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(flat) - Hold your breath...UPDATE Pg4 -more

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lilymoon Report 27 Feb 2008 20:28

everything crossed goodluck lilymoon

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 27 Feb 2008 20:28

Fingers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'd :-)

Hope you get it.

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 27 Feb 2008 20:26

I had an email from a friend today telling me that there was a girl moving out of a ground floor flat next week. I thought that I'd ring the woman at the council about it this afternoon, but I stupidly went shopping for mother's day pressie and was too late home.

Mum got home at 6pm and used the phone, found a 1571 message from the housing woman from yesterday. I'm hoping like hell that it's about the flat.

I'm now all jittery, dunno how I'm gonna sleep overnight with the possibility. Knowing my luck she was only phoning to check something but I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up. This was my first choice location, I don't know if it's one of the ones with a garage (which would be even better).

Pleeeease can everyone cross fingers and say prayers to what ever deity you believe in. For those who don't know this is extremely important as I only have about 2months before I could potentially be homeless (parents selling up and moving to smaller property),
