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My daughter and her boyfriend were attacked last n

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Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:52

Thanks Mau and Karen xxxxxxxxx


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:51


That is what should happen everywhere i think

but as you say the police are underfuded and under staffed

and yes someother poor kid will get a kicking and another untill one child gets really hurt


Mauatthecoast Report 6 May 2008 10:48

So sorry to hear about your trouble Steve and sincerely hope daughter and her boyfriend recover quickly from their ordeal.

We worry too about our grandchildren,oldest was attacked a few years ago coming home from school,came home covered in mud.

I hope they catch the ones who hurt your daughter & b.friend, but,afraid to say they think they are soo clever flouting the law! and have no respect for anyone...or themselves!

Best wishes to you all,
Mau xxx

Desperate Housewife ♥

Desperate Housewife ♥ Report 6 May 2008 10:48

So sorry to hear about this, it makes my blood boil. Just because they dare to be different and listen to good music, this is so wrong. Having been into rock music since school I and various old boyfriends have been on the receiving end of this sort of bigotry so I know how your daughter and her boyfriend feel.
How they both OK and keep rockin'

Karen xx


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:48


I could of understood it more if it was in a secluded spot

but it seems they just dont care now, outside someones fron door so what they think people wont interfear

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 6 May 2008 10:47

Steve, thats the hardest thing isn't it when you know they have got away with it and will do it all again to some other poor person who dares to be different..Where I live the police really clamped down after the town was voted the most violent place in the UK for its size and zero tollerence has paid off even if it has cost a couple of pubs their licence, at least its safe to walk around now here.


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:43

Colin mate i know that

and i cant blame them they do the job to their best

ability now the justice system is something else

but they did say there was not a lot of chance of catching the attackers


Emma Report 6 May 2008 10:41

I cannot believe this. How awful. I am so sorry that this has happened.
It is stupid that nobody is safe, and yet the police and government do nothing to stop this yob culture - and then they wonder why so many people are leaving for other countries.. Britain is no longer great.

This happened last week didnt it, a young girl killed by yobs just cuz they looked different.. I am so mad right now that people cannot even dress the way they want to for fear of getting beaten up.. Well I am sorry but I dont want to dress like a chav.

Give me love and best wishes to your daughter..


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:40

Jean hun

He was lucky it was just a quick kicking not like those other poor couple

but mentaly it may take a while but fingers x they will be ok

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 6 May 2008 10:38

Sorry to hear that your daughter and her boyfriend were attacked but please don't blame the police....they are massively under funded and hampered by red tape and admin.When the police do catch offenders they are dealt with by the CPS and the courts..the police do not decide punishment

Rosi Glow

Rosi Glow Report 6 May 2008 10:37

How awful, I hope the people who did this are caught and have the book thrown at them.


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:36

will do Jax

but your right hun this is getting out of hand at least the mods and rockers were defind as one or the other

now its any kids who looks different


Hoobity Report 6 May 2008 10:36

Steve, have to agree with Hayley, our world has gone mad. The evil ones get rewarded the innocent get a kicking. I can only think it could have turned out much worse and so glad it didn't, not that that will bring you much comfort at the moment... Hope these 2 young ones heal both mentally and physically quickly. shirley.x


JustJean Report 6 May 2008 10:36

So sorry to hear this,Steve, what a lousy country we live in, were has law and order gone , I do pray that the injuries are not too bad,and the shock will not affect them too much.

Jean x

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 6 May 2008 10:35

I agree Steve till they kill...


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:34


My daughter is fine just a bit shook up she was lucky in a way it was only the B/F who was hurt


to be honest i doubt the police will do anything even if they catch em


jgee Report 6 May 2008 10:32

Steve this is awful hope you are all okay when will all this end. they are not safe anywhere

Jax in Wales

Jax in Wales Report 6 May 2008 10:31

Steve its terrible that they were attacked just because of how they dress.

All this shows is that the children of today have not progressed from the mods & rockers bigotry that went on years ago.

Hope K & M are ok send em my love please

Jax xx


Tina-Marie Report 6 May 2008 10:27

Oh Steve how awful.. I hope they are feeling a bit more settled now.

What a scarey incidence for you all. I hope you get some sort of closure from the police. If the perpertrators are caught it would they feel safer?

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 6 May 2008 10:27

FFS....Steve I am gutted to read this..I hope your daughter and boyfriend are ok....

This yob culture has got to tolerance will never happen with all these namby pamby EU rules, where the thugs, yobs, criminals have more human rights that the victims..

best wishes to your family Steve xxxxxxxxxx