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My daughter and her boyfriend were attacked last n

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Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:23

My daughter and her boyfriend were attacked last night


Because they dress in a different way to the normal

Seems a gang of young men who dress in baseball caps wear tracky bottoms tucked into socks decided that my teenage daughter and her boyfriend because they have dyed black hair and wear dark clothing are "goths"

well no they are not "goths" they just like rock music

the attack lasted about 30 seconds and they gave the boyfriend a real good kicking

The worst part is they were about 10 feet from our front door when it happend

I actually heard a girl scream and was alread walking down the passage when the door flew open and daughter ran in screaming DADDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

she dived on me just as the Boyfriend shot in the door and what a mess he was in there was blood everywhere it was pouring out of his mouth, nose and had a large gash on his left eye

So while OH called the police and his mum i took photos, then whiped him into the bathroom and got him cleaned up, and stopped most of the bleeding

took the police 2 hours to come out and interview them

So it just goes to prove two things if your kids are a bit diff from the yobs i can happen

and even 10 feet from home they are not safe
