann Glos
~Summer Scribe~
4 Mar 2008 17:22 |
More on the flat situation. *sighs*
Yesterday I phoned her to see if she'd found anything out about the flat was coming up. She said no, she knew one on the second floor was coming up. So she went to check one of the other boards and found the ground floor one. They're set to leave in two weeks. She said she couldn't say one way or another as they might change their minds. Or someone from the other lists might take priority.
Well after stressing all day yesterday and not being able to sleep last night for worry, I decided to call her back today. She was out of the office though so I called when she had been due back and she still hadn't returned (traffic is a nightmare in town at the moment). So, not wanting to be a nuisance, I left a message to call me back.
I've not heard anything yet and I suspect that I won't now today. So I'll have to call her tomorrow if she doesn't call me. Another sleepless night then.
As far as I had assumed from what she'd said before, I was pretty much next in line for anything that came up. But it seems that's not so. I want to know what I can do to improve my chances and find out what the odds are. Like if a letter from my doctor would help.
My parents' bungalow gets it's kitchen in from the 17th, not sure how long it will take but I doubt it would be more than 2 weeks. So, mum and dad are likely to be moving in at the beginning of April. A couple of people, including mum, have now expressed concern about leaving me here alone on account of the stairs and the stumbles that I've had on them. So they would rather I went with them and slept on their sofa, hence I would then be homeless! This is not a route that either I or the housing lady wants to go with me.
I just don't know what I can do, the stress is making my FM worse, I can't sleep and feel sick all the time. What can I do to make sure I get that next flat and I don't end up homeless?
~Summer Scribe~
29 Feb 2008 01:35 |
They find ways round it. They're a law to themselves.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
29 Feb 2008 01:31 |
Isn't that discrimination then Liz, we have had lots of new developments in Norwich, including a second shopping mall on the old chocolate factory site but they had to agree to a certain amount of affordable housing too. Lizx
~Summer Scribe~
29 Feb 2008 01:02 |
I suppose part of the problem is that we're on a peninsula, surrounded on three sides by water. So space for new developments is sparse. They're just starting to convert old buildings into apartments but they won't have ground floor accomm. Also the new 'marina' development *snorts* which will see them knocking down a bunch of homes and building 'posh pads' that they seem to think will go for as much as those in london's docklands. They're blinking deluded.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
29 Feb 2008 00:56 |
Oh that's a bad set up then Liz. We have the Academy argument going on about one of our schools in Norwich! If the powers that be would stop messing with education and changing things constantly, maybe things wouldn't be so bad. Hope something comes up, we are lucky in Norwich to have quite a good housing stock despite lots of council house sales, and there are new builds going up everywhere, altho lots of flats and apartments, also several houses too. Lizx
~Summer Scribe~
29 Feb 2008 00:30 |
Should add, our council are incompetent buffoons and since our MP got cabinet post he doesn't give a stuff about locals... they've just forced through local academy plans, closing 3 secondary schools for one big one (with not enough places for everyone) despite hardly anyone wanting it. Doesn't matter that it removes the parents right to choose, or that it will cause traffic chaos not to mention transport for all those children from across the town. The housing situation is bad, they're on a 'rejeneration' kick, which involves knocking down some adequate houses (instead of modernising them) and building less than their were. They don't give a damn where the people who are displaced go to. And these are people who OWN their homes. The money they're paying for compulsory purchasing properties isn't enough to buy a new house.