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London and Londoners. Whats your opinion?

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Joy Report 15 Mar 2008 22:19

I love London.

I love the museums, the architecture, the buildings, the churches, St Paul's, Westminster Abbey, St Pancras station, the history, I love reading books about London.

I love the Thames, I love walking along the Embankment, I love the parks, so many of them, so peaceful . I love the FRC, I shall miss that so much.

When I have had to ask the way, many times, people have been so helpful. The Londoners I have met from here have been lovely. My parents and three of my grandparents were Londoners.

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 15 Mar 2008 22:14

Hi Caz and Glynis,

I was born in the City of London Maternity Home and in my early years we lived in Barnsbury. I was baptized at St Silas and a few months ago, Lynda, Maz, David and I went
walkabout and went into St Silas. The vicar (?), it's a very high C of E, looked up my baptism and printed off a copy for me. I was absolutely thrilled.

Lived in Islington until I married many moons ago and then moved to Leyton.

Jean x.


GI YID Report 15 Mar 2008 22:04

Jean my OH was born in St Barts, and lived his early years in Graham Street, Islington........


Rosi Glow

Rosi Glow Report 15 Mar 2008 22:02

Im a Londoner born and bred, I love everything about it, I dont think I could ever move away.

Cumbrian Caz~**~

Cumbrian Caz~**~ Report 15 Mar 2008 21:57

As A norhtern lass benjamin, I knew London quite well as my first OH was from there.

Jean, his Dad was born within Bow Bells range aswell,

I havent been for 15 years, but loved it when i did, bit too frenetic for me though,

Caz xxx


GI YID Report 15 Mar 2008 21:56

I married a Londoner, and he's ok..............



Linda Report 15 Mar 2008 21:55

my dad was a right cockney born in the sound of bow bells mum from islington iam a londoner too but now live lincoln i love london


Benjamin Report 15 Mar 2008 21:54

Even most Londoners dont know every part of London and some might need an A to Z because the city is so huge. For example if someone lived in Walworth but wanted to vist an old friend in Stepney, he'd probably need an A to Z to find the exact street or estate.

Kaz in a Tizz

Kaz in a Tizz Report 15 Mar 2008 21:51

I love London - I lived there for 6 years had a great time but am happy I no longer live there! Is great to visit but am glad to leave it behind too much rush . As for Londoners - they are all lovely except one's I met had a terrible sense of geography regards the rest of the UK lol

Kaz :o)))


Dermot Report 15 Mar 2008 21:42

I enjoyed my 20 years in London but the subsequent 16 years in Devon even more so.

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy Report 15 Mar 2008 21:39

Well I guess I'm a Londoner seeing as the first 24 years of my life, I lived and grew up in South London.

Worked in 'The City' for 20 years and frankly that was enough - yes it has lots of fantastic history, but the rat race mentality is just too much.

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 15 Mar 2008 21:19

Hi Benjamin,

I was born within the sound of Bow Bells and bought up in Islington.

I have lived in London all my life and just couldn't live anywhere else.

I go away for 2 weeks and I can't wait to come 'home'.

I absolutely love it :)))

Jean x.


Benjamin Report 15 Mar 2008 21:19

Maybe that smartly dressed person was from Essex but living or staying in London lol lol. xx


JEH123 Report 15 Mar 2008 21:17

I love london. Once knew a Londoner and they were alright. I have been to London three times in my lifetime and every time had a brilliant time. Couldn't get enough of the place. Would love to return one day but safety concerns me. I don't like going to Manchester for the same reasons ie because of safety issues. xx


TaniaNZ Report 15 Mar 2008 21:16

PS I suppose it could have been the booze as well LOL


TaniaNZ Report 15 Mar 2008 21:11

I love London
as a kiwi from a small town I would have expected to hate it but it was an instant attraction for me.
The only downsize was that for the first few months my head ached so badly I thought i had a brain tumour but it was just a reaction to the Dirt LOL
What I was really surprised about though is how small it is,you can get around on foot really easily.
Regards Tania
PS I have heaps of london ancestors but didnt know it until I returned home,maybe thats why I liked it so much

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 15 Mar 2008 20:57

Dunno Benjamin. Loads of mine come from London on all sides but I don't FEEL like one lol xx

*edit to say.... that where I am now the easiest thing for me to say when they ask where I am from is *near London* as Middlesex doesn't spark any recognition in them whatsoever ....I often allow myself to be branded a Londoner as it's easier but I certainly don't feel like one xx


AnnCardiff Report 15 Mar 2008 20:57

I spent last Saturday and Sunday in London and whilst I enjoyed myself very much in Kensington, Covent Garden and Oxford Street I found the underground a bit of a trial to say the least. I'm coming up to 72 years of age and travelled on many trains in those two days - had one of those £7 tickets for all day travel. Never could get a seat but was a bit stunned to find that in all the miles I travelled on the tube only two people were kind enough to offer me a seat - one was a New Zealander and one was a German. No way would my son, in his forties, have allowed anyone older than himself to stand on a long journey, he has better manners. I was very disappointed indeed. I did not accept either of the two seats offered me, but was profuse in my thanks to both people.


Benjamin Report 15 Mar 2008 20:55

Glad you like Londoners.

I am not a Londoner by birth but my great gran was born in Islington and her dads family were from Soho, Shoreditch and Pancras. Her mum was bought up in several London parts such as Bow and Walworth to Kent and Sussex parents but her Kent fathers family were Londoners originally and only lived in kent because of his job as a butler which meant the family flitted between London and Kent.

Does this make me a Londoner in a way at least by heritage??


ann Report 15 Mar 2008 20:52

I also love it but then again i am a Londoner. Annie