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The Birthday Girls Card Making Group CLOSED NEW

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syljo Report 10 Jul 2008 22:18

Heather what is the new ATC title? What date do the July cards have to be in by?
Have started my new treatment today for my bladder.
First the nurse emptied by bladder and then filled me up with a salt water solution. I have to have every Thursday the same treatment for 4 weeks and then once a month for 3 months. This week I have seen 3 different doctors for different reasons. Yes, that is where my time goes to.
Yesterday my neighbour from the third floor came to me with a pair of her husband's trousers which needed shortening. Well I am no dressmaker, and haven't used my new sewing machine for more than a year, but I managed to do them for her.
I finished them off this evening, so she will be pleased tomorrow.
Our cruise has been booked for 27th August, so I hope my new treatment is not going to interfere with this holiday.
My grandson, 22 years of age, came round yesterday to show me his school report. This is his final diploma. He even had a '9' for one subject. He has completely changed and doing exceptionally well. Only a couple of years ago he was on drugs and in debt, spending all his money every month. Thank God he has seen the light of day. I stopped giving him money for his birthday, but instead gave him clothes and told my daughter to do the same.
He now has a good bank balance and has been invited to work in the kitchen of a Michelin star hotel in Monaco in the summer holidays. His boss is very pleased with him
See you all tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 10 Jul 2008 13:50

Afternoon girls,

Issy, I received your lovely atc's today.Thank you.

Sylvia, we too have work to do in the kitchen.The contractors are coming next week to take kitchen ceiling and bathroom floor out.All to do with the water damage we had months ago.Finally it is being done, although I'm not looking forward to it.I have to empty all the wall cupboards as they need to come down too.Got to make my dining room into a makeshift kitchen for a while :( Think it will be takeaways most nights.
Glad to hear your diabetes is under control xx
Jill, hope the diy isn't too tiring for you & hubby.

Best wishes to everyone

Heather xx


syljo Report 8 Jul 2008 20:36

Hi all,
Well had my diabetes control today and everybody was happy. I had cut down my tablets from 4 1/2 per day to 3 per day and no problems.
I have to do some new tests and then they will accept that I can make do with less tablets.
Johan and I went to look at new laminate for our kitchen floor as what we now have is damaged. Have chosen a light wood and my ex son in law is coming to help Johan fit it next Thursday.
Must be up early tomorrow to have my blood pricked and will pop in the local supermarket then. I have promised to bring in some potatoes for my neighbour.
Rainy day.
Sylvia xxx


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 8 Jul 2008 18:04

Afternoon girls,

Jojo, omg hope your head isn't too sore xx

I'm in the process of making a wedding card for next week.One of the girls we craft with on Fridays, is getting marriedd on Wednesday, so I think I'd better get a move on :)) Will upload to my blog later.

Hope you are all keeping well.

(Jojo emailed you back)

Heather xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 8 Jul 2008 12:38

Afternoon everyone.

Jill, jam making, must admit I would normally make lots but this year I haven't made any yet although going to the pick yourself farm tomorrow with daughter so perhaps make some at the weekend.
Sylvia thank you so much for the magazine, cannot wait for it to arrive. I have just emailed a new spread sheets for everyone and asked what you all want to do with Xmas cards this year, i.e. do you want to split into smaller groups again, please let me know.
Jill I have ordered some new Xmas Cuttlebug dies and am waiting for them to arrive.
Ros, I love doing the cross stitch Xmas cards, made a few last year for the children in the family, but was looking for the patterns and cannot find where I have put them, they are somewhere nice and safe.....

Well had a disastrous day yesterday. Went to get a box off a high shelf in the wardrobe which I could reach quite easy without climbing on a chair, or so I thought. What I could not see was that some idiot had placed a marble based golf trophy on top. Yes as you have guessed as I look up and pulled the box down the trophy fell on my head!!!!!!!!!! I saw lots and lots of lovely coloured stars!!! and have a nice split in my head and a cut on my forehead. Doctor has put strips on, as he said to hold my brains in! Have a lovely headache still and have done something to my neck which really hurts this morning. Hubby suitably apologetic.


CATHKIN Report 7 Jul 2008 22:52

I`ve started a cross stitch card for Xmas,!!!
Ros xx


syljo Report 7 Jul 2008 21:00

Hi all,
Nice to have you around again Jill. How on earth can you concentrate on making jam etc. whilst you have building work going on?
I was sitting reading some old magazines early this morning - Johan still asleep - when our telephone went. It was from friends who live in the next town. She manages to get hold of lots of good perfumes - actually testers for shops etc. and sells them. Such makes as Hugo Boss, Laurent, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani and many more. She asked if she could come around if I wanted to buy some. Well I had just finished a bottle of perfume so needed to stock up. I went a bit wild and bought 4 bottles. They are so much cheaper.
She bought me a huge bunch of pink roses. These roses are meant for the export and have thick stems and last a long time. Her family have a nursery near here.
Jo, I have, or rather Johan has, put your magazines in the post today, so you should have them before the end of the week.
Do I dare ask for a list of Birthday Girls addresses as I took my list with me to England and now I cannot find it.
The cruise Johan wanted us to go on is full, so he is busy looking for another one.
See you tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 7 Jul 2008 12:39

Good afternoon from a very wet Maine et Loire.
Been jam making this morning and have now 2 peach and 2 strawberry to add to the store cupboard, that will be it until our thorn-less blackberries are ready.
Must admit to having made one Christmas card when playing about with the Cuttlebug, just waiting for some new embossing folders to arrive then will do some more :))))

xx Jill

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 7 Jul 2008 12:13

Issy glad to hear you enjoyed your day, you did well to escape without buying my friend spent £700 on pictures of herself she said she felt so pressured.

Jill sounds like you are going to be upside down for a bit longer, still will be lovely once it is all done.

Fancy starting Xmas cards already, feel I should have started to think about mine, but as yet have done nothing about it!!! Don't want a last minute rush this year.
Weather here is awful again, lots of rain and thunder & lightening.

Sylvia, the patterns in your magazine are worth far more each than the magazine costs, why don't we have anything like it in the UK I wonder, would definitely pay them to translate to English and sell it over here. Thank you for thinking of me and cannot wait to receive a copy. I loved all your miniature knitting especially the bootees, you will have to let me have a copy of the pattern if it is not being too cheeky!!!!

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 6 Jul 2008 08:23

Good morning to you all, sorry , not been around as much but lots going on over here at the moment :)))
Good to see you home Sylvia, sorry that I was not in the UK at the same time as it would of been nice to have seen you.
We had another five kittens born last week and I will be sorry to see most of them go to their new homes when they are big enough-I am too soft.
Not done much crafting as house is upside down getting utility ready so that we can start clearing the kitchen. Sods law, we have lots of family wanting to come over and cottage next door is full so cannot use that.
Cannot wait until mid September when all the work will be finished .
Little Rémi has gone down with the chicken pox but is coming over here in three weeks so will be all OK by then.
Hope every ones keeping well

xx Jill


syljo Report 5 Jul 2008 22:44

Hi all,
Sh, sh, I've already made a few Xmas cards Heather, so you are not alone!
I've still got a 50th wedding card to make for my neighbour. She wants an extra large card and must have details on it, such as the couple's boat ,and photos of the marines as he used to be in the marines. Cannot come up with too many ideas at the moment, so will try again tomorrow.
I went out yesterday and bought a copy, or should I say copies, of our new hobby blad which comes out every month. I showed Liz and Jo this paper and they thought it value for money, and a pity it is not in English. I did hear somewhere that they may print it in English in the future. Anyway Liz and Jo I have bought a copy of the latest paper and also a copy of last month's for you and hope to post these on to you next week.
Johan now wants us to go on a cruise in August. It is a bit soon after our trip to England really, but on the other hand am pleased that he has come up with an idea for a holiday.
He also suggests that I go with our granddaughter to England for a few days, but must think this over first as Linda has never driven in England before.
The weather has been rather overcast today. Am getting all confused with the days and cannot believe it is Sunday tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


IssyB Report 4 Jul 2008 15:15

Hello everyone. Thank you so much for your lovely cards. You kept the postman very busy. I had a quiet relaxing day at home on Wednesday and my daughter cooked me a lovely meal in the evening before I joined some friends for cake and wine.

Yesterday I had such a lovely day spent with a friend. She had 'won' a supposedly free make over and could take along a friend. She asked me. So I sorted out a couple of outfits and accessories and off we went. First we had our faces made up and our hair titivated. Then we went into the studio for our photographs. We had such a laugh. The photographer took loads of pics of us together and alone. We then had a break when we went out to get lunch. Found a Slug and Lettuce bar and shared a gorgeous platter. Then back to the studio to view ourselves on screen. Oh my, what a sight. I dont like being photographes at the best of times and the only ones I liked were the closeups. The full length ones made me look so small and dumpy, which I know I am!! Then came the big sell :0} We chose 23 pics and then we were told we could have 15 printed in various sizes for £600. Neither of us were prepared to pay that much. They kept at us trying to wear us down. I did not know that my friend had paid a deposit of £99 and she was detirmed to get something for her money. We ended up with 4 pics, two each on a disc for the deposit. So ladies, watch out for the conners. Despite that we had such a good time. It was worth it for the experience.


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 4 Jul 2008 10:47

Morning, Sylvia, glad to see that you arrived home safely, you both will need a holiday to get over your last holiday (LOL). It was lovely to meet you both and see all the fabulous cards you had made, they were just so different, could do with a master class from you to teach me how to do some - they were fantastic.

Ann like you I have loads of cards to make this month need to get started!!

Have a lovely weekend all of you and hope the weather is good for you.


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 3 Jul 2008 20:36

Hi girls,

Sylvia I am glad you had a good trip to the UK, sorry I couldn't meet up with you.
Hope you and Johan recover soon from your travels.

I've started my christmas cards this week sssshhhh !! :)

Heather xx


AnninGlos Report 3 Jul 2008 20:22

Hello Sylvia, good to see you back on here. I am pleased that you enjoyed your trip. sounds as if you now need a week to recover from it. Nice to have met up with Jo and liz.

I have made twelve cards in the last week or so, four of them are family cards, July is a big birthday month in this family.

Anyway glad you are back OK



syljo Report 3 Jul 2008 18:10

Hi all,
Yes, it's little ol' me again back from old blighty.
Must say how much I enjoyed meeting up with Liz and Jo Jo. What a pity they couldn't have stayed the night. I could have thrown Johan out!!!
Anyway lovely to have met you both and hope one day you may venture to the Netherlands and we can get together again.
I cannot see Johan driving to the uk again. Who knows? He was quite tired, especially as he has so many things to do for me that I cannot do now. I feel so sad about this.
We arrived back home late Monday morning and since then the days have flown by, shopping, washing, the usual social visits to neighbours to catch up on what's been going on.
Tomorrow I have a hospital appointment and hope this will be a fruitful visit to my new urologist.
The weather has been so humid these last few days and had a few drops of rain.
My neighbour wanted a "get Well" card made yesterday and now another to make for a 50th wedding anniversary. She wants a large card, so must find lots of bibs and bobs to fill up the card.
A big hug and kiss to Liz and Jo Jo.
Sylvia, and of course Johan


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 2 Jul 2008 16:57

Happy Birthday Issy xx


AnninGlos Report 2 Jul 2008 08:43

happy birthday Issy, have a great day


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 2 Jul 2008 00:49

Sally sorry to hear that you have not been well, hope things soon sort themselves out and you are back to top form

Just borrowing daughters computer to check in as will not be back till very late tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Issy, hope you have a lovely day.


CATHKIN Report 28 Jun 2008 14:45

She sent mine too -she`s very organised ,
Ros xx