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The Birthday Girls Card Making Group CLOSED NEW

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Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 30 Apr 2008 13:54


Jill must be good now the lambs are not being fed so often as you say will give you more time.
Weather here awful, thunder and lightening at the moment and hail with torrential rain. Went on a cemetery search for someone this morning, at least it didn't rain then, need to go back as couldn't find the grave and have another look when I have more time.
Have a good day everyone.

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 29 Apr 2008 07:51

Good morning ladies and hope everyones keeping well.
Have got the lambs feeds down to four a day and now have a bit of spare time at last :)))
We are still in the middle of the new stairs as they have to be sanded down a bit as bevelling was too obvious, overall though, they have done a great job as it was a very difficult set of stairs to make.
Been catching up on cards and trying to get a 8" x8" baby scrapbook done for Rémiés Christening in June.

xx Jill

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 28 Apr 2008 21:58

Sylvia, sounds like you have been very busy, clearing out is a job I should be doing, but keep putting it off, under the 'you never know, I might need/use it' only as we all know I never will!!!

Issy sounds like you had a lovely day, love going through old photographs, like you wish someone had put names on them.

Me, I am just making a stitched birthday card for Saturday, first card I have done in a couple of weeks.
You never know I might use my new Cuttlebug!!


IssyB Report 27 Apr 2008 20:03

Hi everyone.

Sylvia you sound just like me. I keep things thinking I will wear them again but I never do. I have clothes in different sizes as my weight goes up and down. And I have lovely shoes I bought 2 yrs ago that I can no longer get my feet into since my op. This year I have promised myself to be ruthful and get rid of unused things instead of hanging on to them. Although saying that, I have 2 lovely linen blouses which I am very loathe to part with. Maybe I can lose some weight!!

Jo Jo, I had a very good day scrapbooking. I managed to mat and layer 28 photos and made up 8 pages. I started at about 2pm, worked at it until 6pm, then I stopped to do some chores (my family had gone out for the evening). Had some supper and watched TV for a while, then I started again and carried on until midnight. I didnt notice the time. I was listening to a talking book as I worked and the time just flew by. I only did some basic scrapping, haven't done any journaling yet. Most of the photos have no identification which is why I have layered them and also there are far too many for me to get analised. The ones that have names written on their backs by the photographer I have made a note of and am trying to work out how best to add this information. A couple of them I may be able to identify through census'. They could be gt gt aunts and uncles.

This week I have to make a 50th birthday card for a friend and I have an order for another birthday card.

Have any of you seen any rubber stamps or images for black people, many of my friends are African or West Indian and I would love to be able to make cards specially for them. I have been searching the internet this afternoon and have found nothing. I have no problem Far Eastern and Asian images, there are plenty of those about. If you see any could you let me know please.

OOPS! I didn't mean to write so much. Have a lovely evening. Bye for now.



syljo Report 27 Apr 2008 19:11

Hi everybody,
Well I know it is Sunday. but when I have a "bee in my bonnet" then I must carry out what I need to do. Well after coming back from Center Parcs and ironing all Johan's shirts I thought to myself, now these shirts can go away and I can get out the summer ones. Well, this entailed more work than I had intended today and now I feel really knackered.
I did throw away a large dustbin bag full of t-shirts, blouses etc. which I haven't worn for years. Why on earth didn't I throw them away before? Silly old me thought that maybe I'd wear them again I suppose. Anyway, I am sure I could throw just as many away again, but don't want to get carried away. Then there are the shoes. Well those beautiful shoes which I know I couldn't stand up in let alone walk. Why do I keep them? Don't ask me, but cannot throw them away. Actually my household help is coming tomorrow so am hoping she will take some of the blouses etc. Who knows may even get rid of some shoes too. I have a couple of pairs of shoes I bought in Spain and never even worn. Ah well, will make somebody happy I suppose. My granddaughter talks about "gran's antique shoes", but I couldn't walk in some of the shoes she wears!
Must get down to planning our route round Gt Britain soon.
Sylvia xxx
Jo - The wedding cake card turned out fine thank you. If I was just as good with the camera then you would get a photo, but I am not. Had this new digital camera for my birthday in January 2006 but still cannot use it.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 27 Apr 2008 12:45

Afternoon everyone. Hope you are all keeping well.

Weather here today nowhere near as nice as yesterday, overcast and they have forecast rain, hasn't arrived yet but looks like it is on its way. Still have mowed the lawns and it will save me having to water my pots on the patio.

Still trying to do my ATC's have made up three different ones and not happy with any of them so back to the drawing board!!

Issy, how is the scrapbooking going, must admit I have not as yet tried to make one!!

Sylvia how did the wedding card turn out, it sounds lovely, have looked at the Arty Farty wedding cake and that looks so lovely so might have to have a go at that one.

Have a good day all of you.


IssyB Report 25 Apr 2008 23:08

Hello ladies. Am late online as usual. Its been a glorious day here. Was out shopping in my T shirt.

Popped in to Partners and ended up buying a new scrapbook which included papers and embellishments all for £9.99. I also got a pack of 50 white cards and envelopes for £4.99. I do love a bargain. Earlier this year I received a mountain of old photos some of which are in a very old, dilapidated albumn and I thought I would transfer them into this scrapbook. Unfortunately I haven't a clue who the photos are of but i dont want to throw them out. They are, after all, a part of my family history.

Tonight I have been making a 40th birthday card for a friend of my daughter. She is going to his birthday party tomorrow in fancy dress!! He is mad on Star Wars and when I bought my previous printer I got a CD Rom of Star Wars so I was able to personalise a card for him. It should give him a laught at least.

Hope tomorrow is another fine day. Goodnight for now


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 25 Apr 2008 21:02

Sylvia glad to hear you had a lovely time, weather here has been so variable, sunny one minute and torrential rain the next, wish it was just April shower!!
Ann sounds like you had a good result at the hospital, long time for the scar to heal though, still at least you are able to do the vacuuming!!! lol
Heather I would like to say I am going to craft this weekend as OH is playing golf both Saturday and Sunday but I know I will be tempting fate if I say it!!


syljo Report 25 Apr 2008 18:04

Hi all,
Well we came back this afternoon. We have had a wonderful sunny week, just a shower of rain on Wednesday evening. We had temperatures of between 17-20 degrees.


AnninGlos Report 24 Apr 2008 16:14

Very heavy April showers around 12 oclock but lovely sunshine at the moment.
Went to the hospital this morning for my check up., went by bus. when we came out to walk into town it was pouring. soon stopped though.

It is all Ok apparently, it was a rodent ulcer but there was a clear 1.5cm area round it so not likely to spread. I saw one of the consultant's team, she was very nice if running 40 minutes late (as they do!!). I have to go back in 6 months to check that the scar is flattening, apparently it takes 18 months altogether. but I can lift (and hoover) again now. (Hmmm)

Went on into town shopping, bought three T shirts/3/4 sleeve tops half price in M&S, and a waterproof pink jacket in seconds ahead, plus a new pair of slippers and a tub of body butter with Vit E (Body Shop). Then had lunch out, I had chile and chips and a glass of wine. (definitely not good for the diet!!



HeatherinLeicestershire Report 24 Apr 2008 11:32

Morning girls,

Jojo it's freezing here, the sun is trying to come out, but only just.
I've managed to make a few cards this week.
Hope you find some crafting time soon.

Hope everyone is well

Heather xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 24 Apr 2008 10:41

Morning all, hope you are OK.

Weather here was torrential rain this morning, but the sun is just struggling to get through, so you never know.

Have grandchildren today so just a quick message, hopefully be back later if not too exhausted.


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 21 Apr 2008 15:02

Afternoon girls,

It's sunny in Cheshire :))

Sylvia your May atc's arrived today, thank you xx

Please sign up for the May Atc swap, by end of April, thanks.Atc's to me by 15th May (any problems, just email me)

'Travel' is the theme.

Please don't worry about missing or opting out of any of the swap months, you can join in whenever you like.

Hope everyone is ok

Heather xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 19 Apr 2008 21:49

Ann nice to see you home, hope you had a lovely time. Hate coming back to lots and lots of washing!!

Sylvia the wedding card sounds lovely, the bride and groom will really appreciate it I am sure.

Jill your stairs sound magnificent, love oak staircases. I would definitely start off light it is easier to darken than it is too lighten!!

Take care everyone.


AnninGlos Report 19 Apr 2008 17:45

Hi all, got back from holiday at 2AM this morning so really tired. not even unpacked it all yet, but have done 1 load of washing and a Tesco run.

I am really missing the hot sunshine, and feeling the cold now.

Must get back to card making soon though.

hope all are well.



syljo Report 19 Apr 2008 17:29

Hi all,
Just been making a wedding card, which was nice to do. I cut out a wedding cake in white card and then gave the tiered effect with gold stickers and added small roses and on the top a bride and groom picture. Worth the time? Yes, I think it was.
I still have to put the finishing touch to it with ribbon and lace.
Hope you are all well
Sylvia xxx

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 19 Apr 2008 08:19

Good morning to you all and hope you all are keeping well and a hug coming your way if you need one xx

Glad Heather had such a lot of cards to open for her birthday :))

Been very busy here as still doing five feeds a day and at the moment we are trying to get them to eat some special granules as a top up.
Been busy also as our new staircase was installed and now we cannot decide on colour. Its in its natural oak but all our beams are now very aged oak so a lot darker. The kitchen is big enough to take a darker shade but we cannot decide what looks best so might go a light oak then darken bit by bit.
Its great to have proper stairs as the old ladder type that were what they used to get upstairs to the storage and grain store when it was a farm. They looked full of character but were a bit lethal and we had to add a hand rail as always used to come down on all fours :))))
Next big job now is a new kitchen and change the utility, John had thought the renovations all done seven years ago but its all change again:)))
Have been doing a few cards and am halfway through an accordian card , my first one and so far very pleased with it.
Hope you all have a good weekend

xx Jill


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 18 Apr 2008 19:45

Evening girls,

Sylvia, it's Travel theme next month for atc's, so yours will be extra early :) Looking forward to seeing them.

You will have to tell us which area you will be visiting Sylvia, I will try to come and see you but can't promise anything xx

Anyway off now, sounds like we have visitors.

Speak soon

Heather xx


syljo Report 18 Apr 2008 18:13

Hi all,
Another cold winters day has passed and everybody is wondering when summer is coming.
Heather I have posted my ATC cards to you today. The title is TRAVEL. I am not sure which month these are supposed to be for as I didn't take part in the WEATHER ones.
I went to the doctor with my ear again today and she said there is no improvement and I now have stronger ear drops. She wanted to see me next week but I said I was going away, and she said she is going away the week afterwards, so if necessary I have to play doctor myself.
Johan and I are still uncertain of which route we will take when we visit Gt Britain. I think it would be nice if we could have a meet up somewhere with those who are within reasonable distance. We should be in uk around 12th June for approx. 3 weeks.
See you tomorrow everybody.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 18 Apr 2008 14:16

Afternoon everyone, hope you are all well.

Heather enjoy your crafting afternoon, must be good fun to craft in such a lovely group of people.

Weather here mixed, sun and rain, still very cold though.

Watching Create and Craft/Ideal World as it is free P&P some lovely things, but the kits are too big for me and I do think I have enough goodies at the moment!!

Off now to print some stitching patterns off as I need to make some cards, then will have a play with my cuttlebug, still not had time to have a go with it.
Have a lovely weekend all of you