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*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 10 May 2009 23:23


Will have to watch out for the advert, is it on early evening or late ?


Haribo Report 10 May 2009 23:20

No.......not very good at 'Man' jobs lol....(womens libbers wont like me)

Do you like Marvin Gaye.........(singing on Andrex ads)

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 10 May 2009 23:17

Don't think I have, don't watch that much tele and usually do something when the adverts are on . Is it good ?

Can you change the wheel on a car ?


Haribo Report 10 May 2009 23:14

leave them be...mostly... pamper occassionally.

have you seen the new Andrex advert?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 10 May 2009 23:11

never had one

do you have a professional manicure or look after your own nails ?


CATHKIN Report 10 May 2009 23:03

do you like to have an aromatherapy massage ?


Haribo Report 10 May 2009 22:39

errrrrrrrrrrr.. never tried!! dont think I ever will either.

does your hubby/partner massage your tired aching feet?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 10 May 2009 18:38

We have a triple variety apple tree, and at my Dad's ( he's passed away we still have the house and huge garden) another triple variety apple tree, gooseberry bushes, raspberry canes, blackcurrant bushes and strawberries ( lol some of those are hardly trees)

Can you do wallpapering ?

J* Near M3.Jct4

J* Near M3.Jct4 Report 10 May 2009 18:12

Yes, I do grow veg and planted out the largest of my Runner Bean plants grown from seed this afternoon - have some more just coming up in small plastic 'greenhouse' - to follow on.

Do you have fruit trees?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 10 May 2009 17:00

Yes ,we have a large lawn at the rear and a smaller one at the front, hubby does
I do cut the hedges, a very large Laurel and a shorter smaller box ( privet), but hubby does the most. Can't cut the Leylandi hedge, it' only 5 ft, but I'm 5.4 and allergic to the clippings.

Do you grow your own veg .? We have a large patch that hubby plants.


Anne Report 10 May 2009 16:38

OH is the gardener in our house although I enjoy planting & buying bedding plants. He also maintains two ponds, one for goldfish and the other for Koi carp.

Do you have much grass to cut?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 10 May 2009 16:20

Only from my digi camera, phone doesn't have one.
Everyone else's mobile in the household has a camera, think mine is about on it's way out. I've had more than my money's worth out of

Do you enjoy gardening ?.. I really should be doing some now !


Anne Report 10 May 2009 15:57

I have a motorola, small and takes pictures but not that new.

Do you down load photographs to your computer?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 9 May 2009 19:33

Yes, we've recently got a new tele, fully updated spec which picks it up, We live in S Wales but have an aerial which picks up the Midlands channels in addition to the Welsh and have Sky , even with our old tel we picked up freeview, but never used it...still don't. Neighbours with just a 'Welsh' aerial don't get it.
I like Hereford but am more acquainted with Cardiff for shopping, am halfway between the 2.

If you have one , most peeps do ( my 90 yr old dad had one ) what mobile phone to you have , does it have a camera..?
(Mine is small, but past it's sell by date..looking for a new one )


Anne Report 9 May 2009 18:44

OH has it on all evening but I sometimes read or go into the room where the computer is, getting a lap top next week so will be in the same room as the TV
[ I like Hereford, husband's sister lives nearby in Leominster]

Have you got freeview in your area yet ?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 9 May 2009 18:37

I live in the sticks, but buses are very frequent, half hourly to Cardiff ( nearest city) or to Hereford in the opposite direction,which means that I could travel in either direction to either nearest town 3 miles away on that bus.
Nearest train station , but only goes to Cardiff is 4 miles away, not sure if there is a bus service there from here.
lol we have 3 cars in the family and 4 drivers, so aren't too up on public transport.

Do you watch television often ..?


Anne Report 9 May 2009 18:19

No, We used to live in Hastings but prefer the country side now.

If needed do you have a good public transport system?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 9 May 2009 18:11

20 miles

Do you live near to the coast, say 10 miles or so ?


Anne Report 9 May 2009 17:28

Nine, from when I was born, since being married five, in Sussex and Berkshire.

How close do you live to the nearest City ?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 9 May 2009 16:31

I did , extremely well and hubby did so with my parents, sadly they have all passed away.

How many houses / homes have you lived in /had ..?