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The Birthday Girls Card Making Group CLOSED NEW

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HeatherinLeicestershire Report 19 Jul 2008 16:25

Hi everyone,

Ann re: the cuttlebug, I love mine.I don't use it all the time, but it does come in handy.
You can use other manufacturers cutting templates in it.There is a 'how to' somewhere on the web, I will try to find it for and send you the link.
As far as price, shop around, you can get some good deals on it at the moment, the cutting and embossing plates are not too expensive either.

Hope you are all having fun xx

Edit - Just sent a link re: the cuttlebug, for using other templates in it, via our yahoo group :)

Heather x

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 17 Jul 2008 22:44

Sylvia, Liz is away, she had a death in the family and has travelled down south, should be back later this week.


syljo Report 17 Jul 2008 22:10

Hi all,
Well I have had my second bladder rinse today and this was only for 1/2 an hour. Last week it was an hour.
Glad to hear you got your mags Jo. I haven't heard from Liz as to whether she got hers or not. I hope so.
We have cancelled our cruise. Too much hassle going on for me at the moment. I need a new passport and we would have to arrange for two visas to visit Russia etc.etc. Because we hadn't paid anything we hadn't taken out an insurance and we've now lost 775 Euros. One hell of a lot of money to pay out for nothing. I am thinking of all the hours I have worked for this money. If I didn't pay then I would be paying a fine by now. They get you all ways.
Johan and my ex son in law have been laying new laminate in our kitchen. When I came back from the hospital I thought they would have been finished, but no. I still have sawdust everywhere. I am pleased that I asked my help to divide her hours this week, so this means she will be coming in another couple of hours tomorrow.
I am off to the market in the morning.
Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 17 Jul 2008 16:54

glad you had a good birthday with lots of cards Sally S.



Sally Report 17 Jul 2008 16:47

Hi all , put up thread on the general board , dont know if you all saw it.Thank you all so much for the lovely cards.each and everyone was special, had a great day/evening,and hangover from hell, great for a woman who does'nt drink to often/or not often enough. lol , going into hospital tomorrow for xrays,was there last month,now back for more.sorry for all the birthdays Iv'e missed but as soon as Im 100% I will get them going,having the workmen in for 8 weeks didn't help had to move everything out the way , now I have to find all my craft stuff,been finding it all week OH said why not bin it and start over,he has'nt seen whats in my daughters house yet/ anyway he could'nt afford to replace it/nor I.was looking for 2 boxes the other day and cant find them anywhere , it's doing my head in as all the GR groups names and addys are in one off them ,but now Thank God for JO as I got her email for christmas have'nt went into it yet but im sure she will have re sent once more thank you all they were all fantastic.

Sally Sunshine


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 17 Jul 2008 07:38

Morning girls,

Jojo hope your sister is much better today xx (((HUGS))).

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 17 Jul 2008 01:07

Happy Birthday Ros, sorry it is late, but hope my card arrived on time!!!

Sylvia, mags arrived!!!! Fantastic!!

Sorry not around much, sister went in hospital on Monday for major surgery on spine, things are not good at the moment, so spent quite a lot of time at hospital yesterday and today, hoping there is some improvement tomorrow.


CATHKIN Report 16 Jul 2008 17:20



HeatherinLeicestershire Report 16 Jul 2008 14:49

Happy Birthday Ros, hope you are having a good one xx


CATHKIN Report 16 Jul 2008 14:36

Thank you all for your beautiful cards . Hubby`s was amongst my bundle waiting to be opened. He went into my craft box , got a card which he folded the wrong way , drew a birthday cake , stuck on stars, a butterfly and happy birthday stickers -boys ones in blue.
Not as good as yours but very innovative, Ros xxxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 15 Jul 2008 14:38

Sylvia, please do not worry that your bits have not arrived, I am sure they will turn up. Myself I would love to go to St Petersburg (as it was) to see all the beautiful things there.
Ann it is like all equipment, it is worth its money if you use it. I do use the embossing templates quite a lot and have the corners as well. Have ordered edging plates am waiting for them to arrive and have also ordered some Christmas ones. I ordered from the States as quite a few companies were giving low or even free postage and with the exchange rate even including P&P worked out cheaper than buying in England. I know quite a lot of the card group have them so it might pay you to send out a mail to them all asking for their opinion! Will post on FTF for you.
Weather here today is so lovely and sunny with a slight breeze, makes such a change.
Making some stitching cards and have just lost my needle when I answered the phone, just hope I can find it!


syljo Report 14 Jul 2008 18:34

Hi all,
I have done the Rhine/Moselle cruise before and wanted a bit more exotic. Just have to wait until one comes up. The one I cancelled had a day in Dover. Who wants a day in Dover? Also a day in Helsinki. It was not so long ago that I was in Helsinki and don't particularly want to spend another day there just yet.
Also Hamburg. I wanted more Russia and Estland.
It seems as they are going to charge us something even though we haven't paid anything.
Jo, the magazines are taking a long time to reach you. They were posted last Monday so should be with you now. Liz doesn't mention receiving hers either. If they don't arrive then I'll have to buy some more and send you.
Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 14 Jul 2008 17:37

Hi all
Been away for the weekend, lovely to spend time with the smallest grandchildren.

OH asked what I want for my birthday so i am trying to collect information on the cuttlebug. Is it really worth the money considering that I think you have to also buy lots of dies for it separately? for embossing I do have a Fiskers shape boss so don't want to double up on equipment. would I be better off buying something else? any suggestions?

I don't go on FTF much these days. could somebody ask for their views for me please if they are on there?


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 14 Jul 2008 00:21

Sylvia, sounds like a good idea to delay a little, you will feel so much more relaxed about it then.

The ATC themes are August - Lazy Days and September Back to school.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend.


CATHKIN Report 13 Jul 2008 23:39

Sylvia -how about the Rhine for a cruise , the one we went on -no dressing up at night, you could go off ship at night as it docked at night , sailed along the Rhine / Moselle during the day -it was lovely, Ros xx

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 13 Jul 2008 21:12

Evening to you all.
Hope Sally Sunshine had a great birthday xx
Sylvia, sorry that you will miss your cruise but better to be relaxed about it and not rushing it.

Hope everyones keeping well

xx Jill


syljo Report 13 Jul 2008 21:03

Hi all,
First of all Heather, please don't wait for me for ATCs this month, I just won't make it. What is the next theme, August?
I just cancelled our cruise. It was going to be to the Baltic states. I just haven't the time to get everything in order. I have heard that on a cruise you need so many clothes, and this would take me time. I'm ok for days but we never really dress up in the evenings any more. Also we would need visas for visiting St Petersburg. I only have a tourist card, which is ok for Europe, but not visiting Russia etc. No, I was getting myself in such a tizzy, that I said to Johan we will go on a cruise, but later on in the year. I can now finish my treatment for my bladder in peace.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 12 Jul 2008 00:00

Evening everyone.

Sylvia where are you going on the cruise, I am sure it will be lovely and relaxing. Hope the treatment goes well it will make such a difference to you. Glad that the diabetes is under control, all sounds good news.

Just in case I don't get on the computer tomorrow

Hope you have lovely Birthday Maria, with lots of lovely cards and presents.


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 11 Jul 2008 11:07

Mornings girls, from a wet Cheshire :(

Sylvia the theme for atc's this month is 'The Beach' .
The date is 15th to me, if you are taking part I will wait for you.Let me know.

Well I'm off to our craft group later, so hope you all have a great weekend.Lets hope the weather changes so we can enjoy it.

Take care

P.S. Just in case I don't get on PC tomorrow

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Sally Sunshine, hope you have a lovely dayxx

Heather xx


CATHKIN Report 10 Jul 2008 22:54

where are you going on your cruise , Sylvia.? Have received a few of my birthday cards already -not opened them yet,--some people are very organised