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The Birthday Girls Card Making Group CLOSED NEW

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HeatherinLeicestershire Report 18 Apr 2008 08:44

Morning girls,

Looks like we are in for some rain today, grey clouds looming.
Off to my craft group this afternoon.Hope you all have a good day & weekend xx

(re:atc's, just waiting for a few more to arrive then I will swap & send)

Heather xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 17 Apr 2008 12:05

Sylvia, 35???? No not 35, will count up later!!!

Well the weather is really cold here today but sunny, so cannot complain.

Was going to craft but daughter has just phoned to say she is on her way over with the children, so no crafting again today.

Have a good day all of you


syljo Report 16 Apr 2008 18:01

Hi all,
Glad that Jo Jo and Heather received lots of birthday cards - 35????????????????? It does make one feel important, doesn't it?
Saw the surgeon who did my bowel operation last year and he is pleased with me. No more appointments with him now for a year.
Just think of all the cards I can make when I have no more hospital appointments!
My neighbour who has gone to her house in Hungary tells me the temperature there is a lot higher than here. She phoned me this morning.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 16 Apr 2008 10:08

Have a lovely Birthday Heather hope you receive lots and lots of lovely cards and presents and try to relax!!!!

Hope everyone is OK, weather here is very overcast and dull today, but at least it is not raining yet, although it is forecast for later.

Just off to take the dog for a walk

Have a good day everyone


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 16 Apr 2008 08:26

Morning girls,

Thank you for all my lovely cards.
All very different, I will post a pic in my blog later.

Sylvia hope you get the tooth sorted, very painful.

Is Ann back from her hols yet?

(changed back to HeatherinCheshire, sorry for confusion)

Off to bake a cake :))

Heather xx


syljo Report 15 Apr 2008 20:27

Hi, yes my granddaughter did arrive home ok but so late, was getting worried.
Johan went out to the library today to get some books with a larger letter to read when we go away next week.
I do hope it gets warmer. It's ok when the sun is out but every day such a night frost.
I've been looking on the internet for a trip for Johan and I in June in the uk. We want 3 weeks travelling around with our car, maybe staying two nights in one place.
I went to the dentist today and he has repaired a tooth for me. I had broken a piece off.
Greetings, Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 15 Apr 2008 11:02

Morning ladies.

Thank you all for the Birthday wishes and all the lovely cards I received. I know everyone always says about them being so different, but they are, no two are remotely the same!! So much time and effort has gone into the making of them all they look beautiful. THANK YOU

Weather here beautiful today, sun is shining and the skies are blue and not a cloud to be seen, hope it lasts, could do with the garden drying out a bit.

Sylvia hope your granddaughter arrived home safely.

Jill hope you are not still trapped in your craft room, there again better than being trapped in the kitchen!!

Heather, hope Jack is getting along OK and not being too demanding and having you running around too much!!

Off now to play with the Cuttlebug and embossing dies I had for my birthday!


syljo Report 14 Apr 2008 21:39

Another nice sunny day. My help in the house couldn't come today as she had a leakage in her house and had no electricity etc. and the workmen everywhere she said. She is coming Wednesday morning instead. Will have to start early as I have to go to the hospital afterwards.
Tomorrow have a dental appointment.
Time is getting nearer for us to be going away.
I am now so keen and have asked Johan if he would come to the uk and travel around a bit and he has agreed. We will try and get to the uk in June. My eldest daughter will be 50 on the 10th June and we are paying for her to go to London with her two children. My granddaughter will have to help me arrange this as she will know best when they can go etc.etc.
Linda (granddaughter) has borrowed our car and has gone to see her mother in Eindhoven. I hope everything is ok as it is now 22.41 and no sign of her back. Oh, don't worry, our holiday is next week and we need the car.
See you tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 14 Apr 2008 08:30

Jo, have a lovely birthday xxxx

Heather ATCs in post today :))

Got to dash now as stairs coming down and dont want to be stuck up here all day :)) Perhaps not so bad as craft all up here :))

Hope you all have a great day

xxx Jill


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 14 Apr 2008 08:24

Morning girls,

Happy Birthday Jojo, hope you have a lovely day xxxxx

Heather xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 11 Apr 2008 22:54

Evening ladies, Heather glad to hear Jack is coping well with the plaster, I am sure he will keep you very busy.
Jill yo sound like you had a lovely time with Remi, you will really miss him.
The lambs all sound as if they are doing really well, at least the weather is beginning to improve.

Sylvia glad to hear you are going to see another specialist, must be able to suggest something else.
An ear infection now, what else can go wrong!! At least it is only drops and not more horrible antibiotics!!
Have a nice weekend all of you.


syljo Report 11 Apr 2008 20:33

Hi all,
Johan and I went to the doctor today and told her I wanted a second opinion about my waterworks. She agrees and I have a letter for a hospital in Hilversum. I can choose between two male and one female urologist. I think I will go for the female this time.
I asked the doctor to look at my left ear as the nurse said it didn't look too good when she syringed out the right one. She wouldn't touch the left one at all. Well it appears I have an ear infection so have to put drops in 3 times a day. Is there anything else I can get? I am sure I have been through the list by now. My doctor wants to see me again next week. She did say that my hair is growing nicely again and I don't have any more bald patches.
Lovely weather still although still so cold at night.
Nice to hear that Jill's lambs are doing fine. Do they only have lambs once a year Jill? I am afraid I don't know much about the world of agriculture etc.
See you tomorrow
Sylvia xxx


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 11 Apr 2008 14:53

Nice to hear from you Jill, you have been busy.

Issy I received your lovely atc's, thanks.

Jacks home and doing ok, still in pain, but coping with that.Everyone is running around after him, bless :))

Hope everyone is ok.

Have a good weekend all.

Heather xx

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 11 Apr 2008 07:59

Good morning ladies, hope every ones keeping well and sending a hug to all that need one xx

Been very hectic here as have had Kelly with RĂ©mi here, he is so contented and happy so was a great visit.
Lambs are doing well and the two orphans, Lucy and Lottie are growing fast. We are now down to five feeds a day so not quite as bad :))))
Its Johns birthday tomorrow so off out for a meal with some friends to a really good resturant thats a favourite of ours.
Hoping to get some ATCs done this weekend then I can get them posted on monday

xx Jill

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 10 Apr 2008 22:51

Sorry ladies have not been around for a few days, had the grandchildren staying so have been very busy and tired!!

Issy a loft conversions sounds lovely, but I know the noise and dust it makes, my daughter had one done a couple of years ago and I was staying there at the time, dust was everywhere.

Lynne so sorry to hear about your Mum hope she is feeling a little better.

Heather hope Jack is feeling better and the plaster is not itching too much, glad to hear he is now back at home!!

Sylvia what a lovely surprise for your daughter, and I am sure you will have a wonderful time.

Todays weather has been very mixed, sunny one moment and rain the next, talk about April showers!!

Take care all of you and I will be back tomorrow.


syljo Report 9 Apr 2008 20:07

Just thought I'd better come out of hibernation to greet you all. Here's me walking round with long jumper and poncho over that with long trousers and Johan with just a cotton shirt. He never could understand me!
I must admit the weather really looks lovely during the day when the sun is shining.
The good news is I've booked 5 days for a stay at Center Parcs. This parc is where my daughter works but she doesn't know it yet. It will be nice to get away for a few days. We are going on the 21st April until Friday 25th April. I will have my help come in as usual on the 21st. She works from 9-4 and then when she goes we will go. It is no good going away early anyway as we cannot get into our cottage until afternoon. We have a luxury cottage, with beds made up etc.etc. Well Johan said "treat yourself" so I did.
I made a couple of loaves of bread today and was going to make a tart but ended up sorting out some of my cards.
See you all tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 9 Apr 2008 00:05

Hope your mum in law gets better soon Lynne, that was a nasty fall xx

Well, I've just got back from hospital, our youngest fell off his bike.He was in agony, poor kid, off to the hospital with him.It turns out to be quite a nasty break and they have kept him in for obs.
Now being 13yrs, he didn't want me to stay there, but I won't sleep worrying about him :( xxx
Will update tomorrow.

Hope everyone is keeping well.

Heather xx

Irish Angel

Irish Angel Report 8 Apr 2008 14:20

Hoping that everybody is healthy and happy
My mum in law had a very nasty fall on Saturday she fell up to concrete steps.
A very bad cut to her head and leg stitch in her head she is doing really well bless her.
What a brave lady she has been such a little angel we have just got back in from the walk in centre they have just changed the dressing on her leg .
Just going to get them something to eat
Hope everyone is well
Take care be happy keep smiling
Love Lynne & Mums


IssyB Report 8 Apr 2008 11:07

Morning all. Sunny but cold here today.

We are having a loft conversion to the house at the moment and there is a lot of banging going on over my head. I live with my eldest daughter and my room (my sanctuary is upstairs). It is bedroom cum office cum craft room cum everything and it is very untidy at the moment. Dust everywhere.

Have been trying to download a map from CarmarthenFHS site. Gave up as it was so slow. I am going to visit Carmarthen next week and trying to sort out what info I will concentrate on. Once I have sorted myself out I will return to my cardmaking.

Have a good day


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 8 Apr 2008 10:36

Lovely and sunny here at the moment, but it is oh so cold. Snow has all gone such a pity as I love it.
Sylvia your help sounds like a little gem, can I borrow her for a while, my house looks like a tip, crafting stuff everywhere and lots of dust.
Off now to clean as two of the grandchildren (5 & 7) are on their way to stay for a few days. Baby is staying at home this time as still breast fed.
Have a good day everyone
Hugs Joxx