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Happy St Patricks Day to you all

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Taff Report 17 Mar 2008 07:20

I had better get a duster out, the sun is showing what I missed last time!!
and dont ask me how long ago, 'cos I cant remember that far back Lol

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 07:17

Who you talking to there lol


Taff Report 17 Mar 2008 07:17

Who??Me?? LOL


OH Report 17 Mar 2008 07:12

Hello Dimples, how are you?

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 07:11



OH Report 17 Mar 2008 07:09

Phil and Terry was walking home from the pub late one night, and as usual, they was pi**ed at fa*ts,
they always took the same path through the egde of the forest, because it was dark they always carried a torch, it was a cloudless night and the moon was full and bright as could be, Phil stops and looks up at the moon, Terry says, "Phil, what ya doin?"
Terry says, "I was wonderin what it would be like to walk up to da moon"
Phil replies, "Ay, that I bin thinkin meself, but there ain't a ladder long enough"
Terry looks at the beam shinin from his torch and points it to da moon, Phil says, "What ya doin Terry?" I be shinin dis ere beam to da moon so we can go walkin up it, you can go first Phil, Phil says, "don't be daft mate, I know dat when I gets half way up, you will turn da torch off".

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 07:07

Am pleased to hear it hun...had a lovely day for a change


Taff Report 17 Mar 2008 07:05

Great ta Ally, the suns shining, so a good start to the day!

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 07:04

Morning Taff...hows you? xxx


Taff Report 17 Mar 2008 07:03

Good morning all, and a Happy St,. Pats day to you!!


OH Report 17 Mar 2008 06:54

That sound like a name of the very distand past,
could be,,

got that, will do,same here. go pE later.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 06:51

The Irish Rovers I think Shane


OH Report 17 Mar 2008 06:47

Hello Ladies, and you to mate Chris, wanna beer mate.

Ally does ya have the artist on that, Was that log ago can't remember.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 06:46

Lol....its a lot of song isnt it been going through my head all day


OH Report 17 Mar 2008 06:44

You is about 5 seconds faster than me is.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 06:42

Just for that gonna make you read the entire song lol

A long time ago, when the Earth was green
There was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen
They'd run around free while the Earth was being born
And the loveliest of all was the unicorn

There was green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
The loveliest of all was the unicorn

The Lord seen some sinning and it gave Him pain
And He says, "Stand back, I'm going to make it rain"
He says, "Hey Noah, I'll tell you what to do
Build me a floating zoo,
and take some of those...

Green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
Don't you forget My unicorns

Old Noah was there to answer the call
He finished up making the ark just as the rain started to fall
He marched the animals two by two
And he called out as they came through
Hey Lord,

I've got green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord, I'm so forlorn
I just can't find no unicorns"

And Noah looked out through the driving rain
Them unicorns were hiding, playing silly games
Kicking and splashing while the rain was falling
Oh, them silly unicorns

There was green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Noah cried, "Close the door because the rain is falling
And we just can't wait for no unicorns"

The ark started moving, it drifted with the tide
The unicorns looked up from the rocks and they cried
And the waters came down and sort of floated them away
That's why you never see unicorns to this very day

You'll see green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
You're never gonna see no unicorns

Now you might think this is the ending to the song,
But I'll have to tell you friends that in fact you're wrong
You see, Unicorns are magical, so when the rain started pouring,
They grew themselves some wings and they took to soaring.

You'll see green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees
But if you're looking for the unicorns, don't be forlorn,
The second star to the right and straight on until morning.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 06:39


.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 06:36

Lol, Hi Chris.....How was your day? xxx

If he did chase snakes out why'd he chase the b******rs here!!!

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•.

.•*´♥ ´*•.¸ ally¸.•*´♥`*•. Report 17 Mar 2008 06:34

Yep thats the one


OH Report 17 Mar 2008 06:32

Yoy mean;

A long time ago when the earth was green,

that Unicorn song?