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Websterbfc Report 13 May 2008 16:04

ooh interesting dilemma

i do not like the idea of genetic engineering but i can not pretend i know much about it and therefor this is in no way an informed view lol

as for God and the bible....for those who believe.....God made man...he also gave man a brain to come up with some absolutely fantastic ideas & inventions...(and some terrible ones too if you ever watch dragons den or Americas best inventor lol)

he also provided man with free will to choose and beliefs and ethics to help him make the choices

i believe that caution should be shown as with all inventions etc, but that does not mean dismissing everything out of hand because it is not in the bible.....otherwise we would be walking everywhere, have no internet to chat on, women and children would be the property of their husbands and i may have a camel in me back yard instead of a mountain bike


Eldrick Report 13 May 2008 15:51

I admire your philosophy - I think I feel the same way, but I wouldn't like to nail my colours to the mast just

And after all.....if the stuff that has been force fed to us from childhood about afterlife and all that mullarkey is true...there is no reason to fear death....

Can of worms fully opened now I think!


Amanda2003 Report 13 May 2008 15:45

I'd die is after all part of life is it not ?


Eldrick Report 13 May 2008 15:44

pretty much agree...but let me be devils advocate.....

If you found that a cure existed for your terminal illness but it was banned because it was a genetic engineering thing...what would you do....?


Amanda2003 Report 13 May 2008 15:40

Well nature gets my vote...........I do not hold with Genetic engineering .

Didn't some bright spark of a scientist think it was a good idea to feed cattle with " food stuff" produced
from the bodies of sheep ?........." mad cow " was born.

G.M. crops are already causeing problems in certain areas.....insects being rendered infertile
by them..........cross contamination etc.

Science is so clever at offering hope to the sick and needy.........then the NHS can't afford all these is a sad World.

*Ophelia.taking a break..*

*Ophelia.taking a break..* Report 13 May 2008 14:36

ce la vie..and kay se ra se ra!..(not sure of spellings..spelt it phenectically!)...


Eldrick Report 13 May 2008 14:28

And it brings us back to the old truism.....

If life money could buy....

The rich would live and the poor would die....

*Ophelia.taking a break..*

*Ophelia.taking a break..* Report 13 May 2008 14:26

yes, this is true Eldrick..I think science runs into problems when ethics are concerned..i.e when that French lady had a face transplant..that for me was over stepping boundaries..


Eldrick Report 13 May 2008 14:22

I thnk the argument is between allowing nature to take its course v interfering by the use of science.

Both arguments have valid points - but there is no validity in any religious appraisal of the concepts.

*Ophelia.taking a break..*

*Ophelia.taking a break..* Report 13 May 2008 14:16

Genetic engineering has its place..and is here to stay..with so many people on transplant lists it is a solution to many problems..One could argue that mankind is playing "God"..and that it has "Frankenstein" qualities..but that was said with the first heart transplant and the kin..and fertilised eggs being frozen for I.V.F purposes..Genetic engineering is the next stage forward for the 21st century.


DIZZI Report 13 May 2008 14:01


YES I AGREE I WANT NOW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Eldrick Report 13 May 2008 13:55

You mistake me for someone who owns a bible, cares about the bible or has any interest in the bible.

Chapter 3 of the Hobbit has about the same meaning for me!

I suppose that old rubbish about Ezekial and his spacemen pals is scientifically proven as well, lol?


tory Report 13 May 2008 13:47

i think people have to make there own informed decision on the subject and it is always going to be a contentious one


Colin Report 13 May 2008 13:44

Dear old boy.
Read the book of Job, full of
proven scientific fact, before one condemns,one
should, as they say in the Hallowed Halls

Play the game-for the games sake.' What'



Eldrick Report 13 May 2008 13:39

nor have they proven any of it to be right.

No one has proven any of the Lord of the Rings to be wrong either.

I take the science route.

You take the religious route.

No problem!


Colin Report 13 May 2008 13:32

your obviousley a man given to detail--tell me
do Dandilions have brains, because ive observed
they dont just settle anywhere--they will land--
then as if to say---i dont like it here--they take off
ime just a dumb old country lad who observes
things around me--and they all scream out
CREATION------------as to religion well i wouldnt
argue with you there------------As to the bible
nobody has ever proven any of its fact to be wrong

colin F

Running Bear

Running Bear Report 13 May 2008 13:32

wot does the future hold for us, i see all living things grown to order, all humans will be created in the lab, no defects, total control who lives how much food they require etc etc.


Eldrick Report 13 May 2008 13:31

Well, its such a huge topic it needs to be broken down into different areas.

Its very simplistic to treat it as a single concept.

I know whats coming, its the should man play God thing. Science versus religion.


tory Report 13 May 2008 13:27

I think he ment in general Eldrick :-))


Colin Report 13 May 2008 13:24

Morning Arch. nice to see you
have a good day from the ugly
