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(flat) - Hold your breath...UPDATE Pg4 -more

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~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 29 Feb 2008 00:25

Liz, the problem isn't that I'm turned down or low priority, unfortunately the problem is that there are just no available flats. They've knocked some down and built new 2/3 bed bungalows. Also with council accomm being home for life, some people got ground floor flats when they needed them but now they no longer do and have no comeback to move them to a higher up property. Add to that the right to buy scheme and there just aren't any properties. I'm at the top of the list as far as she's concerned but in 6 months none have come up in an area that I'd like to live.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 29 Feb 2008 00:20

Have you tried talking with your local MP? Could be worth while - my son when he was constantly turned down as not eligible cos he was in a shared house, and just 18, was in the housing office which he called at most days, and a drunken scruffy chap carrying a can of cider, was there asking for housing as he had been thrown out of the night shelter for fighting. He was offered a flat.
My son was so cross and queried this, and they told him that was the way of things. My son wrote to our local MP who happens to be Charles Clarke, and quoted the equality charter and within two weeks he was contacted by our local Housing Association and offered a lovely flat which he still occupies, 7 years on.
Good luck,

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 29 Feb 2008 00:16

There's only one other HA in the area and she's already in touch with them.

Trouble is, I really don't want a private landlord, I did some voluntary admin work at CAB and was disgusted by some of the stories I heard.

I'll call her on monday and see what she thinks. There is a ground floor flat about 5miles away but it's more than I think they'll pay for me on housing benefits, and if I remember right it's one I looked at before and the didn't want DSS.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 29 Feb 2008 00:12

Oh Liz, that is such a shame. Can you not try ringing round other housing associations to see if the flat is with them or will that woman do it for you? I can imagine how let down you felt. Have you thought of advertising to see if someone has something? People do advertise when they want somewhere and you might strike lucky. I know it is more outlay but could be worth it.
Good luck,

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 23:36

Thank you, Trish it is, more than I realised until this false alert. Trying hard not to let it get me down but it's very scary to be facing this situation.

Trish Devon

Trish Devon Report 28 Feb 2008 23:34

Hope you get things sorted soon,
must be a worry.


~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 22:57

nudge as explanation for glummness

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 20:37

Thanks, Ann, we're going looking at caravans on Sunday lol.


AnninGlos Report 28 Feb 2008 20:33

Sorry about that Liz. Hope you find something soon.


~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 20:31

Thanks guys, I've been feeling really down all day, I hadn't realised quite how much of a toll the worry of this was taking on me until there was the prospect of having it lifted imminently.

I intend to call her on monday to see what she was able to find out about the other flat.


LindaMcD Report 28 Feb 2008 19:52

Hope you get good news very soon!

Linda x


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 28 Feb 2008 19:45

aw hun

hope they find you somwere nice soon



Harpstrings Report 28 Feb 2008 19:29

Oh what a disappointment SS, I am so sorry. Hopefully you will soon find the right place for you.
(((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))))))))))

Tina xx

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 19:26


~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 10:30

(copy/pasted from other thread for those looking for this one)

I called the housing lady about an hour ago. False alarm I'm afraid, turns out she was ringing to find out if I wanted to go on the list for furnished properties. I told her about the flat I heard about but she hadn't heard about it. She said it might not be one of theirs so she'll do some digging around and see what she can find out.

I tried so hard not to get my hopes up but after only 4 hours sleep last night I was so excited and convinced that she was going to give me good news. I'm absolutely gutted...feel worse now than I did before.

I know something will come up it's just so scary that time is running out fast.

Thank you everyone for you good wishes, wish I could have brought you good news. Might go looking at caravans this afternoon.

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 00:54

Right, I'm off to bed, I'll update in the morning.

Night all, hope you don't wake up sore from sleeping all crossed lol

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 00:39

Thanks, I'm wondering if I go to bed now will morning come sooner or will I lie there tossing and turning. All these crossed fingers better work lol.


Lorraine Report 28 Feb 2008 00:37

good luck

im sure it will be good news


~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 28 Feb 2008 00:34

Well, Liz, I don't really wanna be round the corner coz that's got no easy parking lol.

Only spare room will be hall cupboard, which if it's like my friends is quite roomy... I was thinking it would make a great little office. lol.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Feb 2008 00:33

Liz, lots of luck, hope it is a call about that flat, will you have a spare room lol?
LIsten, if you are meant to have it, you will get it but if not, means something better is round the corner, well not literally but you catch my drift?